„All living creatures in fact mostly want to live in a world, where everyone likes each other,

therefore everyone is still obliged to cause the least possible death and pain."


All the rest consists more in views (speculations).


(I.e. the maximum compliance of good and evil individuals, virtually good and evil)


JUDr. Dalibor Grůza Ph.D.

Own expense, Hustopeče, Czech Republic, copyleft 2016.

In support of the political Party for the Rights of All Living Creatures .

This book is released under CC BY-SA 3.0, text of the license see: .


E-mail: ,

See also literature: , , : My film in Czech language: Zahájí radikální muslimové brzy atomovou válku? Je evoluce přírody milosrdná? Porážková daň. , : My film in English with multilingual subtitles: Will radical Muslims soon start atomic war? Is nature's evolution merciful? Slaughter tax. ,



A/ Solved examples … 3

1 About the women wearing Muslim dress in schools in the West according to the Philosophy of Balance … 3

2 Attitude of the Philosophy of Balance to the Israeli conflict … 3

3 Solution of crisis in Iraq and Syria according to Philosophy of Balance … 4

4 Problem of separatism in Ukraine and of Russia … 5

5 Breeding of fleas and scabies according to Philosophy of Balance … 14

6 Steps of the West in Afghanistan, according to the Philosophy of Balance ... 20

7 China problem … 20

8 Coalition of Greens and ANO as voters' fraud? …21

9 Attitude according to the Philosophy of Balance to the current bill on the Šumava National Park and national parks and nature … 22

10 Attitude to Catholic dogmas and dogma of love according to Philosophy of Balance … 24

11 About sexual deviations also about homosexuality and their therapy according to Philosophy of Balance … 38

12 In what army I would work voluntarily according to Philosophy of Balance … 46

13 Common learning of disabled and healthy children … 50

14 Psychology of care and care for the seriously or terminally ill living creatures according Philosophy of Balance … 52

15 Judicial torture (at Guantanamo) according to Philosophy of Balance … 54

16 Debt relief of Greece according to Philosophy of Balance … 55

17 Diseases and their merciful therapy according to Philosophy of Balance … 57

18 Solution of Muslim war refugees in Europe to Philosophy of Balance … 68

19 Construction of automate as living creature, man or as God according to Phil. of Balance … 72


B/ Commentaries … 75


1 Women and Devil according to Philosophy of Balance … 75

2 Offspring and validity of Philosophy of Balance … 81

3 Packs and my pack … 86

4 Jewish deicide … 99

5 Wrong, i.e. against love part of the New Testament … 101

6 Effeminacy of Philosophy of Balance or fear of God … 103

7 About (enforcing) fruitarianism according to Philosophy of Balance … 104

8 Remedy of scientific error of Darwinism in Philosophy of Balance? … 121


C/ Appendices … 123


Philosophy of Balance or ORDER OF VICTORIOUS ARMY as biblical paradise in the world for all living creatures by our own forces as commentary on Bible, Genesis, chapter 1-4 … 123


(All quotations from the Bible in this book because of copyright are on principle in Czech from Kralice Bible see : Bible of Kralice, Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University, Prague , originally all inspired by the Bible Old and New Testaments | including deuterocanonic books |, Czech ecumenical translation, CZECH Bible Society, 1995, see , in English from King James Version )

A/ Solved examples

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 28/08/2014 21:09:50

1 About the women wearing Muslim dress in schools in the West according to the Philosophy of Balance : K nošení muslimského oděvu žen ve školách dle FR


Post of Dalibor Grůza

About the women wearing Muslim dress in schools in the West according to the Philosophy of Balance: There should be chosen schools, where this dress is permitted that Muslim women do not lose the possibility of education, which is the fulfillment of obligations under the Philosophy of Balance to cause the least possible death and pain, namely mental pain of these women.

(see , , )

Above it is a temporary solution that does not solve according to the Philosophy of Balance the crisis, that is to follow as revenge of living microorganisms for by us tortured living creatures especially different from humans, unless a change in our relationship to nature and living creatures.

(see , , )

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 31/08/2014 12:29:19


Post of Dalibor Grůza

2 Attitude of the Philosophy of Balance to the Israeli conflict : Postoj Filosofie rovnováhy k izraelskému konfliktu

According to the Philosophy of Balance I recognize the right of Israel to defend against missiles, including the bombing of the Gaza Strip, the USA and the world would have had to force on Israel to minimize when the defense maximally the victims of the Palestinians, because the victims of Palestinian missiles are minimal compared to the thousands of civilian victims of Palestinians at air raids of Israeli aircrafts, i.e. the Western world especially the United States should provide for this purpose for Israelis sophisticated weapons, for example. the complete laser-guided only most targeted effective bombs.

(see , , )

Above it is a temporary solution that does not solve according to the Philosophy of Balance the crisis, that is to follow as revenge of living microorganisms for by us tortured living creatures especially different from humans, unless a change in our relationship to nature and living creatures.

(see , , )

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 28/08/2014 14:42:43

3 Solution of crisis in Iraq and Syria according to Philosophy of Balance : Problém separatismu na Ukrajině a Ruska


Post of Dalibor Grůza

According to the Philosophy of Balance the rule is valid:


Post of Dalibor Grůza

In the attack as an appropriate response to attack by society of living organisms it should always be considered if:

1) We are able to stop the attack from the side of the living world, sooner or later, without us getting seriously hurt by the attacker and we cause the least possible death and pain of living creatures (see variable momentum vector p1 above in my diagram), or

2) We are able the attack from the society of living organisms only to hamper (see variable momentum vector p2 in my above mentioned diagram), without us getting seriously hurt by the attacker and we cause the least possible death and pain of living creatures, cessation of attacks by living organisms in this case, then we leave it to another living organism (see variable momentum vector p1 above, that in my diagram). Philosophy of Balance p. 48

Hence, it is always necessary to choose a solution that causes the least possible death and pain.

Just west arming of Iraqi Kurds and Shiite Iraqi allies of Iran can so easily turn against the West, remember to Iran and the PKK. According to the rules of Philosophy of Balance it probably needs to be further accepted the division of Iraq into a Shiite, Kurdish and Sunni part represented by the Islamic State in Iraq and immediately, before the many victims among Muslims when against peace the Islamic law vendetta will stand in the way, to initiate multilateral negotiations between the West and all parties in the conflict also with the Islamic State in Iraq, which is generally accepted as the legitimate government of Iraqi Sunnis, and to guarantee their borders with the support of the Western Air Forces. Just arming and inciting the Shiites and Kurds in Iraq equal disproportionate counterattack of West against attack of Sunnis, which seems to bring great future victims (like now in Ukraine).

(see , , )

Above it is a temporary solution that does not solve according to the Philosophy of Balance the crisis, that is to follow as revenge of living microorganisms for by us tortured living creatures especially different from humans, unless a change in our relationship to nature and living creatures.

(see , , )

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 11/09/2014 18:59:10

Prior to the start of another war in Iraq United States should attempt negotiations with the Sunni Islamic State about recognition of existing borders, about the standards of its behavior towards minorities and about other offensive war in order to escape the American bombing, because it is probably the generally accepted state establishment of Iraqi Sunnis. And that is before it is shed much blood on both sides, because among Muslims, who are still maintained tribal and family relations, is in force according to the Qur'an and the tradition of law of blood vendetta, i.e. the obligation of members of the large family to take revenge on Americans for the death of every single Muslim by the death of the same number of Americans caused by Muslims as well as to repay torture, for example. waterboarding with same torture, which also explains the beheading of Americans by Americans bombed members of the Islamic State or which hinders the achievement of the seriously minded peace between Palestinians and Israelis, when the Israelis killed in the past a large number of Palestinians. Hatred against Americans supported by the above blood vendetta of Muslims for by Americans killed Muslims in Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan may contribute to the unification of all Muslims, both in Africa, Asia, and Europe against the West and especially the United States in the future.

(see , , )

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 17/09/2014 07:37:53

Prior to starting another war in Iraq and Syria, which causes a lot of death and pain and application of the Koran law of the blood vendetta against the West by Muslims such as in Libya or Afghanistan, the West should try a diplomatic solution by the division of territories and the guarantee of right to life of their population on the basis of agreement guaranteed by the international community between Sunnis and Shiites in Syria and Iraq, even without or with the Islamic State, which is apparently a legitimate form of government of Iraqi and Syrian Sunnis. The boundaries of these territories and guarantee of the right to life of their population the West should guarantee in particular against aggression of the Islamic State, and even by the threat of air raids of aircrafts, virtually of subsequent ground military operation in Iraq and Syria in compliance with the main obligation according to the Philosophy of Balance to cause the least possible death and pain, which means in particular politics of containment of aggression on those territories with the minimum necessary military actions on the territory of the aggressor to protect the lives of their inhabitants with the greatest minimizing victims on lives, even of aggressors.

(see , , )

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 02/03/2014 16:31:51


Post of Dalibor Grůza

4 Problem of separatism in Ukraine and of Russia : Problém separatismu na Ukrajině a Ruska

I refer here to my solution to a similar problem in my Philosophy of Balance:

 Example of applications of my Political Economy is my contribution to the discussion on:§ionId=742 : 2008, BĚLEHRAD, Novinky, ČTK

The focus here is on Article on: Serbia has proposed to split its former province of Kosovo along ethnic boundaries between majority Albanians and minority Serbs. The proposal was submitted to the UN, Serbian media said on Monday. Kosovo from Serbia tore last month.

 As to me it is always necessary to take into account the policy aspect of a decline in crime. With the decline of crime in society of Serbs and Albanians in Kosovo the growth of freedom and the economy in Kosovo, both of Serbs and Albanians is related too. The decrease in crime in Kosovo shall ensure, in my opinion, only the division of Albania and the Serbian part with the fact, that there is an exchange of population on the basis of concrete agreement Serbs in the Albanian and Albanians in the Serbian part of Kosovo, of which a guarantor would be the United Nations. Philosophy of Balance p. 129-130

(see )

Above it is a temporary solution that does not solve according to the Philosophy of Balance the crisis, that is to follow as revenge of living microorganisms for by us tortured living creatures especially different from humans, unless a change in our relationship to nature and living creatures.

(see , , )

Concerned rules of the Philosophy of Balance:


Post of Dalibor Grůza

2) A human has a duty to kill as few of living creatures as possible (i.e. for the protection of life) and if so then those naturally feeling the least pain.1) (i.e. according to me a human can kill any living creature only if the probability of at least 95-100 %, that he or she saves in this way the life of other living creature, so that in this way he or she caused the least possible death and pain). Philosophy of Balance p. 23

(see )

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 29/08/2014 22:21:48

Towards the analogy of Ukraine, Crimea, Russia, Russian minorities in neighboring countries, Nazi Germany, pre-war Czechoslovakia and Poland and the Munich Agreement it may be noted that according to the Philosophy of Balance the Munich Agreement was not fundamental error which changed territories of the above mentioned countries based on referendums and national key which corresponds to the rule of Philosophy Balance to cause the least possible death and pain, namely here by preventing civil or international war as much as possible otherwise unavoidable.

(see , , )

Concerned rules of the Philosophy of Balance:


Post of Dalibor Grůza

PHILOSOPHY OF LOVE OR ORDER OF VICTORIOUS ARMY: „All living creatures in fact mostly want to live in a world, where everyone likes each other, therefore everyone is still obliged to cause the least possible death and pain."

1) A human must never kill any living creature, especially human (or him- or herself). (i.e. according to me for the probability of 0-5 percents, that a human kills the human, the first human must begin to save this second human, i.e. at worst case only to recede) Philosophy of Balance p. 23

2.1 In the case of an attack by the living creatures against a certain individual it is reasonable, so that this individual responded in contrast to paragraph ad 1.1 not by a retreat but by appropriate attack against the society of living creatures

2) We are able the attack from the society of living organisms only to hamper (see variable momentum vector p2 in my above mentioned diagram), without us getting seriously hurt by the attacker and we cause the least possible death and pain of living creatures, cessation of attacks by living organisms in this case, then we leave it to another living organism (see variable momentum vector p1 above, that in my diagram). Philosophy of Balance p. 48

(see ,  )

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 01/09/2014 17:03:11

According to the Philosophy of Balance it must always be responded to attack by appropriate counter-attack, without us getting seriously hurt by the attacker and we cause the least possible death and pain (see earlier in this topic cited rules of the Philosophy of Balance), therefore it is necessary to escalate economic sanctions against Russia, which may subsequently be mitigated if Russia does not continue military offensive to other states west from Russia.

(see , , )

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 06/09/2014 15:26:14

To the retreat of Russia by its support for a ceasefire in Ukraine during the offensive of pro-Russian separatists in Ukraine it should be responded by immediate retreat of the West from a part of its economic sanctions against Russia.

(see , , )

Concerned rules of the Philosophy of Balance in order to cause the least possible death and pain:


Post of Dalibor Grůza

2.2 In the case of retreat of society of living creatures from a particular individual it is reasonable, that this individual responded in contrast to paragraph ad 1.2 not by an attack but by an adequate retreat from the society of living creatures. Philosophy of Balance p. 48

(see )

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 09/09/2014 20:24:26

In order to maintain the ceasefire in meantime, in Ukraine the definition of the areas under the administration of the separatists and vice versa of Kiev should occur by referendums with the fact, that there is an exchange of population on the basis of concrete agreement of specific people in both areas, all under the supervision of the international community (see my first post).

(see , , , , , )

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 11/09/2014 18:00:54

The escalation of Western economic sanctions against Russia, which initiated the valid ceasefire in eastern Ukraine during the offensive of pro-Russian separatists, is contrary to the above rule to cause the least possible death and pain and its sub-rule to reply to retreat by an adequate retreat, which may lead to recurrence of civil war in eastern Ukraine, while attempt for peace by Russia is punished by the European Union and by the USA and Russia will not have anything to lose by the outbreak of civil war in Eastern Ukraine again, as well as economic sanctions are already in force, and separatists and Russia can only acquire additional territory of according to them Russian-minded people through further war.

Instead it is necessary to propose holding referendums under the supervision of the international community under compliance with Western standards, notably the secret voting (i.e. balloting) on whether the inhabitants of the regions of eastern Ukraine want to belong under the administration of pro-Russian separatists or Kiev and it is the only way possible to legitimize the alleged claims of pro-Russian separatists, virtually of Russia or vice versa Kiev, virtually of the West, whether they are on the territory of eastern Ukraine liberators or aggressors, fascists, terrorists and occupiers, how both sides are blaming each other in their propaganda without the aforementioned evidence. The European Union and the USA should not push Kiev to civil war in eastern Ukraine, to which above escalation of Western economic sanctions against Russia contributes also according to me, which is really inconsistent with the ideal of justice, and they should request the holding of above referendums, which is standard way to solve the matter peacefully in the West, where there is a civil war otherwise unavoidable.

In my opinion Czech diplomacy should remain in the interest of peace according to the Philosophy of Balance for the current situation in its position with reservations about economic sanctions of the European Union and the USA against Russia and suggest with caution the aforementioned referendums under the supervision of the international community that the real residents of eastern Ukraine could express themselves to their future.

(see , , )

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 12/09/2014 20:50:12

How should Russia respond in Ukraine to the unjust escalation of Western sanctions according to the Philosophy of Balance

At the time of the nascent ceasefire on the eastern Ukraine initiated by Russia the Western escalation of sanctions threatens according to the Philosophy of Balance to cause further unnecessary death and pain through renewal of war in the eastern Ukraine, therefore it is unfair. Russia as the weaker party stands here against the West, which behave unfairly in the above manner, as the result Russia would have to rely on justice (i.e. legitimacy), which in the long time should win over the force of the West, where because of the democratic public opinion finally the justice must outweigh apparently the injustice and relating propaganda.

Russia should apply the rule of the Philosophy of Balance, that it must always be responded to attack by appropriate counter-attack, without us getting seriously hurt by the attacker and we cause the least possible death and pain (see earlier in this topic cited rules of the Philosophy of Balance)

Russia should initiate within its legitimacy on the territories controlled by the separatists referendums about their connection to Russia or maintenance their membership in Ukraine according to Western standards of electoral law, especially as regards the guarantee of secrecy of voting (i.e. balloting), under the widest possible international control, for example. UN, OSCE, Non-Aligned Movement (states), etc., then Russia should  enable the exchange of population under international supervision in the following areas, that want to connect to Russia, and the areas, that want to maintain their membership in Ukraine, all based on the agreements of the specific inhabitants. The areas, where the majority of the people will express in referendums in favor of the connection to Russia, should then be connected to Russia and the areas, that want to stay in Ukraine, let Ukraine keep under the administration of pro-Russian separatists, that they could be currently offered and later exchanged for areas controlled currently by the Ukrainian army, which areas want to connect to Russia on the basis of the consent of the majority of the population. Furthermore with the support of its legitimacy Russia should apply economic counter-sanctions against the West, but selectively, Russia might not apply them eg. against the Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Hungary and possibly Germany, which were with reserves to escalate economic sanctions of the West against Russia and to escalate conflict in Ukraine and positively to search its diplomatic solution with the fact, that this legitimacy and this method of selective application of economic counter-sanctions of Russia against the West in connection with democracy in the West should lead in a shorter time to a reversal of public opinion in the West in favour of Russia and the disintegration of the unity of the West as a result of public opinion in relation to Ukraine.

(see , , , )

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 13/09/2014 18:58:30

How should the West act according to the Philosophy of Balance in the Ukraine and in relation to Russia

If Russia chooses as a response to unjust acts of the West against main obligation of everyone according to the Philosophy of Balance to cause the least possible death and pain involving an escalation of the West's economic sanctions against Russia also in this sense unjust escalation of the military conflict in Ukraine, so the West should respond with the escalation of economic sanctions against Russia and initiation of international negotiations on the division of Ukraine on the basis of a referendum under the supervision of the international community in relation to ethnicity. In case of success of the above measures within the above causing the least possible death and pain the West should not arm the Ukraine with more modern weapons, or the military conflict with Russia will highly probably be transmitted to the Baltic States, where there are also large minorities of Russian population. In the event of war with Russia in the Baltic states then need will be apparently within the above causing the least possible death and pain to suggest the division of the territory of the Baltic States on the basis of a referendum under the supervision of the international community in relation to ethnicity or to arm the Baltic States and to sent to fight Western troops on this area, which will not probably the United States and Western countries be willing in a greater extent. As the result of the above extensive military conflict the militarization and fascism of European powers, especially Germany and France will threaten, which will create their own sphere of international influence in order to defend against Russia. In case of war in the Baltic States Russia may also strive for a military offensive in Eastern Europe to the countries of the former Eastern Bloc. Within the above causing the least possible death and pain the division of spheres of influence among militarized and in this way fascist European powers Russia, France and Germany can also occur, which will have nuclear weapons.

Therefore I recommend the West within the above main obligation of everyone according to the Philosophy of Balance to cause the least possible death and pain to establish immediately clear and specific date of withdrawal of the escalation of economic sanctions against Russia in case of observance of the ceasefire in Ukraine until that time and in case of otherwise unavoidable war the initiation of international negotiations on the division of Ukraine on the basis of a referendum under the supervision of the international community in relation to ethnicity, in other cases there is highly probably a big unnecessary death and pain in case of the escalation of military conflict at least in Ukraine.

(see , , )

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 16/09/2014 15:58:38

Steps of Ukraine according to the Philosophy of Balance


Post of Dalibor Grůza

On Tuesday the Ukraine's parliament approved at its closed session a bill on the special status of the separating regions in the east of the country. Parts of the Donetsk and Luhansk region should have the self government in the next three years. Kiev also offers amnesty for separatists on condition, that they will lay down their arms. (see : 2014, Kyjev - Novinky

According to the Philosophy of Balance and according to me Ukraine partially correctly (see sub-rule of the Philosophy of Balance in relation to its main rule to cause the least possible death and pain, i.e. to respond to retreat by adequate retreat, not with attack) responded by the disproportionate, virtually insufficient retreat to the in spite of all violations after all still retreat of pro-Russian separatists in Ukraine, who at the time of their offensive negotiated the ceasefire with Ukraine and they suspended so their ongoing offensive. Sufficient retreat would require, that Ukraine proposes and Ukraine initiates, that the West approves withdrawal of the latest escalation of Western economic sanctions against Russia in a specific date in case of observance of the ceasefire by the pro-Russian separatists until that time.

(see , , )

Problem of Russia according to Philosophy of Balance

Printed from: Diskusní fórum
Theme web: : , Problém separatismu na Ukrajině a Ruska

Printed on: 18/12/2014


Theme author: Dalibor Grůza
Theme: Problém Ruska dle Filosofie rovnováhy
Time: 18/12/2014 08:20:06


Post of Dalibor Grůza

The situation is critical, admitted Russia. On Wednesday First Deputy Governor of the Bank of Russia Sergei Schevcov admitted that the situation of ruble is critical. He added that the central bank will continue with measures to stabilize the currency. Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said that the measure would be in a market way, and he ordered daily monitoring of the effects of interventions. According to him the fall in oil prices and sanctions imposed on Russia are responsible for the crisis. (see : 2014, Moskva, Novinky

Concerned rules of Philosophy of Balance:



„All living creatures in fact mostly want to live in a world, where everyone likes each other, therefore everyone is still obliged to cause the least possible death and pain." All the rest consists more in views (speculations).

... 1) A human must never kill any living creature, especially human (or him- or herself). (i.e. according to me for the probability of 0-5 percents, that a human kills the human, the first human must begin to save this second human, i.e. at worst case only to recede)

2) A human has a duty to kill as few of living creatures as possible (i.e. for the protection of life) and if so then those naturally feeling the least pain.1) (i.e. according to me a human can kill any living creature only if the probability of at least 95-100 %, that he or she saves in this way the life of other living creature, so that in this way he or she caused the least possible death and pain).   Philosophy of Balance p. 23

... ad 2) Reasonable behavior:

2.1 In the case of an attack by the living creatures against a certain individual it is reasonable, so that this individual responded in contrast to paragraph ad 1.1 not by a retreat but by appropriate attack against the society of living creatures
... 1) We are able to stop the attack from the side of the living world, sooner or later, without us getting seriously hurt by the attacker and we cause the least possible death and pain  of living creatures Philosophy of Balance p. 48

... Variables strong, really successful-S tends to poor, when their abuse of power), weak, really unsuccessful-W (tends to be good when learning from their weakness), good-G (tends to be strong, if others will appreciate their goodness), bad-B (tends to be weak, if the others revenge for their wickedness), Philosophy of Balance p. 389

... The fire represents burning, on burning seems to be based all movement in our Universe but also on Earth (e.g., motor vehicles, aircrafts and other machines, heating as well as physical movement of burning nutrients). Only organic compounds (i.e. cadavers of living creatures) can be burnt with exception of nuclear energy, such as wood, grass, animal fats, vegetable oils, coal, natural gas, oil, etc. It can be distinguished into organic fuel (i.e., of living mass) to its acquisition must be killed some living creature as wood, grass, animal fats, vegetable oils, etc., and organic fuel from the long-dead living creatures such as coal, natural gas, oil, etc. ... Therefore, from an environmental perspective in the global economy only a bare minimum combustion-production and services should be allowed to ensure necessary and in terms of least possible death and pain needed dignified livelihood and welfare of all people in the world, and we should not seek in the States, where such conditions are already secured, the philosophy of sustainable economic growth (it means increasing production and services-combustion), but to maintain or reduce current level of production and services-combustion in states with high level of production and services-combustion (this is especially the rich Western countries) at the expense of necessary economic development (production and services-combustion increase) in other states (as especially for poor developing countries). Philosophy of Balance p. 359-360

(see , , )

From the above it follows that the reduction of national economic product of the State is not necessarily wrong, according to the Philosophy of Balance it should be used to reduce death and pain caused by the state economy, therefore it is necessary in this case to reduce state consumption in a controlled way. For these reasons I recommend within the Philosophy of Balance not to oppose the gradual devaluation of the ruble, National Bank interventions should be limited that the devaluation of the ruble was not abrupt but gradual.

In order to limit unnecessary death and pain it is necessary to force the pro-Russian rebels in Ukraine for an immediate cessation of war actions, in which people are dying and that resulted in economic sanctions of the West.

As the mentioned above reasonable counterattack against the West steps against Russia I would limit Russia's sanctions against imports of western food only in animal products, i.e. made from meat, milk and eggs from industrial slaughter factory farms because they cause the most death and pain, excluding animal organic foods. Furthermore in accordance with the Philosophy of Balance I would hold in the territories of pro-Russian separatists in Ukraine referendums in compliance with Western electoral standards on connection to Russia, and possibly according to their results I would join temporarily (as the protection) these territories to Russia and thereby I would stop the Ukraine attacks on these territories.

Improved performance of the above permanent obligation under the Philosophy of Balance causing the least possible death and pain should be reflected in the gradual improvement of economic situation in Russia.

Possible offensive of Russia to the Baltic States

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 04/01/2015 18:14:59


Post of Dalibor Grůza

... in December the Obama team completed a thorough analysis ... The initiator of searching the contact with Russia is the current US Secretary of State John Kerry. ... He suggested to Lavrov, that the hardest part of sanctions would be terminated, if Russia fulfills the September agreement from Minsk to terminate fighting in eastern Ukraine and to stop supporting separatists. ...

(see : 2015, roš, Právo )

The above steps of USA, which I had proposed on September 6, 2014 after the agreement in Minsk (see above), were taken late, but better late than never

In case, that Russia would supported also possible Russian separatists in the Baltic States, so that the threat of war will be here otherwise unavoidable, I recommend according to the Philosophy of Balance within the permanent obligation of each to cause the least possible death and pain the international division of the territory of the Baltic states with a population exchange under ethnic key based on referendums according to Western democratic election standards and the current escalation of in particular economic sanctions against Russia, I would suggest to start the war only if the potential Russian separatists and Russia continue its military offensive to the West then.

(see , , )

Possible agreement between Russia and the USA on Ukraine

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 04/01/2015 18:14:59


Post of Dalibor Grůza

... in December the Obama team completed a thorough analysis ... The initiator of searching the contact with Russia is the current US Secretary of State John Kerry. ... He suggested to Lavrov, that the hardest part of sanctions would be terminated, if Russia fulfills the September agreement from Minsk to terminate fighting in eastern Ukraine and to stop supporting separatists. ...

(see : 2015, roš, Právo )

As part of a permanent obligation of each according to the Philosophy of Balance to cause the least possible death and pain Russia should accept the special status of the territories controlled by the separatists based on the agreement from Minsk under sovereignty of Ukraine with it, that these territories would become members of the Commonwealth of Independent States under the leadership of Russia, while the rest of Ukraine would have the association agreement with the European Union, that the hardest part of Western sanctions is terminated.

(see , , )

Answer of the West, that the separatists under the leadership of Russia escalate the killing and refuse negotiations

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 27/01/2015 22:35:27


Post of Dalibor Grůza

The president of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic Alexandr Zacharcenko refused on Friday to hold further talks with Kiev about ceasefire. He confirmed, that his forces are taking the offensive to dominate the entire Donetsk region.

(see : Kyjev, 2015, aš, Novinky )

Separatists under the leadership of Russia escalate the killing and reject negotiations. According to the above rules of the Philosophy of Balance about mercy, when in the past the offensive and related killing escalated both Ukraine under the leadership of the West and separatists under the leadership of Russia, that both sides acted unmercifully and unjustly, the West must take responsibility for its mistakes. From beginning it was necessary according to the of Philosophy of Balance to realize division of Ukraine based on referendums, not a war, into the territory of the pro-Russian population partially now controlled by separatists. Therefore the West should deploy its troops on the territory of Ukraine with pro-Western population with a guarantee, that, if the separatists incited by Russia attack these territorie, so the West will defend militarily them. And further the West should immediately start negotiations on the future division of Ukraine into the part of the pro-Russian and pro-Western population and their future constitutional arrangement. Thereby extension of this conflict, particularly to the Baltic States will be avoided at maximum.

(see , , )

5 Breeding of fleas and scabies according to Philosophy of Balance : Chov blech

Treatment of fleas

Printed from: Diskusní fórum
Theme web: : Chov blech

Printed on: 28/08/2014


Theme author: Dalibor Grůza
Theme: Chov blech
Time: 08/08/2014 21:24:32


Post of Dalibor Grůza

How to intervene mercifully against excessively reproduced fleas

Overpopulation of fleas threatens the life of a dog as well as an owner of an apartment, it is a vicious circle. The more blood females drink, the more eggs they lay. The more eggs they lay, the more blood their descendants drink again, if fleas prefer their reproduction to life in symbiosis with their host, so the amount of sucked blood is increasing by them exponentially and at their overpopulation their number must be reduced the most mercifully as possible by the human again to be given them the opportunity to learn them to live in symbiosis with their host. Therefore at flea overpopulation, when my dog could not sleep, as he bit his itchy fleas, I recommend apparently veterinary products with the active ingredient propoxur from company Bayer as a collar for dogs, which is effective only on adult fleas, not on the eggs and larvae in contact with the animal, and let it work for a period of about 1-1,5 months, when the fleas development cycle lasts in good conditions on average 21 days and on the animal there is only 5% of the population, i.e. of adult fleas, the rest mainly larvae and eggs are in the ambient environment of the animal, thereby it is necessary to reduce the amount of the fleas and the collar must be removed thereafter to give fleas a chance again, whether they reproduce excessively or they do not reproduce excessively to live with their host in symbiosis.

The above insecticide (insect-killing) collar is to be combined with the repellent flea collar, so that fleas do not contact the insecticide-treated dog at all, possibly also after above removing of above mentioned insecticidal collar, although efficacy of repellent collars, which are in particular of organic basis, is generally poor according to my vet. In my friendly pet store they recommended me the repellent collar Bio Band from Dutch company Beaphar B.V. with active ingredients: extract of margosa and lavender oil.

Literature: , : Farmakologie v produkci potravin, Veterinární a farmaceutická univerzita Brno, Centrum informačních technologií
, : ANTIPARAZITIKA VE VETERINÁRNÍ MEDICÍNĚ, Doc. MVDr. Alfred Hera, CSc.,át%20na%20blechy.pdf : Veterina Vizovice - Lucie Hruzíková, : Anémie (chudokrevnost), MUDr. Sylva Šebková, : Proč chránit psa a kočku proti blechám a klíšťatům? Rizika, nemoci, prevence, řešení, zdroj informací: Frontline, Bayer, Bioveta a.s., : Text: Daniela Duchková a MVDr. Barbara Lenská, VETCENTRUM Duchek s.r.o., Foto: Daniela Duchková, : Penecos-N spol. s r.o., obchod Plzeň a veterinární ordinace

According to the rule of the Philosophy of Balance:

2) A human has a duty to kill as few of living creatures as possible (i.e. for the protection of life) and if so then those naturally feeling the least pain.1) (i.e. according to me a human can kill any living creature only if the probability of at least 95-100 %, that he or she saves in this way the life of other living creature, so that in this way he or she caused the least possible death and pain). 

i.e. I cannot know, whether the above repellent collar works or not, i.e. 95-100% probability of saving the life of a dog and his or her owner, when using the above insecticidal collar, is not fulfilled. It is possible, that this repellent collar reduces the amount of blood sucked from the dog and thus it reduces naturally gradually the amount of eggs laid by fleas and thus the population of fleas.

In the above source of literature: : Penecos-N spol. s r.o., obchod Plzeň a veterinární ordinace there is opinion shared by breeder, that this flea collar does not work, that the above repellent collar " is totally dysfunctional in a month … population of fleas is on the dog again … “ "However it is necessary to give this collar a chance and for the present not to use the above mentioned insecticidal collar, because according to the literature: it is in the case of margosa the plant Azadirachta indica, which acts as a bio repellent. It is necessary to spray this repellent repeatedly, at least every ten days. (It does not directly kill insects. This is a repellent and egg-laying deterrent protection. The insects starve.) According to the literature:át%20na%20blechy.pdf : Veterina Vizovice - Lucie Hruzíková "fleas survive without food for several months."

My aim is symbiosis of fleas with dog, not their extinction, if it does not succeed in this manner while exclusively using the above repellent collar to reduce the overpopulation of fleas, so it will be necessary to use again the above mentioned insecticidal collar, which should be according to the literature: relatively merciful, because it was introduced in 1959 (the experimental animals almost forgot caused death and pain after so long time) and it has a fast lethal effect.

(see , , )

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 23/08/2014 06:44:30

My dog has great difficulties with fleas again, because according to the literature it is necessary to spray this repellent repeatedly, at least every ten days, I will buy for him and use for him new above repellent collar sooner, than I would possibly use for him the above mentioned insecticide collar again.

(see , , ), Symbiotic agriculture and experiments of natural science proving Philosophy of Balance p. 45-46

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 24/08/2014 23:13:23

Today I gave to my dog ​​above mentioned insecticidal collar, because there was another excessive reproduction of his fleas and I let him keep both above repellent collars that it discourages as much as possible fleas from the intervention of the above insecticidal collar.

(see , , )

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 25/08/2014 20:29:51


Post of Dalibor Grůza

My instructions listed above can be now considered as obsolete, because if I want to go even closer to paradise on my garden and at my home I cannot permanently exclude any living creatures from this paradise, nor ticks, fleas, mosquitoes, bedbugs, South American vampire (i.e. vampire bats), because those living creatures can behave responsibly and not suck more blood than necessary. Therefore, these creatures must be repeatedly tested, whether they abuse being let into our homes, where they would reproduce excessively, then it may be necessary to intervene against them in as most humanely way as possible or in extreme emergency to kill some of them in most humanely way as possible or they will behave responsibly in accordance with the most basic axiom (i.e. the probable but unproved finding) of my Philosophy of Balance that all the living creatures, including these blood-eaters in fact mostly want to live in a world, where everyone likes each other.

(see, Philosophy of Balance p. 357

According to the above-quoted rule of the Philosophy of Balance see I took away from my dog ​​above mentioned insecticidal collar after 1 day of use. According to my vet this insecticidal collar has fully effect, i.e. according to my vet all adult fleas are killed in two days and in one day half the adult fleas. Removing the above insecticidal collar from my dog ​​one day before killing all adult fleas I am trying to educate the remaining half of fleas to live with my dog ​​in the above symbiosis and to save also this way of life to their genetic code for future generations of fleas.

(see , , )

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 26/08/2014 11:55:30

Since 95% of the flea population is in the environment and new fleas constantly are hatching, had not removing of above insecticidal collar from my dog after 1 day above ​​ effect on behavior and excessive reproduction of fleas on my dog. That's why I gave to my dog ​​ above insecticide (insect-killing) collar again, that I combine with the above repellent collar against fleas. I will use the aforementioned insecticidal collar, as I mention above, about one month, which will have effect of necessary reducing the amount of fleas and thereafter the collar must be removed to give fleas a chance again, whether they reproduce excessively or they do not reproduce excessively to live with their host in symbiosis. As I mentioned above, fleas survive without food for several months.

(see , , )

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 26/08/2014 18:05:15

It is in the case of margosa the plant Azadirachta indica, which acts as a bio repellent. It is necessary to spray this repellent repeatedly, at least every ten days. Above insecticide (insect-killing) collar I combine with the above repellent collar against fleas, this repellent collar with margosa extract must be changed according to the above-mentioned literature 1x for 10 days because of its efficiency and because of mercy, i.e. because of protection of fleas from the intervention of the above insecticide collar in contact with my dog​​.

(see , , )

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 26/08/2014 20:35:41

Further literature: , , : DIFFUSIL CARE proti vším 150ml, Lékárna Krčská, Praha 4, , : (apparently see :) How To Control Flea Infestation On Dogs, Michael Fortomas, 2006, Copyright 2005-2016 Pet Information All Rights Reserved, Contact Us: Www162date@Outlook.Com , : FLUMETHRIN: SAFETY SUMMARY for VETERINARY use in Dogs, Cats, Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Horses and Poultry, Poisoning, intoxication, overdose, antidote, FLUMETHRIN: Safety Summary for Veterinary Use, © P. Junquera 2007-2018, All rights reserved , : Nová Země 2010, Osobní blog, : Blechy rychle likvidujte, ze psa si přelezou na vás a zamoří vám byt, 2009, Authos: Monika Trojanová, in cooperation with společností Adera a klinikou VETCENTRUM, , , , , , , : Proč chránit psa a kočku proti blechám a klíšťatům? Rizika, nemoci, prevence, řešení, zdroj informací: Frontline, Bayer, Bioveta a.s., : Blecha – nezvaný host v kožichu našich mazlíčků, 2016, author: David Navara, Copyright Digimedia, , : Přípravek určený k hubení klíšťat, blech, vší a všenek., AVEFLOR, A.S., Kopidlno, : Advantix pro psy S-O 10-25kg a. u.v.1x2.5ml, Odpuzuje a zabíjí klíšťata, komáry, bodavé mouchy a všenky dříve, než se přisají, a blechám zabrání kousat do několika minut , , : Bayer AG (dříve součást nacistické genocidní IG Farben), Leverkusen, Německo, v České republice Bayer s.r.o., Praha 5, vývoj, výroba a prodej chemikálií a humánních i veterinárních léčiv, obojky pro velké psy Bolfo s účinnou látkou Propoxurum a pro kočky a malé psy Foresto s Imidaclopridum a Flumethrinum. , : Beaphar DIAZ antiparazitní obojek pro kočky 35 cm s účinnou látkou diazinon, Beaphar Eastern Europe s.r.o., Poděbrady, mateřské holandské firmy, : Beaphar SOS antiparazitní obojek pro kočky 35 cm s účinnou látkou TVCP (Tetrachlorvinphos), Beaphar Eastern Europe s.r.o., Poděbrady, mateřské holandské firmy Beaphar, : Obojek repelentní beaphar bio band pro psy a štěňata, s účinnými látkami extrakt s margozy (indická rostlina) a levandulový olej, Beaphar Eastern Europe s.r.o., Poděbrady, mateřské holandské firmy Beaphar , : BEZPEČNOSTNÍ LIST dle nařízení (ES) č. 1907/2006 ve znění nařízení (EU) č. 453/2010, Datum vydání: 1.12.2013, BIOLIT P 007, insekticidní aerosolový přípravek proti lezoucímu hmyzu, UNILEVER ČR, spol. s r.o., s účinnými látkami Tetramethrin a Deltamethrin, : BEZPEČNOSTNÍ LIST dle nařízení (ES) č. 1907/2006 ve znění nařízení (EU) č. 453/2010, Datum vydání: 1.12.2013, BIOLIT P S DEZINFEKČNÍ PŘÍSADOU, insekticidní aerosolový přípravek proti lezoucímu hmyzu, UNILEVER ČR, spol. s r.o., s účinnými látkami 2-fenoxyethan-1-ol, Tetramethrin a Deltamethrin, : Obojek Foresto proti blechám a klíšťatům u koček a psů s Imidaclopridum a Flumethrinum, Elanco Animal Health ("Elanco"), Greenfield, Indiana, USA, producer of medicines and vaccinations for pets and livestock, : Antiparazitika pro psy, s.r.o., Praha 4 , : Scalibor je antiparazitární obojek pro psy obsahující účinnou látku deltametrin, Intervet s.r.o., Praha 5 , , , : Boehringer Ingelheim, Ingelheim, Německo, farmaceutická společnost, produkty FRONTLINE Combo, FRONTLINE TRI ACT pro psy, FRONTLINE Spot On, FRONTLINE Sprej, účinné látky Fipronilum, Permethrinum

(see , , )

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 10/04/2016

Treatment of human scabies

Illness of scabies: Scabies is a spider-like insects, if they have enough food, so they reproduce excessively

Treatment of scabies by gradual following measures: numerous bathing in cold water without soap, numerous washing at 40C of clothing of the suffering from scabies remove and on principle do not kill scabies mites, for at most 3 days margosa collars Bio Band for dogs (in adults, short-term use of neem is safe, in small children, neem oil is toxic and can lead to death, see below) around legs between calves and ankles kills a bit, mostly repels scabies mites, because scabies adults individuals can survive without food from human skin no more than 3-4 days, washing at 60-90C of clothing of the suffering from scabies, bathing apparently in cold water with plant soap kill scabies mites, and finally for at most 4-7 days spreading the whole body with Infectoscab with active substance permethrin kills and repels majority of scabies mites in home and car, and only then visit the doctor, when it did not help the sick

Aim of above-mentioned treatment of scabies: Reprogramming of the genetic code of scabies from predation on symbiosis by successive escalating counterattacks that scabies programme into their genetic code that if they reproduce excessively in enough food, so disaster comes for them, while if they do not reproduce excessively, so it is possible their symbiosis with humans. Alternatively it is possible natural selection of scabies individuals with that pre-programmed genetic code.

Philosophical generalization of above procedure:

Dilemma: Should we give food to starving enemy in extreme need with, who we cannot imprison if we know their ideology, according to which in case of recovery they will attack against us in a deadly war?

Various solutions to the above dilemma: 1) We give him or her food, if it is in compliance with charity, and we lead against him or her the charity counterattack or charity war after his or her recovery up to change his or her ideology, if he or she probably leads the war against us after his or her recovery (see above my treatment of scabies ), 2) We do not give him or her food and we let die him or her (according to the motto: dead enemy, good enemy), 3) We are still retreating, i.e. we give him or her food, and after his or her recovery , when he or she probably leads the war against us, so we allow him or her voluntarily  to enslave us or to murder us (according to the motto him that taketh away thy cloak forbid not to take thy coat also), 4) We give him or her food only if we completely bring him or her under our control, up to that time we lead against him or her the uncharitable war (eg. USA against Nazi Germany and Japan, when this politics paid off them and USA gained new allies, but the USA against Iraq, Syria and Libya, this tactic failed totally and it meant disruption of these countries and the escalation of hostility because of here applied blood vendetta against the USA by nearly all the inhabitants of these States)

Literature: , : Obojek repelentní beaphar bio band pro psy a štěňata, s účinnými látkami extrakt s margozy (indická rostlina) a levandulový olej, Beaphar Eastern Europe s.r.o., Poděbrady, mateřské holandské firmy Beaphar , : Nový trend je praní na 20 °C. Co na to odborník?, 2014, author: odborný článek, : MUDr. Hana Moosová, Kožní ambulance Liberec, : V Česku je svrabu nejvíce za sedm let, říká hlavní hygienik (Vladimír Valenta, má poznámka), author: Hana Válková, 2013, : Provozovatelem tohoto serveru je MAFRA, a.s., Praha 5 , : Effects of Neem oil (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) on Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acariformes, Tetranychidae) in laboratory tests, Authors Haralabos TsolakisErnesto, Ernesto Ragusa, Salvatore Ragusa, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2002, , , , , , : Author April Sanders, : INFECTOSCAB 5% KRÉM, Účinná látka PERMETHRIN (PERMETHRINUM), Registrační číslo 25/ 168/06-C, Držitel rozhodnutí o registraci Infectopharm Arzneimittel und Consilium GmbH, Heppenheim, Germany, the Czech Státní ústav pro kontrolu léčiv, Prague 10 (, , : 2015, Berlín, ČTK, : So erreichen Sie uns, Service-Nummern / E-Mail-Adressen, Zentrale: INFECTOPHARM Arzneimittel und Consilium GmbH, Heppenheim, Germany , : Firmenporträt, Einzigartigkeit und Austausch für Erfolge in der Therapie, InfectoPharm Arzneimittel und Consilium GmbH, : Pädia, Ein Tochterunternehmen von InfectoPharm, InfectoPharm Arzneimittel und Consilium GmbH, : Příloha č. 2 k rozhodnutí o prodloužení registrace sp.zn. sukls234352/2009, PŘÍBALOVÁ INFORMACE: Informace pro uživatele Rp., INFECTOSCAB 5 % krém, Permethrinum, Držitel rozhodnutí o registraci a výrobce Infectopharm Arzneimittel GmbH und Consilium GmbH, Heppenheim, Germany, Tento léčebný produkt je schválen v členských zemích EEA pod následujícími názvy: Germany: Infectoperm 5 % Creme, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Hungary, Poland, Austria, Slovak Republic, Slovenia: Infectoscab 5 % krém, Tato příbalová informace byla naposledy schválena: 27.10.2010, Czech Státní ústav pro kontrolu léčiv (SÚKL),

Note: Products made from neem trees have been used in India for over two millennia for their medicinal properties.[10] Neem products are believed by Siddha and Ayurvedic practitioners to be antihelmenthic, antifungal, antidiabetic, antibacterial, antiviral, contraceptive and sedative.[13] It is considered a major component in siddha medicine and Ayurvedic and Unani medicine and is particularly prescribed for skin diseases.[14] Neem oil is also used for healthy hair, to improve liver function, detoxify the blood, and balance blood sugar levels.[15] Neem leaves have also been used to treat skin diseases like eczema, psoriasis, etc.[10] However, insufficient research has been done to assess the purported benefits of neem.[16] In adults, short-term use of neem is safe, while long-term use may harm the kidneys or liver; in small children, neem oil is toxic and can lead to death.[16] Neem may also cause miscarriages, infertility, and low blood sugar.[16] (see )

(see , , )


6 Steps of the West in Afghanistan, according to the Philosophy of Balance : Kroky Západu v Afganistánu

Printed from: Diskusní fórum
Theme web: : Kroky Západu v Afganistánu

Printed on: 17/09/2014


Theme author: Dalibor Grůza
Theme: Kroky Západu v Afganistánu
Time: 17/09/2014 07:48:03

The West should not fragment forces by its war engaging in the whole Muslim world and the West should be limited to Afghanistan, where the West should not soon withdraw its troops here to make peace by force and to prevent unnecessary killing by an outbreak of similar war chaos as in Iraq and Libya after withdrawal of Western troops, because from Afghanistan the only real attack by the Muslim world against the West by assassination in America emerged, which killed thousands of people, so it is the real defence of the West. This is in compliance with the main obligation according to the Philosophy of Balance to cause the least possible death and pain.

(see , , )

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 17/09/2014 07:49:36

Above it is a temporary solution that does not solve according to the Philosophy of Balance the crisis, that is to follow as revenge of living microorganisms for by us tortured living creatures especially different from humans, unless a change in our relationship to nature and living creatures.

(see , , )

7 China problem : Problém Číny

Printed from: Diskusní fórum
Theme web: :

Printed on: 01/10/2014


Theme author: Dalibor Grůza
Theme: Problém Číny
Time: 01/10/2014 21:04:02


Post of Dalibor Grůza

While on Wednesday China commemorates the announcement of the People's Republic in 1949, in Hong Kong thousands of other people have joined the mass protests. Protesters demand that Beijing canceled the plans pre-select candidates and limit their number in the leadership election of Hong Kong in 2017. They also want that autonomy leader Leung Chun-ying handed in his resignation till Thursday. Otherwise they threaten by occupation of government buildings.

(see : 2014, Hongkong, Novinky, ČTK

According to the rules of Philosophy of Balance, that it must always be responded to attack by appropriate counter-attack, we cause the least possible death and pain and without us getting seriously hurt by the attacker, and that the human must never kill the human, it is right to demonstrate peacefully, but it is necessary, that in Hong Kong the demonstrators hold talks with autonomy leader Leung Chun-ying, although they have rejected it yet to prevent bloodshed from China. In the case of a higher probability of threatening bloodshed then the autonomy leader Leung Chun-ying has moral obligation to resign, even against the will of China.

Above it is a temporary solution that does not solve according to the Philosophy of Balance the crisis, that is to follow as revenge of living microorganisms for by us tortured living creatures especially different from humans, unless a change in our relationship to nature and living creatures.

(see , , )

8 Coalition of Greens and ANO as voters' fraud? : Koalice Zelených a ANO podraz na voliče?


Post of Dalibor Grůza

Smiles and good humor prevail in negotiations on a coalition in Brno among ANO, associations Žít Brno, Christian Democrats and Greens. All the indications are that these parties could soon agree on a coalition that would have a comfortable majority in the municipal authorities.

 ... In negotiations however it was clear who will play a major role in the coalition. Since at the head of the table the head of winning ANO in Brno Peter Vokřál led negotiations. : 2014, Brno, Milan Vojtek, Petr Kozelka, Právo

ANO defend the economic interests of Agrofert, Inc. : (Zemědělství v koncernu AGROFERT. AGROFERT [online]. 2012. Během 25 let své existence se koncern AGROFERT (současného předsedy české vlády Andreje Babiše, má poznámka) etabloval v oborech chemie, potravinářství, zemědělství, pozemní techniky a technologií, dopravy, lesnictví a dřevařství, obnovitelných zdrojů a médií, Koncern AGROFERT je v současnosti významnou nadnárodní skupinou více než 200 společností, Většina z nich je v přímém vlastnictví centrály AGROFERT, a.s., menší část portfolia tvoří společnosti, v nichž má mateřská společnost podstatný vliv, viz, 2020.) of billionaire Andrew Babiš. Agrofert, Inc. operates in the plants as well as animal agriculture primary production, which could be described as torture of livestock. Therefore the coalition of Greens, who describe themselves as protectors of animals, and their twin Žít Brno, led by long-time member of the Green Party Matthew Hollan, whose parents are also longtime supporters of the Green Party, with movement ANO in Brno is the voters' fraud. It offers the idea of ​​a conspiracy of people in the background of all political groups, who do not care about the welfare of people or animals, but only about their own economic and power interests and elections are then only their theater for the people

(see , , )

9 Attitude according to the Philosophy of Balance to the current bill on the Šumava National Park and national parks and nature : FR a Šumava, resp. nár. parky a příroda obecně

Printed from: Diskusní fórum
Theme web: : FR a Šumava, resp. nár. parky a příroda obecně

Printed on: 26/10/2014


Theme author: Dalibor Grůza
Theme: FR a Šumava, resp. nár. parky a příroda obecně
Time: 26/10/2014 19:07:59


Post of Dalibor Grůza

Concerned rules of Philosophy of Balance to national parks and to attitude of man to nature:

... 26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.

31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.

15 And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.

(see )






„All living creatures in fact mostly want to live in a world, where everyone likes each other, therefore everyone is still obliged to cause the least possible death and pain."


All the rest consists more in views (speculations). (I.e. the maximum compliance of good and evil individuals, virtually good and evil)


The obligation not to kill anything alive unless it is absolutely necessary:


1) A human must never kill any living creature, especially human (or him- or herself). (i.e. according to me for the probability of 0-5 percents, that a human kills the human, the first human must begin to save this second human, i.e. at worst case only to recede)


2) A human has a duty to kill as few of living creatures as possible (i.e. for the protection of life) and if so then those naturally feeling the least pain. (i.e. according to me a human can kill any living creature only if the probability of at least 95-100 %, that he or she saves in this way the life of other living creature, so that in this way he or she caused the least possible death and pain). 


3) Regarding for me as a person it  is healthy (i.e. if I am not vomiting and underweight or in allergic shock) to eat from all living creatures only non-sprouting plant seeds (hereafter referred to only as plant seeds, sprouting plant seeds are already young plants) and plant fruits with seeds, of which separation from the plant cannot kill it, while the reproduction of these plants with the maximum health not damaging amount of salt or appropriate quantity of other minerals and water (e.g. for adults and children aged over 11 years the maximum daily dose of six grams of salt, for smaller children five grams, for suckers one gram of salt.) It would probably be concerned seeds of plants (soya beans, peas, beans, corn, etc.) and fruits of plants with seeds, especially trees (such as apples, pears, dates). Philosophy of Balance p. 23



Applying for an explanation of the above-mentioned general physical and mathematical definitions the general English language, we can say the following:


ad 1)


1.1 In the case of an attack against a particular individual from the society of living creatures makes this attack from the living creatures retreat this particular individual from the society of living creatures.

1.2 In the case of retreat of living creatures makes this retreat from the living creatures the individual to the attack against these living creatures.


ad 2) Reasonable behavior:


2.1 In the case of an attack by the living creatures against a certain individual it is reasonable, so that this individual responded in contrast to paragraph ad 1.1 not by a retreat but by appropriate attack against the society of living creatures (Eg. the seduction of a person of the same sex can be responded by own idea of his or her genital organs).

2.2 In the case of retreat of society of living creatures from a particular individual it is reasonable, that this individual responded in contrast to paragraph ad 1.2 not by an attack but by an adequate retreat from the society of living creatures.


Ad 3)


3.1 Reasonable attack of certain individuals as a response to the attack of the living creatures against the particular individual neutralizes (or zero) both attacks, sooner or later (i.e. educational, not destructively).

3.2 Reasonable retreat of some individuals in response to the retreat of living creatures from the particular individual neutralizes (or zero) both retreats sooner or later.


The result of this procedure is sooner or later, stable development of all living creatures. Philosophy of Balance p. 48


(see , , )

Attitude according to the Philosophy of Balance to the current bill on the Šumava National Park and national parks and nature (see ) is as follows. In a national park but not only in a national park the human should behave like Adam in the Garden of Eden mentioned above, which he should dress and keep, which on the one hand excludes non-intervention area, when in the case of highly probable life-saving possibility of more living creatures or evolutionarily more improved living creatures, that feel more pain because of their superior nervous system, the human has the obligation according to the Philosophy of Balance to intervene against pests in the most merciful way as possible. On the other hand like Adam in the Garden of Eden, which he should dress and keep, the human should seek primarily in a national park the image of Garden of Eden, i.e. a human has a duty to kill as few of living creatures as possible (i.e. for the protection of life) and if so then those naturally feeling the least pain.

10 Attitude to Catholic dogmas and dogma of love according to Philosophy of Balance : Katolická dogmata a dogma lásky dle Fil. rovn.

Printed from: Diskusní fórum
Theme web: : Katolická dogmata a dogma lásky dle Fil. rovn.

Printed on: 03/11/2014


Theme author: Dalibor Grůza
Theme: Postoj Filosofie rovnováhy ke katolickým dogmatům
Time: 03/11/2014 19:35:03


Post of Dalibor Grůza

Concerned rules of Philosophy of Balance:

Matthew 22:36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law? 37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like unto it,  (i.e. the believers and unbelievers in God are similar, who comply with this second commandment) Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Mark 12: 28 And one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, and perceiving that he had answered them well, asked him, Which is the first commandment of all? 29 And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: 30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. 31 And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.     

Luke 10: 25 And, behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted him, saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? 26 He said unto him, What is written in the law? how readest thou? 27 And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself. 28 And he said unto him, Thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt live. 29 But he, willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, And who is my neighbour? 30 And Jesus answering said, A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead. 31 And by chance there came down a certain priest that way: and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. 32 And likewise a Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side. 33 But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him, 34 And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. 35 And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee. 36 Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves? 37 And he said, He that shewed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise.  (i.e., your neighbor may not only be a man but also other living creature, such as a farm animal or a living cell of the human body, our neighbor´s critical feature  shows me the mercy, so that for example they give food or drink to me, etc., which do as farm animals as my body cells) Philosophy of Balance p. 350-351





„All living creatures in fact mostly want to live in a world, where everyone likes each other, therefore everyone is still obliged to cause the least possible death and pain."

All the rest consists more in views (speculations).

... Therefore in case of my Philosophy of Balance it is not the apostasy, schism, or heresy, which the Catholic Church punishes by the excommunication in the moment to commit such unlawful acts (c.1364 § 1 of the Code of Canon Law 1983) Philosophy of Balance p. 269

(see , , )

Philosophy of Balance takes the following approach to the basic dogmas of the Catholic faith. In terms of Philosophy of Balance as a philosophy, i.e. the scientific branch the love is experimentally gradually verifiably (more and more by means of reason) totally sure (but also by means of emotion and will) (so called absolute truth), and slightly less my definition of love following from love, i.e. PHILOSOPHY OF BALANCE (HARMONY) PHILOSOPHY OF LOVE OR ORDER OF VICTORIOUS ARMY: „All living creatures in fact mostly want to live in a world, where everyone likes each other, therefore everyone is still obliged to cause the least possible death and pain.", apparently: “All the rest consists more in views (speculations).”, it means, that everything else is less sure from the point of view of postmodern philosophy apparently as a science, it applies also to all other dogmas of the Catholic faith, which are as a matter of principle a subject of revelation, not of contemporary scientific knowledge. As a Catholic according to the Philosophy of Balance I consider as the most important dogma of the Roman Catholic faith the dogma of love, which I defined in above self-evident way, all the other dogmas of the Roman Catholic faith the Philosophy of Balance considers as less important.

(1 John 4:8King James Version (KJV) 8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love., 1 John 4:16King James Version (KJV) 16 And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him. (see and )

Examples, see the Nicene Creed (see , : Catechism of the Catholic Church, PART ONE THE PROFESSION OF FAITH, SECTION TWO, THE PROFESSION OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH, THE CREDO, Vatican Information Service ): „We believe in one God, ... We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God,  ...“. Because , if Jesus Christ is also only one God and if this God is love in the sense of caritas, i.e. charity in English language, see Latin translation so called Vulgate of St. Jerome (see : Epistola B. Joannis Apostoli Prima, The Clementine Text Project was an effort between 2002 and 2005 to create a free online text version of the Clementine Vulgate, ) of English word "love" in the above provisions of the Bible, New Testament 1 John 4,8 and 1 John 4,16, then he or she or it, that believes in love in the sense of charity, believes also of course in this only one God, i.e. also in Jesus Christ, then it is not factually important anyway, what he or she or it declares about his or her or its faith in other only one god or other gods or in other Jesus Christ, if he or she or it believes in love in the sense of charity, thus if he or she or it is a Roman Catholic, Protestant, Jew or any other believer or atheist. Or another important examples, see the Nicene Creed (see , : Catechism of the Catholic Church, PART ONE THE PROFESSION OF FAITH, SECTION TWO, THE PROFESSION OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH, THE CREDO, Vatican Information Service ):  „ ... he ascended into heaven, ... We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. ... We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. ... “. Because, if I believe in love in the sense of charity and if I act with all (especially with living creatures) with love in the sense of charity, then it is less important, whether heaven exists and whether in the heaven there are other living creatures, eg. animals as members of the above mentioned one holy catholic and apostolic Church or not, because after my death I will apparently come in the heaven for my love in the sense of charity, if the heaven exists, and, if it does not exist, then to the heaven after my death I will not come of course. And if I act with all living creatures with love in the sense of charity, then I will come to the heaven after my death also for this love in the sense of charity, if the heaven exists, and if I do not act with all living creatures with love in the sense of charity, then into the heaven after my death I need not come. If there is the heaven and after my death I will come to the heaven for my love in the sense of charity and if there are also other living creatures, eg. animals, then they can obviously also be redeemed, but if there are not other living creatures, then salvation does not obviously apply to them. If the heaven exists or does not exist and if there are other living creatures in the heaven or not, so it is less important than dogma of love in the sense of charity or actions with love in the sense of charity also with other living creatures and it has less sense to be interested in it or to dispute over it with others than the above dogma of love in the sense of charity.

Literature: , : Catechism of the Catholic Church, PART ONE THE PROFESSION OF FAITH, SECTION TWO, THE PROFESSION OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH, THE CREDO, Vatican Information Service , , , , , : O nesmrtelnosti zvířat, Eugen Drewermann, A za ně také, ó Pane, za ponížené tvory, kteří s námi snášejí žár a tíhu dne, tě prosíme, abys rozšířil nesmírnou laskavost svého srdce, neboť jsi slíbil spasit jak lidi, tak zvířata, a tvá milující laskavost je velká. Basil Veliký, Z úvodu knihy: „Kdybychom museli poslouchat křik zvířat trýzněných člověkem, neunesli bychom ho. Proto si zacpáváme uši. Cožpak nemáme spolky na ochranu zvířat...? Je to jejich starost. Pokusy na zvířatech jsou ostatně nezbytné, vždyť pomáhají medicíně, je to právoplatná záležitost vědy, legitimovaná dokonce křesťanskou teologií, která si vysvětluje Stvořitelova slova Gen1,26 následovně: “Vy lidé jste pány země, zvířata jsou vašimi otroky.“ Z hlediska nekonečné důstojnosti člověka neexistuje žádné utrpení, jež by se zvířatům nesmělo způsobit, jakmile se to jeví jako nezbytné a smysluplné z hlediska určitých lidských potřeb.“ Recenze ze Souvislostí: Jan Jandourek, Co naopak říká o zvířatech a jejich duši katolický teolog Vladimír Slámečka: „Vrcholem tohoto stvoření je člověk, pro kterého je všechno stvořeno….. Je to člověk, velká, obdivuhodná a živá postava, jež má v Božích očích větší cenu než všechno ostatní stvoření: je to člověk a pro něho existuje nebe i země a moře a celé stvoření……Smrtí zvířete dojde k rozkladu jako u každého jiného jsoucna, zvířecí duše jako forma zaniká a končí svoji existenci přesně tak, jako zaniká a končí forma dřeva, když ho spálíme v kamnech nebo ovoce, které sníme.“ , : 2009, stepa, provozuje Arcibiskupství pražské Pastorační, : Podčára - Islám / Světy (Souvislosti 3–4’98), NOVÉ LETNÍ PŘEMÍTÁNÍ O STARÉM TÉMATU, TOTIŽ O (NE)SMYSLU CÍRKEVNÍHO DISENTU, nové a jiné, nad knihami a postavami Eugena Drewermanna a Jacquesa Gaillota, nové a podvojné / M. C. Putna; FROMMOVA ANATOMIE LIDSKÉ DESTRUKTIVITY / J. Jandourek, DVĚ Z VYŠEHRADU / J. Jandourek k 1. Nový životopis papeže Jana XXIII. od Walberta Bühlmanna, 2. Kniha Bernharda Häringa Moje zkušenost s církví v Africe; STARÝ PROROK VS. MLADÝ AUTOR / P. Mareš, První, stodevadesátistránkový román katolického kněze a publicisty Jana Jandourka V jámě lvové; Úvaha o něčem trochu jiném / J. Jandourek (Řeč Jana Jandourka při slavnostním převzetí Ceny Jiřího Ortena, 6. 11. 1997)., , , , , : Je láska věc emocí nebo vůle? Author, 2015, Z přednášek a duchovních obnov, Z besedy s ing. Romanem Češkou (ekonomem, který je ovšem v první řadě manželem, otcem a hlavně horlivým studentem teologie) pořádané VKH-Praha, 25.3.2015, Tento komunitní web ( provozuje spolek signá, z. s. za podpory Sekce pro mládež ČBK (České biskupské konference, má poznámka) a AKSM (ASOCIACE KŘESŤANSKÝCH SPOLKŮ MLÁDEŽE, Z. S., má poznámka), © 2007–2020 signá, z. s., : Večer pod lampou - Existuje Boh? (HD), 29. 9. 2012, Copyright Slovenská televízia, 2005, : Pod lampou - Pravda vítězí, 11. 9. 2012, Copyright Slovenská televízia, 2006

How is it with God in my Philosophy of Balance

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 23/03/2015 21:32:07



Post of  Dalibor Grůza



„All living creatures in fact mostly want to live in a world, where everyone likes each other, therefore everyone is still obliged to cause the least possible death and pain." All the rest consists more in views (speculations).

(see , , )

I do not exclude the existence of God (see word “everyone”, i.e. creatures and their possible creator of the aforementioned single dogma of my Philosophy of Balance), I mostly believe in the God (see love as a guiding principle of the Universe as tendency towards organized movement of inanimate matter with the least possible amount of collisions, but apparently with some collisions embodied in living creatures as their prevailing reciprocation of love with love and non-love with revenge, see the above single dogma of my Philosophy of Balance, this love as a guiding principle of the Universe for its goodness more probably indicates the existence of the God than his or her absence), but my Philosophy of Balance and I personally do not need necessarily conscious of God's existence for now (the aforementioned single dogma of my Philosophy of Balance does not answer the question about the primary cause of the above guiding principle of love in the Universe, i.e. what is the primary cause, why “all living creatures in fact mostly want to live in a world, where everyone likes each other”, i.e. whether this guiding principle of love in the Universe exists by itself or was programmed by any creator, but my Philosophy of Balance always wants to be based on love as the guiding principle of the Universe, which always gives us alone more or less clear guidance, what we have to do in every moment of our life, see “therefore everyone is still obliged to cause the least possible death and pain”).

Dilemma of reason or problem of relativism in contemporary philosophy according to Philosophy of Balance

Author: Dalibor Grůza

Time: 05/05/2015 22:40:06




Post of Dalibor Grůza




„All living creatures in fact mostly want to live in a world, where everyone likes each other, therefore everyone is still obliged to cause the least possible death and pain."

All the rest consists more in views (speculations).

(see , , )

Dilemma of reason:

Sentence: All the rest consists more in views (speculations).

Whether the above sentence is still the axiom or dogma of my Philosophy of Balance, or it is already its view (speculation).

Literature: A dilemma (Greek …  "double proposition") is a problem offering at least two solutions or possibilities, of which none are practically acceptable; one in this position has been traditionally described as "being on the horns of a dilemma", neither horn being comfortable; or "being between a rock and a hard place", since both objects or metaphorical choices being rough (destructive).

In formal logic, the definition of a dilemma differs markedly from everyday usage. Two options are still present, but choosing between them is immaterial because they both imply the same conclusion. … Which can be translated informally as "one (or both) of A or B is known to be true, but they both imply C, so regardless of the truth values of A and B we can conclude C."

(see , )

Note: Problem of relativism in contemporary philosophy according to Jiří Fuchs and Jaroslav Peregrin

Jaroslav Peregrin, a follower of analytic philosophy advocates a dogma of limited relativism, nothing is sure, only more or less probable.

Literature Jaroslav Peregrin:
Filosofie pro normální lidi XII: Etika, 26. 11. 2013
Filosofie pro normální lidi X: Filosofie vědy, 15. 11. 2013
Filosofie pro normální lidi VII: Strukturalismus, 29. 10. 2013
Filosofie pro normální lidi VI: Filosofie jazyka, 22. 10. 2013
Filosofie pro normální lidi V: Epistemologie, 15. 10. 2013
Filosofie pro normální lidi IV: Relativismus, 8. 10. 2013
Filosofie pro normální lidi III: Ontologie, 2. 10. 2013
Filosofie pro normální lidi II: Filosofie v jedenadvacátem století, 24. 9. 2013
Filosofie pro normální lidi I: Filosofie dnes?, 18. 9. 2013

Jaroslav Peregrin denied the possibility of philosophy to determine Descartes' strong foundation of science, and here he follows Hume's, Locke's, Kant's psychic filter of knowledge, and he claims the veracity of this theory, which is a contradiction (Everything is relative and this is relative also, i.e. nothing is sure, even this is not sure, harmless crazy, if he does not make a philosophical theory from it). Political correctness denies the truth in the interest of a certain dogma, especially of neo-communist assistance to the oppressed at all costs by finding other oppressed instead of proletarians, and it restricts the truth in the interests of its goodness. Kant's categorical imperative as unconditional categorical rule, that he failed in his philosophy of psychic filter of knowledge to justify, this Kantian philosophy leads to relativism and multiculturalism that promotes by violence as much as possible multicultural society based on the dogma of equal value of all cultures. Inexistence of knowledge of the truth excludes so fair law based on the truthful knowledge. Putnam and Peregrin limit relativism of postmodern philosophy based on modern philosophy by replacing certainty with mere probability, eg. exact science is the surest what we have available, but according to Fuchs it is a sort of 50 percent probability that the complete opposite is valid. If exact scientist has planned bridge and the bridge has not probably collapsed and it serves humanity, it is a sort of 50 percent probability, that he or she will not make accidentally fatal error that causes a bridge collapse, because he or she lives in a safety of ignorance of exact science, that opposite of his or her exact science findings may also be valid from the point of view of Peregrin's analytic philosophy. According to Fuchs the dogma of dispute principle is valid, that it cannot be, that the same thing is and is not at the same time, which is based on the need for identity of concepts in thinking and without these concepts thinking does not exist, but Fuchs does not take into account the partial identity, the identity of concepts including minor nonconformity.

19. 1. 2012, 090 Jiří Fuchs FILOSOFIE - XX.1) Jaroslav Peregrin – 23 11 2011
19. 1. 2012, 091 Jiří Fuchs FILOSOFIE - XX.2) Hilary Putnam - 23 11 2011
19. 1. 2012, 092 Jiří Fuchs FILOSOFIE - XX.3) Politická korektnost - 23 11 2011
21. 1. 2012, 093 Jiří Fuchs FILOSOFIE - XXI.1) Hilary Putnam - 7 12 2011
22. 1. 2012, 094 Jiří Fuchs FILOSOFIE - XXI.2) Karl Jaspers - 7 12 2011

Single axiom or dogma of Philosophy of Balance

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 08/05/2015 22:45:11


Post of Dalibor Grůza




„All living creatures in fact mostly want to live in a world, where everyone likes each other, therefore everyone is still obliged to cause the least possible death and pain."

All the rest consists more in views (speculations).

... Until the full confirmation or refutation of single dogma of my Philosophy of Balance, there is only a need to change with the change of the current state of science its scientific application, or to make this simplified definition of love more precise. Philosophy of Balance p. 409

(see , , )

All the possible interpretations regarding the aforementioned absolute certainty apparently only of axiom or dogma of love of my Philosophy of Balance imply, that it is always necessary to behave in accordance with this single axiom or dogma of the Philosophy of Balance, if, as the case may be, this axiom or dogma is not verifiably refuted.


Post of Dalibor Grůza

24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. … (see ), 17 But he, knowing their thoughts, said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and a house divided against a house falleth. (see )

Literature: , , , , , : Věda a víra - jednota nebo boj protikladů?, Aneb mezi čím rozpory vznikají ve skutečnosti, z knihy Jiří Grygar - věda a víra, provozuje Arcibiskupství pražské Pastorační , : Vztah vědy a náboženské víry - rozhovor s astrofyzikem Jiřím Grygarem, neuspokojivé odpovědi vědy, z knihy Jiří Grygar - věda a víra, Za rozhovor poděkoval Jan Regner SJ, Se svolením převzato z webu Vatikánského rozhlasu, Rozhovor byl odvysílán 21. dubna 2001 , , , , , : O současné filo-z/s-ofii na mém FB, Sebastián Wortys , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 11/10/2015

The main in everyday life practical biblical question: Is nature unmerciful or the biblical paradise for all alive can be achieved in it by own forces of living creatures?



Post of Dalibor Grůza

My Philosophy of Balance is based on a single dogma („All living creatures in fact mostly want to live in a world, where everyone likes each other, therefore everyone is still obliged to cause the least possible death and pain." All the rest consists more in views(speculations). It applies to all my Philosophy of Balance.), from which the truth follows, which is self-evident for every thinking creature that could be expressed, so that those who or which want the most of all to achieve by their own forces as soon as possible the world, where everyone (especially all living creatures) would like each other (i.e. to achieve paradise on Earth), then those should cause the least possible death and pain  (especially to all living creatures). Philosophy of Balance p. 408

Why are also nearly all Catholics and also the contemporary Catholic Church greatly against love and, if love is the God, thus also greatly against the God, and therefore the great hypocrites?

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 18/10/2015

Since in case of need also Catholics slaughter animals for eating, virtually they eat or give to eat, eg. for their dogs slaughtered animals instead of eating naturally deceased carrions (cadavers) of animals, on principle at old age (eg. after the autopsy by a veterinarian and for people boiled in several waters), even if eating of those carrions of animals does not cause serious danger.



Post of Dalibor Grůza

I was in the city of Joppa praying: and in a trance I saw a vision, A certain vessel descend, as it had been a great sheet, let down from heaven by four corners; and it came even to me: Upon the which when I had fastened mine eyes, I considered, and saw fourfooted beasts of the earth, and wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls of the air. And I heard a voice saying unto me, Arise, Peter; slay and eat. But I said, Not so, Lord: for nothing common or unclean hath at any time entered into my mouth. But the voice answered me again from heaven, What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common. And this was done three times: and all were drawn up again into heaven. Acts of the Apostles 11, 5-10


1 John 4:8King James Version (KJV) 8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love., 1 John 4:16King James Version (KJV) 16 And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him. (see )


Therefore great hypocrites are who say, that they care about the good of all creation, not just for the good of their own pack at the expense of great death and pain of other packs of living creatures, if they approve and they cause much more than the least possible death and pain, i.e. according to how much more than the least possible death and pain they approve and they cause, thus according to how much greater than the least possible predators in the above broad sense they are, for example great hypocrisy of the contemporary Catholic Church in relation to living creatures other than humans. SOLVED EXAMPLES AND COMMENTARIES BASED ON PHILOSOPHY OF BALANCE


The main in everyday life practical biblical question: Is nature unmerciful or the biblical paradise for all alive can be achieved in it by own forces of living creatures?


My Philosophy of Balance is based on a single dogma („All living creatures in fact mostly want to live in a world, where everyone likes each other, therefore everyone is still obliged to cause the least possible death and pain." All the rest consists more in views (speculations).), from which the truth follows, which is self-evident for every thinking creature that could be expressed, so that those who or which want the most of all to achieve by their own forces as soon as possible the world, where everyone (especially all living creatures) would like each other (i.e. to achieve paradise on Earth), then those should still cause the least possible death and pain  (especially to all living creatures), if, as the case may be, above mentioned axiom or dogma is not verifiably refuted. SOLVED EXAMPLES AND COMMENTARIES BASED ON PHILOSOPHY OF BALANCE-cover


Is God or Devil the most superordinate to the world

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 28/10/2015


Post of Dalibor Grůza

24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. … (see ), 17 But he, knowing their thoughts, said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and a house divided against a house falleth. (see )

And because I also in fact mostly want to live in a world where everyone likes each other (i.e. in paradise), therefore I am also still obliged to cause the least possible death and pain, it means, that I also in fact mostly do not want to cause a lot of unnecessary (i.e. much more than the least possible) death and pain (i.e. according to my existent experience, as I try to show in my Philosophy of Balance, my real main desire, virtually in my opinion the real main driving force behind the evolution of nature for other living creatures are not primitive instincts of self-preservation /more at males/  and to reproduce /more at females/, i.e. struggle for life and death, as taught by Darwinists, such as presented by Richard Dawkins in his work The Selfish Gene, but for both above a complex emotional relationship of mercy, virtually of love, i.e. symbiosis, i.e. “all living creatures in fact mostly want to live in a world, where everyone likes each other”,  see , , ) and I also do not want to suffer much before my death or to die prematurely (see single dogma of my Philosophy of Balance), and this even more than to have my own eventual offspring. BOOKLET OF THE PARTY FOR THE RIGHTS OF ALL LIVING CREATURES p. 39

If in our world or in the nature and for living creatures the selfish self-preservation instinct (i.e. fast entropy or fast burnout of the Universe or fast conversion of the Universe to a homogeneous mush which does not allow obtaining any energy or fast extinction of the vacuum in the Universe within nonliving matter and within living individuals the own good also at the expense of great pain and death of other living individuals, i.e. approval and causing also much more than the least possible death and pain, according to Darwinism unmerciful competitive struggle for life among living individuals should accelerate their evolutionary development to their more perfect power because of the need for continuous improvement of their weapons for this struggle, however according to the Philosophy of Balance those much more than the least possible death and pain caused by living individual are the cause of his or her or its evolutionary underdevelopment because of the enmity of damaged living microorganisms and their related living microorganisms located also in the body and brain of the damaging living individual) is superordinate (i.e. ensuring a better survival of living individual) to desire for love (i.e. the slow up to infinite time entropy or an organized matter movement nearly without collisions within nonliving matter and within living individuals the good of all living individuals, i.e. permanent not-causing much more than the least possible death and pain, which according to the Philosophy of Balance should accelerate because of the friendship of living microorganisms the evolutionary development of the living individual to omnipotence, thus also his or her or its avoiding the somewhat probability random very destructive collisions of nonliving matter), i.e. the evil Devil is superordinate to the God, or there is a desire for love superordinate to the selfish self-preservation instinct, i.e. the God is superordinate to the evil Devil, in my opinion it cannot be solved simply by thinking. For solution of this problem one needs practical experience of subordination of his or her or its behavior as a matter of principle exclusively to the God, i.e. to the love, or as a matter of principle exclusively to the evil Devil, i.e. to selfish self-preservation, or to serve alternately both. Only on the basis of that practical experience can a human, mankind, or the living creation decide correctly, what, possibly whom they should serve.

Literature: Země: Vznik planety (TV movie), Earth: Making of a Planet, National Geographic: The Story of Earth, Documentary, United Kingdom, 2011, 96 min, Director: Yavar Abbas, Music: Ty Unwin, : Velká pětka vymírání

(see , , )


Relativism of Philosophy of Balance

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 08/11/2015


Post of Dalibor Grůza



„All living creatures in fact mostly want to live in a world, where everyone likes each other, therefore everyone is still obliged to cause the least possible death and pain."

All the rest consists more in views (speculations).


(see , , )

Since also I in fact mostly want to live in a world, where everyone likes each other (whether they are for example Hitler, Anne Frank and Yasser Arafat, Christians or Jews or Muslims or communists or Nazis, wolf or rabbit, cow or grass, spider or a fly), so my Philosophy of Balance is open in its speculation about the unknown (elsewhere in my Philosophy of Balance also as invisibility) to any idea of everyone, which is expressed in exact (i.e. measurable) scientific concepts and is not inconsistent with love, virtually my definition of love, i.e. it does not cause much more than the least possible death and pain. Within it my Philosophy of Balance relies more on ideas that have been repeatedly measured by the exact science. (see above)


What is Hinduism in substantial conflict with love according to Philosophy of Balance

Author: Dalibor Grůza

Time: 10/11/2015



Post of Dalibor Grůza

4) Collisions of micro particles, of which number is somewhat probability random, which are forming bodies of macro world, and thus form the basis of collisions in our world (in macro world in terms of physics), they are a matter of chance and probability. Taking only two micro particles, and after each collision according to de Broglie waves and Heisenberg uncertainty principle further movement can be determined only vaguely based on probability, which therefore applies also to their next collision. By more or low probable deviation of the various micro particles from their most probable motion it is secured in nature, that such collisions have been progressively constrained by mutual interactions of micro particles, the movement of the micro particles (i.e. energy) with high probability is ultimately directed to the location of the micro particles (i.e. energy) of low probability, thereby reducing the probability of collisions of micro particles in the micro world, and ultimately of the bodies of macro world  (i.e. mechanical basis of evolution). In other words in my opinion evolution is directed to the termination of collisions and evolution from a less to more probable state of nature. Philosophy of Balance p. 25

I do not divide according to my universal ethics in a dispute on one side the good and the evil on the other side. Its objective is to stop the dispute, regardless of who are good and who evil (all are in fact innocent either bad or good, in other words, the strict liability for their illegal actions). Philosophy of Balance p. 47

Free decision is the question of how the person sees it, this is a psychological issue, if the human perceives his or her decision to be free then it is free but only in the above-mentioned objective sense. At the same time it is destined by activities of his or her brain, of which activity is also predetermined by the activity of brain cells, their activity is predetermined by movement of them forming atoms (i.e., we come to the inanimate matter, i.e. atoms, which creates a certain degree of analysis, decomposition of living creatures, all movements of this living creatures) etc., until we get to the points of space-time*, which determine the movement of all in our Universe. Subjective freedom has therefore the objective nature of the movement of the micro particles, which is according Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle in quantum physics according to some extent of probability random. The right decision is the result of developmental (or evolutionary) perfection of the brain in humans, virtually of the model of the outside world in other living creatures, which is given by the freedom of links of brain cells, namely the lack of complexes, i.e. of the strong links of brain cells in my opinion, especially from killing of living creatures. The perfect brain is always free in the sense that for each of its decision no strong links between brain cells exist, virtually between micro particles, i.e. it is not highly probable movement of the micro particles, because the individual does not kill any living creatures. Philosophy of Balance p. 53-54

At first the reasons for committing crimes. Command to all the action that is also conduct which meets the facts of a crime, it is given to man by a brain, virtually psyche (soul). If a man wants through his or her will, mind or emotions to prevent him or her from committing the crime, this is done again, through the order of the brain, virtually psyche (soul). If one has a wrong idea about the reality it is again contained in the brain, virtually psyche (soul). Man alone cannot influence the content or orders inside of his or her brain, virtually psyche (soul), without giving the idea or the command through his or her brain again, virtually psyche (soul). Imperfection of the brain, virtually psyche (soul), which itself is either bad (sick), or which has bad input data and which cannot recognize them by their conflict with the right data, it is the sole cause of any crime. Imperfection of the brain, virtually psyche (soul) can be corrected, in my view, by the right education, experience, i.e., when through the logical connection of ever expanding amount of input data, experiences stored in an imperfect brain, virtually psyche (soul) this man is able to detect faulty data and faulty brain activity, virtually of psyche (soul). The only guilt of living creatures is so in my opinion, that they are born with more or less perfect brain, virtually psyche (soul), of which activities without command of the brain, virtually psyche (soul) he or she cannot control, only the opportunity to remedy imperfect brain, virtually psyche (soul) is possible with increasing experience (educated by other individuals or nature) or other outside interference. …

In the case of educational punishment, which will aim at the good of perpetrators, it will not be aimed just at the retribution, it will re-educate them to become a better person, the punishing need not fear that others will retaliate against him or her for his or her fault on the other hand, since then they will try to re-educate them to the better, they will not seek to destroy them. That concept of the criminal justice system is possible to enforce at any cost, not just a criminal justice, which is not against me. Philosophy of Balance p. 74-75

Reason, emotion and will, according to the exact sciences exist in the material brain, according to idealists in the intangible soul of man. The basic question is whether the attacking ideas and the choice between them by a human is the subjective or objective process. I think, that one cannot subjectively influence or what the idea he or she has, nor that the idea impresses so strongly to him or her to act according to it. In both cases it is, in my opinion, an objective not a subjective process. I think, that a brain or a soul cannot be rectified in the case of its imperfections or illness by itself without  accepting incentives from outside of the brain or the soul (these incentives I characterize as experience). Philosophy of Balance p. 77

Good to good and evil, he rewards good and punishes evil, and he thinks well even with evil in their punishment, the penalty then it is not devastating, but educational, that the evil became good. Thus, in my opinion the evolution of nature is upbringing too, while the development of the soul, which forces people to remove through the reason its contradictions and so psychologically (based on logic of the subjective soul) or psychiatrically (based on the material exact processes of the brain). Philosophy of Balance p. 82

This reflects also the fact, that less perfect evolutionary ancestors of man with less perfect brain, in the current world they would be automatically regarded as criminals. Just imagine in current interpersonal relationships such a Neanderthal man to resolve on the basis of violence, as it was in his or her time and if he or she stays in the midst of a supermarket and to try to explain to him or her, that he or she cannot obtain food by force, or gathering, as he or she was used and to pay money for them. In order that the brain of human ancestors was perfected to its present level, the experience of many generations was necessary, both in individual lives and experiences switching from generation to generation in the form of hereditary genetic information. The current crime of man is the by generational experience mitigated initial developmental imperfection of the brain of human ancestors and it could be expected that with the experience, that he or she acquires or individuals of his or her kind in their current life or in the lives of their descendants, this developmental imperfection of the brain of living creatures will decrease.

What order to act we will get from the brain, it depends on its internal organization and external circumstances, it is concerned which fact will be strong, urgent enough, it will do to someone so strong pressure, the brain issues a command to the body of man to some action. In my opinion strength of a fact is predetermined then only partially. In other words the future development of certain facts we can predict only probably, or it is a coincidence in the mathematical sense. In my opinion there is basis of human freedom, which the majority of religious and philosophical views suppose. The point is, that the future development of nature and also commands of the individual's brain, which is also its part, they are only probable and therefore largely accidental. (Position of the micro particles and its momentum cannot be determined by microscopic physics with absolute precision using de Broglie waves and Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle we can only determine the probability, with which the micro particle will be located in a space-time point). One cannot influence the commands, that his or her brain gives, if so he or she tries, it is also concerned the command of his or her brain.

Well-known philosopher Baruch Spinoza said that the freedom is a recognized necessity. The point is that orders to human behavior, which are so strong, that one must act according to them, given by his or her brain, i.e. by the model of reality, virtually nature, and which is independent of man, they reduce as much as possible the strength of collisions of this man with his or her surroundings. In other words, that the model of nature, virtually of reality contained in the individual brain was closely consistent with the whole purpose of evolution of nature. This is not possible for the newborn brain, which contains only the inherited form of experience in the genes of their parents, while it is also not possible for developmentally imperfect individuals of a species, whose developmental (genetic) experience contained in their brains is not so perfect so they harmonize all nature or reality. But it is also possible to say, that with increasing time of development this experience contained in the brain of all living creatures expands, virtually improves and, in my opinion in infinite time it can be expected that these individuals together reconcile in their brains, i.e. in a model of reality perfectly all reality, virtually nature.

This concept of freedom of the individual justifies also the nature to give a living creature more or less perfect brain and thus only nature is guilty for a bad (e.g. criminal) or good behavior of this individual. Philosophy of Balance p. 212-213

(see , , )

Since according to the above speculations of the Philosophy of Balance based on the present state of exact science the soul of man and other living creatures has material nature, especially in the form of the brain and the freedom of all mass has according to Heisenberg uncertainty principle the form of more or less probable chance, so every decision of living creatures is also blameless, given only by more or less probably coincidental movement of micro-particles of matter, especially of their material brain. The responsibility for those decisions of living creatures is necessary for their education, i.e. for their correct according to Philosophy of Balance merciful programming, especially of their material brain in accordance with the evolution of nature, i.e. according to the Philosophy of Balance for an organized matter movement nearly without collisions. That responsibility is strict liability regardless of guilt. Therefore according to the Philosophy of Balance the suffering of living creatures may not be regarded as a just punishment for their freely made wrong decisions, but as a means of education for their mercy as an objective movement of nature. Therefore it makes sense to have compassion for and to help everyone suffering that bears the responsibility through his or her or its suffering for their mistakes necessary to their education for perfection by nature. It is not right not to help and not to have compassion for the homeless, it is not correct to divide people into castes, which should be allegedly their just punishment for their guilts, as it does the Indian Hinduism, because even though they bear the necessary responsibility for their mistakes, so they are not in any way guilty for their punishment necessary for their education. And so regardless of the fact that the hypothesis of the Philosophy of Balance about living microorganisms able to recognize and remember their friend and enemy and friend and enemy of their related microorganisms is in substance in the exact (i.e. measurable) scientific concepts expressed and by the Philosophy of Balance adopted Hindu law of karma.

Relationship of Philosophy of Balance to contemporary worldviews

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 30/11/2015


Post of Dalibor Grůza

On the one hand I recognize the important task of the Roman Catholic Church in the world as all those, who are even the imperfect preacher of love, optionally also especially of world´s very important Bible Gospels of the New Testament, which according to me describe 51-60 percents of perfect love to a neighbor.

To answer the second question, I'm at least 51 % percent (i.e., the number of 51 parts in 100) a Roman Catholic, so I am a member of the Catholic Church. In the rest I am an eclectic (i.e. much of everything I have read and from what I chose), because I believe, that in the Bible - Old and New Testament and other writings (including my Philosophy of Balance) are errors, because it was always written by an imperfect man or men (Jesus of Nazareth himself had not apparently written anything, all comes from his followers). Philosophy of Balance p. 349

(see , , )

In overall majority I proceed from the Gospels of Jesus of Nazareth, apparently Christ, I adopt from Christianity especially the idea, that God is love, in the present I believe completely in love and in the present I fully rely on love and I try as much as possible always to behave according to love, that's why I am a border Catholic. I adopt from Hinduism inter alia love for all animals. I adopt inter alia from Judaism and Islam, that the ideal society is the army. I adopt from the Green Party and German Nazism inter alia the protection of nature and love for nature, thus towards all other living creatures than humans and animals. I adopt from Buddhism and culture of the Roma inter alia eating only naturally dead animals, on principle of old age, from necessary cadavers of animals. I adopt from Darwinism inter alia the idea of ​​evolution of nature. I adopt from Communism inter alia the love towards and the help to all poor people. I adopt from Atheism inter alia, that it is not substantial, whether a person or other living creature believes in God, but whether he or she or it believes in love and behaves in accordance with love. I adopt from Capitalism inter alia the idea of ​​the social contract according to me of all living individuals in the future. I adopt from Satanism inter alia the idea of ​​the Devil as a death that needs not but also can serve love, because it is necessary, that living creatures could sacrifice also mercifully for others, and in the present, that living creatures have something to eat, and because the death can be also merciful, if it is after a long, happy and dignified life of living creature and if it is nearly without physical and psychic pain.

Charity for a neighboring living creature out of fear of retribution for the caused death and pain (i.e. bad conscience) or out of the desire for love from neighboring living creature


Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 25/01/2016


Only if a living creature eats plant fruits and plant seeds, he or she or it needs not be afraid of their revenge for the fact that he or she or it caused the death and pain, and he or she or it can live in a world, where everyone likes each other, including those by this living creature eaten plant fruits and plant seeds. Therefore, only if the living creature eats only plant fruits and plant seeds, his or her or its charity for neighboring living creature can be justified only by the desire for love of the neighboring living creature, if the living creature eats also other living creatures, then his or her or its charity for neighboring living creature is justified also by his or her or its fear of revenge for the caused death and pain of these eaten other living creatures, and it is in proportion to the above-mentioned desire for love of the above-mentioned neighboring living creature especially in the extent to which he or she or it caused the death and pain of the above-mentioned other eaten living creatures. Only living creature that eats only plant seeds and plant fruits, ceases to be a slave of mercy or charity, or of love in narrower sense of word or of Jesus Christ, according to Christianity and becomes their sibling and obtains according to the Philosophy of Balance real mercy, i.e. charity and power, i.e. strength and righteousness-justice because of real sibling, rather than slavish friendship of living microorganisms and by them formed living creatures, thus becomes the child of God-father (i.e. of above-mentioned perfect power, justice and mercy) according to Christianity or of the love in a wider sense of word. In my experience and according to Jesus, apparently Christ the journey to the above-mentioned perfect sibling love in a wider sense of word is at the first the slavish love in narrower sense of word, i.e. charity or mercy out of fear of retribution for the caused death and pain, because also the slave dwells in love though unreliably.


(see , , )



Post of Dalibor Grůza



„All living creatures in fact mostly want to live in a world, where everyone likes each other, therefore everyone is still obliged to cause the least possible death and pain." All the rest consists more in views (speculations).

Biblical Gospels of Jesus as a religion of love, Philosophy of Balance as the science of love and the law as applied science of the science of love

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 15/02/2016


The Philosophy of Balance is the science of love, therefore it is based at least 51 percent on Jesus' biblical Gospels, which should be a religion of love and on which should be based mainly Christianity, but up to 49% on other areas of human knowledge, which contain also scientific knowledge about love. Democratic law should then be mainly the applied science of the science of love, therefore the science of love is more important within the application of law than a mechanical interpretation of legal provisions. In other words it is always necessary to solve every legal problem from the point of view of scientific knowledge about love at the beginning and from the point of view of a specific legal provision later.

(see , , )

Why did not Jews and Muslims and visibly especially also nearly all other predators accept Jesus of Nazareth as the only son of God and also as only one God together with his father, God up to now and the principle of the current predatory propaganda


Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 20/03/2016


Although Jesus of Nazareth said according to the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 25, the Bible 29 For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath., apparently he thought, who is merciful, he or she will be given everything else, eg. power, money, success, health, children, family etc., and although Jesus of Nazareth Himself was apparently very merciful, however in this world it has not evidently been given to him up to now, because he finished without family, without children as unfortunate man at a young age martyred on the cross. Therefore he is called by Christians as the Lamb of God, thus as the nice pup of herbivore, which often finishes as prey of predators. That is why Jesus of Nazareth is often accepted by a weak prey, eg. by the weak, the ill, the helpless and the oppressed, but he is not often accepted by predators, eg. by Muslims or Jews, but also not by predatory or by disillusioned suffering Christians, even though they dissimulate that they believe him as only one God. The problem of Jesus of Nazareth from the perspective of the Old Testament is that Jesus of Nazareth should be not only merciful as lamb or the God of predators prey, but also powerful as the God of predators or the God of Army (in Hebrew Adonai cava can be translated both as the Lord of the army and as the Lord of group), who according to the Old Testament made the most powerful army from Jewish slaves at that time and who led them out of slavery in Egypt by powerful but also predatory and cruel hand and who gave them to occupy ancient Israel. Therefore Jesus of Nazareth should not be only the God of herbivores, eg. of lambs, but also the God of the tribe of Judah or the God of the Jews or descendant of the most powerful king of Judah, who was the Old Testament King David, the symbol of the tribe of Judah or of the Jews was lion from Old Testament times, or Jesus of Nazareth should be both the God of weak prey, i.e. eg. of herbivorous lambs, and the God of predators, ie. eg. of carnivorous lions. This is also reflected in the New Testament according to Revelation, Chapter 5, the Bible: 5 And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof. "That is why the early Christians believed in the imminent new arrival of Jesus of Nazareth into this world at the head of a powerful army of the God to judge the living and the dead (see also the credo of the Roman Catholic Church), and so he should prove also to Jews that he is not only the most merciful lamb but also the most powerful lion. The God, who should be only the most merciful, but who should not be the most powerful at the same time, would not be the true only one God neither according to Judaism nor according to Christianity and also not according to Islam. Nevertheless many Jews were fascinated by mercy of Jesus of Nazareth, eg. the most famous secular Jewish philosopher Baruch Spinoza, who lived in the 17th century AD (i.e. after the birth of Jesus of Nazareth), when Jesus of Nazareth did not still appear second time in this world as the leader of the powerful army of the God, and many, apparently including Baruch Spinoza had come to the conclusion already at that time, that it will not happen so even in the future, (Baruch Spinoza) tried a compromise between Judaism and Christianity that in his philosophy he suggested to consider Jesus of Nazareth as the greatest and noblest of all people, not as a son of the God. Inter alia the result of that his idea was that he was expelled from his Jewish community and he was not acceptable also to Christians.


Roughly it could be said that also predators are aware of the great power of the first part of the single dogma of my Philosophy of Balance: "All living creatures in fact mostly want to live in a world, where everyone likes each other," but predators mostly do not believe very much the second part of this dogma of the Philosophy of Balance, "therefore everyone is still obliged to cause the least possible death and pain", according to the belief of most both predators and their prey the world is in fact governed by predation, despite a great psychological desire of nearly all living creatures, especially humans also predators for the general mercy. It follows that in propaganda the governing predators offer to people alternately merciful political leaders (so called fathers or mothers, eg. in the recent past Vaclav Havel in the Czech Republic, Boris Yeltsin in Russia, Barack Obama in the USA, Angela Merkel in Germany) and when due to the alleged government of predation in this world the people are tired from mercy of politics or when from this alleged reason the merciful politics fails, the predators and their propaganda offer to people the government of a stronger hand, i.e. of political leaders - larger predators (so called strong predators of a genius, eg. in the recent past Milos Zeman in the Czech Republic, Vladimir Putin in Russia, Donald Trump in the USA), and so again and again.

(see , , )

11 About sexual deviations also about homosexuality and their therapy according to Philosophy of Balance : FR k sex.úchylkám i homosexualitě a jejich léčbě

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Theme web: : FR k sex.úchylkám i homosexualitě a jejich léčbě

Printed on: 16/12/2014



Theme author: Dalibor Grůza
Theme: K homosexualitě dle Filosofie rovnováhy
Time: 16/12/2014 21:59:26


Post of Dalibor Grůza


About homosexuality I express in multiple places in my book Philosophy of Balance see , among other things I write about it here:

I am a Catholic, but I acknowledge evolutionary theory that only live cells existed from living creatures in Paleozoic. As we know the living cells except the sex cells, which do not appear in Paleozoic to exist, multiply by dividing. This means, that this cell divides, and from each cell organelle two organelles of the two new cells arise, such as the cell nucleus resulting in two new cell nuclei etc.

These cells were therefore androgynous, in which a future male and female gender was predetermined. With the evolutionary development according to the current evolutionary theory from these cells later male, female subjects developed, who then were heterosexual, homosexual, or transsexual or pedophile. Aforementioned sexual deviations are so in my view, an evolutionary relic of the above bisexual cells.

To say, that today man is not clear what the sexual orientation he or she has it is the result of their evolutionary ancestors, which were androgynous cells. During process of evolution, i.e. the development  the two male and female subjects formed from these cells, that were initially more probably bisexual than heterosexual. For today's 4% of homosexuals in society probably in the course of development the way had to lead from 100% bisexual Paleozoic living cells after 99%, 98%, 97%, 96% bisexuals living creatures, etc. up to 4% of homosexual individuals in today's human society.

We can conclude, therefore, that homosexuality is, in my view an historic remnant (relic) of evolutionary development of life on Earth. It is said, that when nature rests somewhere after as in evolutionary backwardness of individual in his or her homosexuality and elsewhere it adds to living creature again, for example in his or her evolutionary predevelopment in his or her sensitivity to other living creatures in his or her reason, or learning or attempt to achieve something in life. It therefore follows, that my relationship to sexual deviations, if the gay man is in something behind, in other characteristics he may be far from me.

From the above it follows that sexual deviations are the result of evolution in my opinion of the imperfection of man and other living creatures. To remove it is therefore necessary to accelerate the evolution, namely the development of this living creature. According to certain current opinion of scientists-evolutionists we had evolved from apes to man distinguished from other apes not because we were somehow better, but because we ate what we ate. Correct diet for some sufferers of sexual deviation it is thus theoretically possible to accelerate the evolution of any living creature.

In my opinion, this good food accelerating the evolution of sexually perverse man and thus depriving him or her of their sexual deviation as an evolutionary remnant of Paleozoic bisexual cells proliferating only through division it is eating only plant fruit and plant seeds from all living creatures. It is an unverified scientific theory to be verified in practice yet.

When you ask me why I published this insanely brave scientific theory, I will answer you when I can save the life of a single living creature on this planet, I will do so.

It is not clear whether eating fruits and vegetable seeds with the permissible number of minerals such as salt and water the homosexual becomes heterosexual by accelerating the late evolution, which is only my non-confirmed exact theory. However, it is clear, that they will save many lives of animals and plants, fungi (eating of plant fruits and plant seeds it is the natural way of reproduction of living organisms, and not to their death), which would otherwise be killed and eaten, and thus it contributes to kinder world in which we all live. The kinder world should be the goal for both heterosexuals, who seem from your point of view, that nothing is missing, and for homosexuals, who are together with those animals and plants and fungi less but also in the history the target of constant attacks and killings by the stronger part of society. Philosophy of Balance p. 126-127

Homosexuality, pedophilia and other sexual deviations are caused according to the Philosophy of Balance by imperfect or retarded brain, it is on principle a penalty for causing needless death and pain by a living individual and his or her ancestors, the remedy is possible according to the Philosophy of Balance through long-term non-causing unnecessary death and pain by a living sexually deviant individual. (see my Philosophy of Balance, Book I, chapter t) Issue of sex ) Sexually deviant people, who do not infringe fundamental human rights, should be in a disadvantage but not persecuted according to the Philosophy of Balance, the goal of this approach is the above-mentioned non-violent coercion of these sexually deviant people to correct and improve their brain in the evolutionary development for heterosexuals, which these sexually deviant people want in fact greatly as well as their parents, who want children, and the whole society. These disadvantages of sexually deviant people are fair only on condition, that the above remedy is possible, as suggested by the Philosophy of Balance. Philosophy of Balance p. 362

Quoted from : O současné filo-z/s-ofii na mém FB, Sebastián Wortys

According to the Philosophy of Balance: „All living creatures in fact mostly want to live in a world, where everyone likes each other, therefore everyone is still obliged to cause the least possible death and pain." All the rest consists more in views (speculations).

Thus almost all evils in the world should be according to the Philosophy of Balance a result of punishment for breach of the obligation not to cause much more than the least possible death and pain from living creature and his or her ancestors due to hatred of by this affected living creatures and their relatives living creatures. These evils should also include homosexuality.

In literature below there is the view of the Catholic priest Thomas Halik, who prepared me for First Communion and he really liked me, annotated by ultraconservative Catholics. His response: "Something else is homosexual orientation given by innate biological disposition. That in itself cannot be regarded as sinful and the Church teaches, that these people should be handled with understanding."... "Christian fundamentalists who know nothing about what contemporary genetics and sexology identify the origin of homosexual orientation, are unable to distinguish between genetically determined sexual orientation ... "

If my Philosophy of Balance is not valid, that with the long-term (no more than 7 years, when according to the exact science all living cells in the human body, except for nerve cells shall change) compliance with the above obligation according to my Philosophy of Balance not to cause much more than the least possible death and pain the homosexual will be healed and become heterosexual, and that is valid the above current view of exact science, that homosexuality is innate and cannot be healed, so in accordance with the Philosophy of Balance I agree with the above opinion of Thomas Halik too.

Note: notion of sexual deviation I use within the meaning to depart from the majority

Literature: : Pýcha klerikálů – demoralizace národa, 1) Halík a homosexualismus, 2) Halík contra prezident, 3) Halík contra Bátora, 4) Halík a hereze, Sestavil Pravověrný synod biskupů na Ukrajině (zřejmě synod biskupů Ukrajinské pravověrné řeckokatolické církve (UPHKC) vzniklé na Ukrajině kolem roku 2008 odštěpením od Ukrajinské řeckokatolické církve, největší východní katolické církve, viz ,  má poznámka)
, : Junák a homosexualismus, Ladislav Malý, Praha, únor 2013 (Američtí skauti povolí gaye ve svých řadách. Po 103 letech 31. ledna 2013, Zdroj: "Na dotaz pana R.Ucháče odpověděl sám místopředseda Junáku Mgr. Petr Vaněk, ... Vámi odkazovaný iDnes, použila pro svůj článek o zvažované změně politiky v Boy Scouts of America vyjádření tiskové mluvčí Junáka. Toto vyjádření zprostředkovává pravdivě postoj Junáka – svazu skautů a skautek ČR k otázce členek a členů s homosexuální orientací v naší organizaci. Junák sdružuje děti a mladé lidi bez ohledu na jejich etnický původ, náboženské vyznání, pohlaví či sexuální orientaci. Stejně se staví k dospělým vedoucím." , : Jaroslav Hejnic , : Břetislav Kafka - Nové základy experimentální psychologie, kapitola 5. VĚK BUNĚK

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 26/12/2014 18:22:30

I eat also something else, only plant seeds and plant fruits do not form a complete sufficient food for humans, but I always care to cause the least possible death and pain. (see below)


Post of Dalibor Grůza

7. Interview with Hare Krishna-an important Hindu organization and Hindus about eating meat and carnivores

On 18. May 2013, at 6:48 PM, JUDr. Dalibor Grůza Ph.D.-advokát <> wrote:

Dear Hinduist,

... I was doing an experiment (see my book Philosophy of Balance or ) with my longstanding ovo-lacto vegetarian diet (for the uninitiated, I have eaten plant diet, from animal food only milk and eggs), while I was watching the composition of my food, there was no animal ingredient from slaughtered animals, for example food additives, I have not eaten any food supplements or vitamins that could be made from slaughtered animals.

The result of this my long-term ovo-lacto vegetarian diet has been the following health problems: abdominal pain, flatulence, diarrhea, vomiting, sores on the mucous membranes, skin peeling, allergic shock (itching and rash throughout the body), sore on joints and articular cartilage, fatigue or tiredness at any greater effort, these problems will disappear whenever I eat the meat of my carrions (cadavers) of animals. Because of your moral resistance to eat carrions (cadavers) I will not die of nutritional inadequacy, for this reason because of my moral scruples I don't have to kill, or I don't have to get killed intentionally any animal for the purpose of my food and I will continue to eat the minimum required amount of carrions (cadavers) of the animals when my above health symptoms occur.

Answer for SPVŽT:

Author: Dalibor Grůza

Time: 09-12/12/2012


The Party for the Rights of All Living Creatures, wants to unite and fight for the rights of all living creatures, as the living creatures I think both people and animals, including the carnivorous animals, and also plants and other living creatures.

I don't want to split forces, therefore, I want to fight only against our current worst evil in relation to animals, factory slaughter farms. To do this, you need the money for the transformation of our agriculture in a more merciful ways of animal farming, which the slaughter tax should serve. According to me it is the first most important step in a good direction of SPVŽT, according to the society's readiness the next will follow.

I myself don't eat products from slaughtered animals, even not my dog, from animal foods I eat only eggs from a home breed, where they do not slaughter or get slaughtered any hens and cocks, or goat's milk from breed, where they do not slaughter or get slaughtered any goats or he - goats, and broilers from my shelter for chickens, which have not been killed intentionally by any human, deceased of old age. These naturally dead chickens I also feed my dog including eggs and the milk and vegetarian feed ami dog. I myself would probably not survive healthy in my experience only on the ovo-lacto vegetarian diet without meat, and certainly in my experience without this meat my dog, which is a carnivore, wouldn't survive healthy.

My opinion about the medical necessity of eating the meat in my case and in the case of my dog is based on my experience, or fixed by my scientific experiment with my long-term lacto-ovo vegetarian diet in my case and in the case of my dog (see my book Philosophy of Balance available on this site). By the way in India there are kept almost no carnivorous cats and dogs because people do not want to feed them meat. And what concerns the health need to eat meat to humans living long-term in India, whose ancestors were the generation accustomed to eating meat, I present an example of the current Dalai Lama, who, though he wants to be a vegetarian, had serious health problems and he began to eat meat (see : Me, 2010).

Eating naturally dead animals by human is not a new idea, but the idea is thousands of years old and it comes from India. Survived in old Roma (sometimes also Gypsies), who originate and in the middle ages they came to Europe from India. "Under the old Roma are carrions (cadavers) cleaner meat, because the animal didn't die in a violent death", and Roma also invented an ingenious recipe, how to eat the carrions (cadavers), "the carrions are boiled in more waters" (see : Vyšší odborná škola a Střední zdravotnická škola, MILLS, s. r. o., Tereza Rosecká, Vedoucí práce: ThDr. et Mgr. Ladislava Marešová, Čelákovice, 2010, Život romské menšiny), and it was at least thousands of years ago, when they came to Europe, and when no one has ever heard of the sterilization of surgical instruments. See my book Philosophy of Balance on this web site.

After our discussion with Trilokátma dása 11.12.2012 I received by post the current guide named GÓRAKŠJA and vegetarianism, issued or distributed by farm Krishna court of Hare Krishna movement in the Czech Republic, where there is on the page 5 stated:

"If the people who despite all the counterarguments insist on preserving animal food sources, they will eat only animals that die in a natural way, they avoid ingestion of "fear poisons". The animals will produce more offspring and understandable after a transitional period of a lack one get more meat than before. "

According by you cited a Dutch political party translated from English, see : Party for the Animals – Animal Politics Foundation, Amsterdam, The Netherlands :

Is the Party for the Animals against eating meat or fish?

The most animal-friendly menu is one without any animal produce. A large number of the members of the Party for the Animals are vegetarians or vegans. However, we also have members who eat meat or fish. It is not a choice that we try to force upon others. Nonetheless, we do strongly advocate that consumers (both party members and non - party members) who eat animal products should chose meat, eggs or dairy products, which do not derive from the factory farming industry, and non - endangered fish species. booklet Political Party for the Rights of All Living Creatures p. 34-35 ...

Articles of Civil Association - Society of Friends



The main object of the civil association Society of Friends (further also association) is to achieve the harmony of everyone and of all things, that means, all the living creatures (each animal, insect, plant, fungus, living cell, bacteria, virus, machine conscious of itself, etc.) could in future (evolutionarily) become friends for life and death.


Article I.

Eternal duty of all living creatures

(1) Fundamental duty of all living creatures is to cause the least possible death and pain. The perfect living creature eats then only plant fruits and plant seeds from all living creatures. (Further also eternal duty of members).

2) Any change of this eternal duty of all living creatures, who are members of this association (further also members), is inadmissible. In the event of any change or nullification of this eternal duty of members the extinction of association occurs automatically.

(3) By the interpretation of these articles it is impossible to entitle any elimination or threat of this eternal duty of members.

(4) Member has right also to eat only gradually in extreme emergency (especially from serious health reasons) eggs, in extreme emergency carrions of living creatures died of natural causes, on principle of old age, or in extreme emergency collected blood of non-slaughtered animals and humans and milk, or in extreme emergency plants, all always the most mercifully as possible bred and killed, and products purely from them. booklet Political Party for the Rights of All Living Creatures p. 19


Therefore, the ideal animal currently eats only plant seeds and plant fruits from all living creatures, which I presume the compliance with the above-mentioned three conditions., that we cause the least pain and fear of eaten plant seeds and plant fruits. At the same time it arises between us, between me-the man and the plant seed or fruit, no hatred, not love, but we tolerate each other, because it has to be (I am helping it to reproduce as I pick the plant products with plant seed, I eat it and I spread it on an area and seeds have a greater opportunity to grow as they felt down under any one plant, they would kill each other. At the same time all the seeds cannot grow because there is not sufficient land, that creates the dead living organisms, when one seed grows into an ear of hundred plant seeds, the passage through the digestive tract in some plant seeds is condition in order to grow), it is the least possible evil in the above cycle of life. In digestion, virtually earlier in the cooking plant fruit and plant seeds it leads to the killing, because the plant fruits and seeds are also formed by the living cells, which appear to feel some kind of pain in their premature death, but because it is evolutionarily the simplest kind of organisms (or the germs of new plants), which can serve man as a natural food, there is the least possible pain caused by man. With decreasing evolutionary maturity of a living organism the perceived pain of injury or death of the organism decreases. Philosophy of Balance p. 120

Disadvantaged, if exact (i.e. measurable) science does not prove, that it is an innate and incurable deviation, not persecuted on principle only the practicing above-mentioned sexually deviant people also homosexuals should be, not those who are trying to reach the above remedy, who represent the society hope of a future solution to this problem. Examples of such disadvantaging should be restrictions of activities of also non-practicing homosexuals in school system in the education of young children and adolescents, the activities of practicing homosexuals in universities are disputed, further restrictions on practicing homosexuals in the armed forces or when donating blood, etc. The primary goal of this disadvantaging is not the protection of society against sexually deviant people also homosexuals, because, as I mention above, sexual deviations also homosexuality are apparently according to the Philosophy of Balance a good evil or punishment for causing much more than the least possible death and pain from this human and his or her ancestors, i.e. reason to give rise to a sexual deviation in humans should not be an infection with another sexually deviant human, but this primary goal is to protect sexually deviant people themselves from their sexual deviation and their coercion to seek the causes and remedy of this punishment, thus their coercion to seek all sorts of real ways to cure their sexual deviation and not to accept it, if it is possible to cure it.

quoted from : O současné filo-z/s-ofii na mém FB, Sebastián Wortys

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 11/01/2015 15:25:48


Post of Dalibor Grůza

In Russia astonishment of human rights defenders caused a new law that prohibits people affected by sexual deviation from driving motor vehicles. On Thursday the new list of diagnoses that exclude driving, appeared on the websites of the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. So far according to Radio Moscow it contained only blindness, schizophrenia, epilepsy and other similarly serious diseases. Henceforth according to government decree the exhibitionists, voyeurs, fetishists, transvestites, pedophiles, necrophiliac and sadomasochistic confessors are not allowed to drive motor vehicles.

Source: : Další podivný zákon v Rusku. Exhibicionisté či transvestité nesmí za volant, LIDOVKY.CZ, ČTK, 2015

In Russia one provides nearly no benefits in material need, there is discrimination against Russian and foreign care for the homeless (see ). Prohibiting people suffering from the aforementioned sexual deviations from driving, which disadvantages them in the labor market even more next to this their sexual deviation, could have been understood as in extreme emergency with respect to the principle of subsidiarity, i.e. irreversibility, and proportionality, that is less than imminent evil, medically permissible their own protection against these their sexual deviations or in this extreme emergency permissible protection of society from them, especially the protection of children against pedophiles only if developed social system of benefits to people in material need, which Russia does not probably have. Therefore this prohibition in Russia can be assessed as persecution and social destruction of people suffering from the aforementioned sexual deviations, not their therapeutic disadvantaging. That is why this prohibition in Russia is inadmissible in terms of the Philosophy of Balance and according to the Philosophy of Balance this causing much more than the least possible death and pain should return to the relevant Russian politicians, who approved this prohibition, in the form of revenge of killed and their relative living cells of bodies of people suffering from above-mentioned sexual deviations and of bodies of their relatives.

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 24/01/2015 19:55:28

Homosexuality is not fundamentally different from other sexual deviations, which are according to the Philosophy of Balance also punishment, virtually revenge or evolutionary imperfection due to hatred and revenge of killed living cells and their relative living cells, which are able according to the Philosophy of Balance to recognize and to remember the friend and enemy and their relatives, all based on the full identity of the genetic code of every living cell of each body of living organism or partial identity of the genetic code of every living cell of bodies of each relative living organism (it is about a kind of exact scientific hypothesis to justify the concept of karma and absolute fairness of the world with the prevailing probability, for more information see my Philosophy of Balance). ...

If sexual deviation is in the future curable disease (see above), then the practicing homosexual teacher is not a good example for children, non-practicing homosexual teacher is a good example for children, but he or she would not have to control his or her  sexual urge in his or her sexual abstinence and he or she could abuse a child, therefore it is necessary to restrict or very to guard the activities of non-practicing homosexuals in education of children and almost to exclude activities of practicing homosexuals in education of children, practicing homosexual teacher at the university is not a good example for college students, but college student is already on principle almost an adult, therefore activities of practicing homosexuals at universities are disputed according to the Philosophy of Balance, non-practicing homosexual can operate according to the Philosophy of Balance at university.

Quoted form: : O současné filo-z/s-ofii na mém FB, Sebastián Wortys

When she does not erect it (read woman the man's penis), so she does not deserve it (read, that this woman this man's penis, or, as the case may be, this man).

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 21/07/2015 20:59:31


Post of Dalibor Grůza

Why not just adults but also children are more bothered by homosexual boys than by girls, Zdenek Sloboda, manager of PROUD organization explains, which is improving the living conditions of sexual minorities and which initiates the seminars.

"The sociological answer is quite simple. Reason is in the Western world constructed masculinity - typically chauvinistic. It negates everything girly, for example, the boys do not cry. The boys are educated not to be especially effeminate. While the education of girls leads to be beautiful and to become mothers," Sloboda explains the differing attitudes of education of boys and girls.

"When gay boy classmate comes to class, three problems are felt by the other boys. Firstly his orientation threatens masculinity, he weakens them. Given how homosexuality is sexually communicated compared to heterosexuality, boys are afraid that he will sexually attack all them at once, and he will sexually harass them. And thirdly they have nothing to talk with him, because boys teams of pubertal age solve sports, technologies and girls, in which according to them gays are not interested," Sloboda described the model situation.

Conversely girls as sexually passive in the eyes of their classmates cannot endanger anyone. : 2015, Stáňa Seďová, Právo

 I am not really interested in sport, because I consider it as an urban deformation (see originally probably ancient Greek city-states, especially Sparta, which gave the name to the whole sport industry) of prehistoric agriculture and forestry, namely originally prehistoric pastoralists, plowmen and hunters, which represented originally the physically strenuous, but meaningful work of men that increases testosterone level in men, unlike sport which is by city deformed large meaningless therefore mostly short spending energy. In addition to it the prehistoric agriculture and forestry included also the gathering, which for their physical modesty was primarily the prerogative of women. I am not very interested in the technologies, in which I cannot see the goal but a means to achieve a certain goal, computer games then I consider if gambler computer games as deformed sport where a player, for example instead of physically strenuous riding an army tank, is sitting behind the desk and he substitutes the original sport and more original agriculture and forestry for the computer game riding an army tank. The only thing that interests me from the aforementioned trio are women, who by their will according to me enable man to have sexual intercourse (according to the old Czech proverb: When she does not erect it (read woman the man's penis), so she does not deserve it (read, that this woman this man's penis, or, as the case may be, this man).) In my opinion deformed sexual selection in contemporary society, which has shifted from the original prehistoric agriculture and forestry to urban sport and technologies, is responsible for a number of deformations of contemporary society, among other great responsibility also for effeminacy of men and masculinity of women in contemporary Western society. Therefore in my Philosophy of Balance I recommend to build in addition to school playgrounds also the school agricultural farms built on the principle of mercy, and it has been since elementary school.

(see , , )

About masturbation

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 25/07/2015 17:35:53


Post of Dalibor Grůza



„All living creatures in fact mostly want to live in a world, where everyone likes each other, therefore everyone is still obliged to cause the least possible death and pain." All the rest consists more in views (speculations).

Furthermore, I would like to take the case of extreme emergency:

- When it is to use a protected sex (e.g., various types of contraceptives and condoms) or

- Masturbate,

Therefore to act in contravention to the above rule No. 2.), then to kill the sexual cells before their natural death. This is so if we are not able to withstand the psychological and physical pressure on us made by our body, or through our surrounding. This gives rise to gametes sacrifice to save other cells in our body (e.g. brain cells) and thus our mental health, virtually our life. Philosophy of Balance p. 127

It should be and one can watch nice heterosexual porn … This porn should be watched by an individual, virtually consumed only, if it is necessary for having children, it should not be an unnecessary masturbation, virtually onanism, virtually unnecessary killing of the man's sperm. Preference should of course have according to the above guiding principle of my Philosophy of Balance not to kill unnecessarily, when shooting porn, over above acting of living creatures and not the intentional killing of sperm during onanism, virtually masturbation of pornactors the above-mentioned possible reproductive purpose satisfying cartoon porn with the perfection of development of techniques. ...

The sperm of certain individuals as living creatures are likely to feature high competition for the best one to fertilize a woman's egg, but they also, apparently due to their proximity and similarities, feature great fellowship, where almost all the sperms are willing to die to let one of them develop into a child or children of partners. Philosophy of Balance p. 383-384

Bible, King James Version (KJV), Leviticus 15, 16 And if any man's seed of copulation go out from him, then he shall wash all his flesh in water, and be unclean until the even. Deuteronomy 23, 11 But it shall be, when evening cometh on, he shall wash himself with water: and when the sun is down, he shall come into the camp again. 12 Thou shalt have a place also without the camp, whither thou shalt go forth abroad: see (the above mentioned was proved to me, even if I have for it no rational hypothesis, eg. increased production of substitutive sperm during sleep at night, only a very mystical explanation is that in the evening we enter into another spacetime)

Literature: : 2013, author red
, : Kosher Sex, Copyright 5756-5780 (1995-2020), Tracey R Rich, , , , , : Authors, Jan Janula, 2008 , , , , : 2015, Jaroslav Zvěřina, Právo , : Můžeme odolat nevěře?, Author: EVA BOBŮRKOKVÁ, 2001 , : Author: Majka Vinická, Kbak , : © 2020 MeDitorial+ | ISSN 254x52 , : (slovenská hudební skupina, má poznámka) Elán - Zanedbaný sex (text piesne) , : Podivnosti o penisu vysvětleny. Za ranní erekci může testosteron, Author: Marcela Svobodová pro, 2014 , : Zpěvák slavné skupiny promluvil: Za mou rakovinu krku může orální sex, Bruce Dickinson z Iron Maiden uvedl, že za jeho nemoc může virus HPV, author Famous.

(see , , )


12 In what army I would work voluntarily according to Philosophy of Balance : Ráj začíná vědeckým pokusem na mé zahradě

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 31/12/2014 09:34:03


Post of Dalibor Grůza



„All living creatures in fact mostly want to live in a world, where everyone likes each other, therefore everyone is still obliged to cause the least possible death and pain." All the rest consists more in views (speculations).


7. Interview with Hare Krishna-an important Hindu organization and Hindus about eating meat and carnivores

On 18. May 2013, at 6:48 PM, JUDr. Dalibor Grůza Ph.D.-advokát <> wrote:

Dear Hinduist,

... I was doing an experiment (see my book Philosophy of Balance or ) with my longstanding ovo-lacto vegetarian diet (for the uninitiated, I have eaten plant diet, from animal food only milk and eggs), while I was watching the composition of my food, there was no animal ingredient from slaughtered animals, for example food additives, I have not eaten any food supplements or vitamins that could be made from slaughtered animals.

The result of this my long-term ovo-lacto vegetarian diet has been the following health problems: abdominal pain, flatulence, diarrhea, vomiting, sores on the mucous membranes, skin peeling, allergic shock (itching and rash throughout the body), sore on joints and articular cartilage, fatigue or tiredness at any greater effort, these problems will disappear whenever I eat the meat of my carrions (cadavers) of animals. Because of your moral resistance to eat carrions (cadavers) I will not die of nutritional inadequacy, for this reason because of my moral scruples I don't have to kill, or I don't have to get killed intentionally any animal for the purpose of my food and I will continue to eat the minimum required amount of carrions (cadavers) of the animals when my above health symptoms occur.

Answer for SPVŽT:

Author: Dalibor Grůza

Time: 09-12/12/2012


The Party for the Rights of All Living Creatures, wants to unite and fight for the rights of all living creatures, as the living creatures I think both people and animals, including the carnivorous animals, and also plants and other living creatures.

I don't want to split forces, therefore, I want to fight only against our current worst evil in relation to animals, factory slaughter farms. To do this, you need the money for the transformation of our agriculture in a more merciful ways of animal farming, which the slaughter tax should serve. According to me it is the first most important step in a good direction of SPVŽT, according to the society's readiness the next will follow.

I myself don't eat products from slaughtered animals, even not my dog, from animal foods I eat only eggs from a home breed, where they do not slaughter or get slaughtered any hens and cocks, or goat's milk from breed, where they do not slaughter or get slaughtered any goats or he - goats, and broilers from my shelter for chickens, which have not been killed intentionally by any human, deceased of old age. These naturally dead chickens I also feed my dog including eggs and the milk and vegetarian feed ami dog. I myself would probably not survive healthy in my experience only on the ovo-lacto vegetarian diet without meat, and certainly in my experience without this meat my dog, which is a carnivore, wouldn't survive healthy.

My opinion about the medical necessity of eating the meat in my case and in the case of my dog is based on my experience, or fixed by my scientific experiment with my long-term lacto-ovo vegetarian diet in my case and in the case of my dog (see my book Philosophy of Balance available on this site). By the way in India there are kept almost no carnivorous cats and dogs because people do not want to feed them meat. And what concerns the health need to eat meat to humans living long-term in India, whose ancestors were the generation accustomed to eating meat, I present an example of the current Dalai Lama, who, though he wants to be a vegetarian, had serious health problems and he began to eat meat (see : Me, 2010).

Eating naturally dead animals by human is not a new idea, but the idea is thousands of years old and it comes from India. Survived in old Roma (sometimes also Gypsies), who originate and in the middle ages they came to Europe from India. "Under the old Roma are carrions (cadavers) cleaner meat, because the animal didn't die in a violent death", and Roma also invented an ingenious recipe, how to eat the carrions (cadavers), "the carrions are boiled in more waters" (see : Vyšší odborná škola a Střední zdravotnická škola, MILLS, s. r. o., Tereza Rosecká, Vedoucí práce: ThDr. et Mgr. Ladislava Marešová, Čelákovice, 2010, Život romské menšiny), and it was at least thousands of years ago, when they came to Europe, and when no one has ever heard of the sterilization of surgical instruments. See my book Philosophy of Balance on this web site.

After our discussion with Trilokátma dása 11.12.2012 I received by post the current guide named GÓRAKŠJA and vegetarianism, issued or distributed by farm Krishna court of Hare Krishna movement in the Czech Republic, where there is on the page 5 stated:

"If the people who despite all the counterarguments insist on preserving animal food sources, they will eat only animals that die in a natural way, they avoid ingestion of "fear poisons". The animals will produce more offspring and understandable after a transitional period of a lack one get more meat than before. "

According by you cited a Dutch political party translated from English, see - Party for the Animals – Animal Politics Foundation, Amsterdam, The Netherlands :

Is the Party for the Animals against eating meat or fish?

The most animal-friendly menu is one without any animal produce. A large number of the members of the Party for the Animals are vegetarians or vegans. However, we also have members who eat meat or fish. It is not a choice that we try to force upon others. Nonetheless, we do strongly advocate that consumers (both party members and non - party members) who eat animal products should chose meat, eggs or dairy products, which do not derive from the factory farming industry, and non - endangered fish species. booklet Political Party for the Rights of All Living Creatures p. 34-35  ...

Articles of Civil Association - Society of Friends


The main object of the civil association Society of Friends (further also association) is to achieve the harmony of everyone and of all things, that means, all the living creatures (each animal, insect, plant, fungus, living cell, bacteria, virus, machine conscious of itself, etc.) could in future (evolutionarily) become friends for life and death.


Article I.

Eternal duty of all living creatures

(1) Fundamental duty of all living creatures is to cause the least possible death and pain. The perfect living creature eats then only plant fruits and plant seeds from all living creatures. (Further also eternal duty of members).

2) Any change of this eternal duty of all living creatures, who are members of this association (further also members), is inadmissible. In the event of any change or nullification of this eternal duty of members the extinction of association occurs automatically.

(3) By the interpretation of these articles it is impossible to entitle any elimination or threat of this eternal duty of members.

(4) Member has right also to eat only gradually in extreme emergency (especially from serious health reasons) eggs, in extreme emergency carrions of living creatures died of natural causes, on principle of old age, or in extreme emergency collected blood of non-slaughtered animals and humans and milk, or in extreme emergency plants, all always the most mercifully as possible bred and killed, and products purely from them. booklet Political Party for the Rights of All Living Creatures p. 19

... 6) In my view, the enemy soldier must shoot the soldier, who wants to kill, at the shoulder, which holds the gun. If he wants to kill me by the other hand, which grabs the gun due to the fact, that the usual shoulder-hand holding arm is crippled by my shot, I shoot him well into the opposite shoulder. These injuries make the enemy soldier, who wants to kill, incapable for a long time. After a long period of treatment of wounded arms it can be assumed, that the war ends in between. It will be possible to distinguish in a crowd the terrorists, they will have crushed shoulder and they will be poor or not at all able to move their hands. This will be achieved by preventive targets, because the most aggressive terrorists are excluded from the fight, and both they are easily identifiable and they will not be able to lead their counterparts in other fights. At the same time it will be a mean to assuage the war, because the pain from a shot into their shoulder as an injury and its treatment will prevent a further escalation of the fighting, when people think twice before war, when the only result will be their crippling and painful injury and treatment. In fact it is concerned the pacifist tactics of trench warfare.


In my view the rule of trench warfare is also a moral rule. The only absolute ethical code, which in my opinion exists, that a human should never kill any living human (or himself or herself), it will be maintained.


From the biblical symbolic logic, which teaches according to Islam and Judaism, that "eye for eye, tooth for tooth", the soldiers using the above tactics are improbable to die only shot to the arm by the enemy, because he or she also does not kill anyone. In my opinion, it is completely true the saying: "Who handles with death, they will die." In other words, who kills a man, they are determined to death. This happened to Cain, who killed Abel, Moses, who killed an Egyptian guard, David, who slew Goliath, and Uriah, Solomon, who killed his brother, seeking to overthrow his father, etc.


The above tactic of trench warfare is also advantageous in terms of the Middle East conflict because the killing of any man also an enemy soldier in a war in the Middle East, due to the family and clan nature, and the law of blood revenge it is an endless continuation of the conflict. The avenger of blood vendettas must by law kill the murderer of his or her relative, he or she becomes also a murderer and threatened by vengeance blood of a relative of the murdered. Using the above tactics of trench warfare it would prevent further killings and further because of blood feud, according to Jewish and Islamic law: "An eye for eye, tooth for tooth" the soldier using this tactic is not threatened more than by shot of one or both shoulders. This mutilation is already today or it will be in the near future for a long and painful treatment and recovery already treatable through medical procedures using an exact artificial joint replacement. In my view at the same time it would mean the acceptance of wars and participation in them from Orthodox Jews and thus the acceptance of Orthodox Jews in terms of today's mainstream Israeli society, which is forced to defend its existence in the constant wars against its Arab neighbors. The question here is not, where or who you shoot or do not shoot in war by firearm as a pistol, but whether you aim to the shoulder, knee, elbow, wrist or arm or leg, or vice versa the neck, chest, abdomen or head.


(See also: ) Philosophy of Balance p. 27

... To an obligation of a soldier to disobey command and corrupt military oath of obedience it may be noted that sole duty of every living being exists according to the Philosophy of Balance, it is to cause the least possible death and pain. Obedience of soldiers to the commands of their commanders and the military oath is in most cases in conformity with this only obligation under the Philosophy of Balance, but in some cases, it is clear even to an ordinary soldier or officer, that he or she conflicts with this only obligation under the Philosophy of Balance, thus it is to him or her clear, that he or she causes unnecessary death and pain (eg, the order to kill children or women). In this case according to the Philosophy of Balance ordinary soldier or officer is also obliged to put up appropriate resistance and he or she must rely, on that his or her duty to put up appropriate resistance to such a command, which is obviously from a point of view of the soldier in conflict with the sole obligation under the Philosophy of Balance, all other soldiers perform, causing a change of commander decision inflicting apparently unnecessary death and pain. An ordinary soldier and an officer probably would not have volunteered to sacrifice during his or her resistance his or her own life or the life of some of his or her fellow as a result of the revolt of this resisted soldier, if he or she always performs his or her duty of appropriate resistance to the command causing from his or her point of view obviously unnecessary death and pain, but this requires courage rather than cowardice of the soldier always adequately to resist such commands.  Otherwise, if the ordinary soldier or officer will not find in him- or herself the courage for such an appropriate resistance, so he or she becomes accomplices from his or her point of view causing an apparently unnecessary death and pain, and sooner or later he or she loses his or her mental balance.


A merciful (ie, causing the least possible death and pain) commander is according to my evolutionary hypothesis about the merciful evolution of nature in terms of nature mostly more valuable than his or her subordinates even though merciful, including his or her immediate subordinate advisers and assistants. Philosophy of Balance p. 362

From the above it follows in what the army I would voluntarily work, through this job I would had, in meeting the only dogma of my Philosophy of Balance (see above), to cause simply said the least possible death of living creatures (i.e. also the pain, because pain is on principle death of living microorganisms of living creature body). Such a democratic army would have to allow my aforementioned merciful food, my above-mentioned option to save an enemy's life  by his or her necessary injury, that he or she was out of the fight, not his or her killing, eg. by gunfire at the hands, legs or joints, eg. at the shoulder, and it would have to allow my refusal to obey or in extreme emergency my necessary change of order, that would obviously cause much more than the least possible death and pain. In case that the above conditions of my volunteer work in the army would not be met by the army, so I would work voluntarily in the army only on condition, that this would be its obvious causing the least possible death, eg. the army for the liberation of extermination concentration camp or fight against other large-scale genocide, and in it, as in my involuntary military service in army, which does not meet the above conditions, I would put up the above resistance.

Literature: Vyborny Lee, Davis Don, DARK WATERS/V temných vodách, New American Library division of Penguin Putnam Inc./nakladatelství OLDAG, New York 2003/Ostrava 2004

(see , , )

Rights and duties of comrades-in-arms

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 22/05/2015 19:30:12


Post of Dalibor Grůza



„All living creatures in fact mostly want to live in a world, where everyone likes each other, therefore everyone is still obliged to cause the least possible death and pain."

All the rest consists more in views (speculations).

... or as a series of friends and comrades who are willing to fight and sacrifice their lives for us.
Philosophy of Balance p. 8

... Therefore, I agree with the Koran, that wars have a meaning and that society should be the ideal society of comrades-in-arms
Philosophy of Balance p. 143

... 2) Comrades-in-arms: i.e.  performance to the final recipient, for which the recipient is obliged to provide any reasonable consideration, a pattern of this relationship is the Christian concept of single God as the Father as a donor and Jesus of Nazareth may be Christ, as his adult son equal to this single God as the Father, relationship between living partners, the relationship between parent and his or her adult child, army relationship between two soldiers comrades-in-arms in the army, the market relationship between trading partners, possibly the future relationship between human and animal or insect or plant or other living creature evolutionarily less perfect than human, until these living creatures improve to the same evolutionary level


The aim of nature evolution according to the Philosophy of Balance is gradually within the nature of evolution to educate still new and new emerging living creatures as initial exclusive recipients of charity to become still better comrades-in-arms. Philosophy of Balance p. 401

Applying for an explanation of the above-mentioned general physical and mathematical definitions the general English language, we can say the following:


ad 1)


1.1 In the case of an attack against a particular individual from the society of living creatures makes this attack from the living creatures retreat this particular individual from the society of living creatures.

1.2 In the case of retreat of living creatures makes this retreat from the living creatures the individual to the attack against these living creatures.


ad 2) Reasonable behavior:


2.1 In the case of an attack by the living creatures against a certain individual it is reasonable, so that this individual responded in contrast to paragraph ad 1.1 not by a retreat but by appropriate attack against the society of living creatures (Eg. the seduction of a person of the same sex can be responded by own idea of his or her genital organs).

2.2 In the case of retreat of society of living creatures from a particular individual it is reasonable, that this individual responded in contrast to paragraph ad 1.2 not by an attack but by an adequate retreat from the society of living creatures.


Ad 3)


3.1 Reasonable attack of certain individuals as a response to the attack of the living creatures against the particular individual neutralizes (or zero) both attacks, sooner or later (i.e. educational, not destructively).

3.2 Reasonable retreat of some individuals in response to the retreat of living creatures from the particular individual neutralizes (or zero) both retreats sooner or later.


The result of this procedure is sooner or later, stable development of all living creatures. Philosophy of Balance p. 48

(see , , )

From the above it follows that the comrades have a duty sufficiently to fight and sufficiently to sacrifice for the other comrades, they have the right for it, that other comrades fight sufficiently and sacrifice themselves sufficiently for them again. It is a mutual retreat of comrades focused on fighting outside of comrades group. In case, that the comrade is not able sufficiently to fight and to sacrifice him- or herself for other comrades, he or she is becoming the subject of attacks by his or her own comrades, to which he or she must respond by a counterattack against his or her comrades, or he or she will be the beneficiary of their charity, in any case he or she ceases to be equal comrade. In order that in the long term the army of comrades as well as individual comrade succeed in the fight, so according to the Philosophy of Balance they  must follow as much as possible a permanent obligation of everyone to cause the least possible death and pain.


13 Common learning of disabled and healthy children : Ráj začíná vědeckým pokusem na mé zahradě


Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 19/01/2015 21:42:03



Post of Dalibor Grůza

Statement of President Milos Zeman that handicapped children should not be placed in shared classes with healthy students, should not concern negatively to the handicapped people. "Nothing is black and white. The president has called for maintaining practical schools, where it is in the interest of the children. Thus certainly he would not want to affect negatively the disabled, as he is denounced. He pointed to a situation, where as a result learning of all pupils in the classroom suffers from it, and to cases of bullying, which occur unfortunately too, "said Ovčáček.

(see : 2015, Novinky, ČTK

Concerned rules of Philosophy of Balance:

Author: Dalibor Grůza

Time: 05/02/2012 13:57:25




Post of neronis


So perhaps better than if nothing has happened. But society has a lot of challenges ahead and I cannot imagine a public debate about whether to tracked down secretly any dictator who can watch it on television. Or about weeping retarded children who must be let to starve, because they got lazy and do nothing except leaves painting. They can even form up a cup from clay for a praise.



here you get closer to the Nazi ideology, which also committed euthanasia (i.e. merciful death) of disabled people and also of disabled children. The basic idea and the obligation of the Philosophy of Balance, that "All living creatures in fact mostly want to live in a world, where everyone likes each other, therefore everyone is still obliged to cause the least possible death and pain. All the rest consists more in views (speculations). It applies to all my Philosophy of Balance.", means, that you and they carry huge value that is the evolutionarily most advanced form of life (i.e., the most able ones to feel physical and mental pain) to be protected primarily along with other life of all other living creatures as much as possible. Furthermore, according to the Philosophy of Balance one must be looking at retarded children not only in terms, of what they are now, but also in terms, of what they may be in the future, how they can improve evolutionarily according to the Philosophy of Balance in particular by causing the least possible death and pain, for which they bear responsibility against the nature (or its evolution) not only these retarded children but also persons who are entrusted with these retarded children.

(See ) Philosophy of Balance p. 372

According to the Philosophy of Balance the basic value in educating of children is not learning but love, i.e. „All living creatures in fact mostly want to live in a world, where everyone likes each other, therefore everyone is still obliged to cause the least possible death and pain." While it is true, that children with disabilities may hinder other children in education, they are teaching this love to healthy children that in the first place there was not unmerciful Darwinian predation but mercy at children in education. According to the Philosophy of Balance mercy and merciful science also in healthcare in animal experiments (see my Philosophy of Balance) and not the unmerciful predation and unmerciful science represent real hope for a cure of these children with disabilities and for real scientific progress. Therefore according to the Philosophy of Balance the mercy to all living creatures not only to children with disabilities should be generally applied in the educational system, lack of mercy towards other living creatures has resulted in a schizophrenic situation of the current educational system, while bullying of handicapped children is really threatening from other children, who see and learn about the law of this mercilessness in nature and who should still be merciful to children with disabilities. Under condition of far broader application of mercy to all living creatures thus children even with bigger disabilities could be included in mainstream education. If one fails to do anything with the teaching and the reality of unmerciful Darwinian predation in nature and in society, bullying always threatens, nevertheless according to the Philosophy of Balance it is desirable while maintaining practical classes for children with bigger disabilities to support as much as possible their lessons together with healthy children and the widest possible participation of disabled children in mainstream education, unless it does not mean their bullying and big slowdown of teaching of healthy children, through which in fact (though not explicitly) at least partially we put teaching about the law of universal mercy in opposition to the teaching of law of universal Darwinian unmerciful predation in nature.

(see , , )

14 Psychology of care and care for the seriously or terminally ill living creatures according Phil. of Balance : Ráj začíná vědeckým pokusem na mé zahradě 

Author: Dalibor Grůza

Time: 21/01/2015 19:52:00



Post of Dalibor Grůza

14 Howbeit, because by this deed thou hast given great occasion to the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme, the child also that is born unto thee shall surely die.

15 And Nathan departed unto his house. And the Lord struck the child that Uriah's wife bare unto David, and it was very sick.

16 David therefore besought God for the child; and David fasted, and went in, and lay all night upon the earth.

17 And the elders of his house arose, and went to him, to raise him up from the earth: but he would not, neither did he eat bread with them.

18 And it came to pass on the seventh day, that the child died. And the servants of David feared to tell him that the child was dead: for they said, Behold, while the child was yet alive, we spake unto him, and he would not hearken unto our voice: how will he then vex himself, if we tell him that the child is dead?

19 But when David saw that his servants whispered, David perceived that the child was dead: therefore David said unto his servants, Is the child dead? And they said, He is dead.

20 Then David arose from the earth, and washed, and anointed himself, and changed his apparel, and came into the house of the Lord, and worshipped: then he came to his own house; and when he required, they set bread before him, and he did eat.

21 Then said his servants unto him, What thing is this that thou hast done? thou didst fast and weep for the child, while it was alive; but when the child was dead, thou didst rise and eat bread.

22 And he said, While the child was yet alive, I fasted and wept: for I said, Who can tell whether God will be gracious to me, that the child may live?

23 But now he is dead, wherefore should I fast? can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me.
2 Samuel 12 Bible: King James Version (KJV) see Samuel+12&version=KJV

Concerned rules of Philosophy of Balance:

1) A human must never kill any living creature, especially human (or him- or herself). (i.e. according to me for the probability of 0-5 percents, that a human kills the human, the first human must begin to save this second human, i.e. at worst case only to recede)

2) A human has a duty to kill as few of living creatures as possible (i.e. for the protection of life) and if so then those naturally feeling the least pain.1) (i.e. according to me a human can kill any living creature only if the probability of at least 95-100 %, that he or she saves in this way the life of other living creature, so that in this way he or she caused the least possible death and pain).  Philosophy of Balance p. 23

Applying for an explanation of the above-mentioned general physical and mathematical definitions the general English language, we can say the following:


ad 1)

1.1 In the case of an attack against a particular individual from the society of living creatures makes this attack from the living creatures retreat this particular individual from the society of living creatures.

1.2 In the case of retreat of living creatures makes this retreat from the living creatures the individual to the attack against these living creatures.


ad 2) Reasonable behavior:

2.1 In the case of an attack by the living creatures against a certain individual it is reasonable, so that this individual responded in contrast to paragraph ad 1.1 not by a retreat but by appropriate attack against the society of living creatures (Eg. the seduction of a person of the same sex can be responded by own idea of his or her genital organs).

2.2 In the case of retreat of society of living creatures from a particular individual it is reasonable, that this individual responded in contrast to paragraph ad 1.2 not by an attack but by an adequate retreat from the society of living creatures.


Ad 3)

3.1 Reasonable attack of certain individuals as a response to the attack of the living creatures against the particular individual neutralizes (or zero) both attacks, sooner or later (i.e. educational, not destructively).

3.2 Reasonable retreat of some individuals in response to the retreat of living creatures from the particular individual neutralizes (or zero) both retreats sooner or later.


The result of this procedure is sooner or later, stable development of all living creatures.


Note: I was trying to verify the above model of the behavior of bodies on a collision by sending two balls one against another of the same weight with the same speed, and they have stopped completely shortly after a frontal collision, after a brief movement in the opposite direction. If I sent a ball against a stationary ball of the same weight, so the ball has completely stopped moving and the other motionless ball has become to move away likely with the same speed as before the collision the first ball in the opposite direction.


In the attack as an appropriate response to attack by society of living organisms it should always be considered if:


1) We are able to stop the attack from the side of the living world, sooner or later, without us getting seriously hurt by the attacker and we cause the least possible death and pain  of living creatures (see variable momentum vector p1 above in my diagram), or

2) We are able the attack from the society of living organisms only to hamper (see variable momentum vector p2 in my above mentioned diagram), without us getting seriously hurt by the attacker and we cause the least possible death and pain  of living creatures, cessation of attacks by living organisms in this case, then we leave it to another living organism (see variable momentum vector p1 above, that in my diagram).


With almost certainty, we know, that this is an attack, if we feel the pressure (stress), and the appropriate counter-attack, if there is a permanent reduction in pressure. Philosophy of Balance p. 48

Now I try view the Philosophy of Balance for women: Variables strong, really successful-S tends to poor, when their abuse of power), weak, really unsuccessful-W (tends to be good when learning from their weakness), good-G (tends to be strong, if others will appreciate their goodness), bad-B (tends to be weak, if the others revenge for their wickedness), male-M, female-F.


Transition from strong to bad, from bad to weak, from weak to good and from good to strong is often accompanied by a death or suicide, suffering or madness.


Note: I understand the goodness-G as a greater observance of causing the least possible death and pain , evil-B I understand as more of this non-duty, power-S I understand as the energy, weakness-W as a lack of energy Philosophy of Balance p. 389

(see , , )


This means, that the fight for life of seriously ill living creature one cannot give up until his or her death while maintaining the permanent obligation of everyone according to the Philosophy of Balance to cause the least possible death and pain. On principle from this living creature one must retreat, not attack him or her, i.e. not to revenge him or her and not to reproach strongly him or her for his or her faults. It is necessary, that one regularly gives a human or other living creature merciful, especially animal foods such as eggs from a home breed, where they do not slaughter or get slaughtered any hens and cocks, or milk from breed, where they do not slaughter or get slaughtered any female or any male, possibly also animals died of natural causes, principally of old age, boiled in several waters, if he or she is not against it, or if the human changes his or her attitude to his or her non-eating slaughtered animals. I recommend prayer for this living creature, eg. by the words: God give (i.e. if you exist), let everyone live as soon as possible in a world, where everyone likes each other, therefore let everyone cause the least possible death and pain. Also of this living creature and also by this living creature, of everyone and by everyone. This prayer can help, and surely at least it does not harm.

Literature: : Author Redakce Umírání.cz, 2006 , ,

15 Judicial torture (at Guantanamo) according to Philosophy of Balance : Justiční mučení (na Guantánamu) dle Fil. rovnováhy


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Theme web: : Justiční mučení (na Guantánamu) dle Fil. rovnováhy
Printed on: 22/01/2015


Theme author: Dalibor Grůza
Theme: Justiční mučení (na Guantánámu) dle Fil. rovnováhy
Time: 22/01/2015 19:45:55


Post of Dalibor Grůza

Raped and beaten he could not recognize day from night. The prisoner no. 760 described the horror at Guantanamo. Americans got him imprisoned at Guantanamo 12 years without raised charge against him. Mauritanian Ould Slahi talks, how he was beaten, sexually abused by investigators, how they hindered him to sleep, how he was given to coldness by investigators, and how they staged in front of him false kidnappings and executions, and how they threatened to bring his mother at Guantanamo.

(see : 2015, Novinky

Concerned rules of Philosophy of Balance:



„All living creatures in fact mostly want to live in a world, where everyone likes each other, therefore everyone is still obliged to cause the least possible death and pain." All the rest consists more in views (speculations).

1) A human must never kill any living creature, especially human (or him- or herself). (i.e. according to me for the probability of 0-5 percents, that a human kills the human, the first human must begin to save this second human, i.e. at worst case only to recede)

2) A human has a duty to kill as few of living creatures as possible (i.e. for the protection of life) and if so then those naturally feeling the least pain.1) (i.e. according to me a human can kill any living creature only if the probability of at least 95-100 %, that he or she saves in this way the life of other living creature, so that in this way he or she caused the least possible death and pain). Philosophy of Balance p. 23


If it is not objectively possible to achieve this harmony of living material movement systems-individuals without the loss of some live material motion system-the individual, it is possible to admit their loss, but the least extent possible, that we can accept e.g. a dictatorship, life imprisonment for irreparable murderer or corporal punishment except the death penalty, unless we can provide them the imprisonment, but only gradually in the cases of needed defense and extreme emergency with respect to the principle of subsidiarity, i.e. irreversibility, and proportionality that is less than imminent evil. Philosophy of Balance p. 183

(see , , )


This means, that the Philosophy of Balance admits torture of terrorists by the West under the following conditions. Thus only torture in case of extreme emergency, i.e. the imminent otherwise unavoidable danger far greater than this torture, for example. Imminent terrorist attack, which is to kill more people. However person can be tortured, only if probability is 95-100%, that the death of living cells of his or her body during this torture will save other living creatures, for example one can torture a terrorist caught in the act, eg. in the preparation of this terrorist attack. Simultaneously with this torture torturer must not admit possibility to kill this terrorist. And this torture must be as merciful as possible to fulfill its purpose, i.e. to obtain the necessary information. This torture must be under the control of the judiciary.


From the above rules of judicial torture it follows, that preventive judicial torture, how the US applies it at Guantanamo, is inadmissible according to the Philosophy of Balance.

16 Debt relief of Greece according to Philosophy of Balance : Oddlužení Řecka dle Filosofie rovnováhy

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Theme web: : Oddlužení Řecka dle Filosofie rovnováhy

Printed on: 10/02/2015


Author: Dalibor Grůza
Theme: Oddlužení Řecka dle Filosofie rovnováhy
Time: 10/02/2015 21:08:09


Post of Dalibor Grůza

From the foregoing, that the merit, virtually earned profit in the sense of capitalist concept I understand reducing the overall power of conflicts, crashes in society, thus increase of its compliance, which, even if the growth of the economic product without external (external) costs, means in particular growth of a quantity of economic goods that are more probably to meet the material needs of members of society, thus also it may decrease litigations in society. This is also closer to the above-agreed ideal State. Unearned income increases the overall strength of collisions. ...

For attack of individual especially, when his or her material needs are greater than his or her merits, who takes another individual against his or her will the deserved economic goods (energy), even greater than their material needs, the attacker should pay the full damages minus by the offender reasonably expected long-term or short-term investment of economic goods (see above education or defense). Reasonably expected economic investment of goods (energy) means that an attacker or a group that took responsibility for payment of damages, they are for it able to achieve the maximum earned (i.e. essentially legal) profit (see above). These are by the individuals or groups effectively enforced investment. Philosophy of Balance p. 257-258

According to the Philosophy of Balance deepening of the current economic and political crisis in the Western world will continue, at the end of this crisis here will be once again the general misery, ruins of economies, the establishment of dictatorships and war in the Western world will be as under fascism in the last century. According to the Philosophy of Balance the reason for this crisis is evolutionary imperfection, virtually. immorality in the Western world that blatantly lives on debt, in other words they misspend goods belonging to someone else to rob the state, tunneling by the rich, the poor in unearned social benefits, the cause of immorality, virtually evolutionary imperfection of Westerners is then according to my Philosophy of Balance hatred and revenge of to death tortured living creatures by our civilization, especially livestock in industrial factory farms, virtually hatred and revenge of living microorganisms of these to death tortured living creatures and their relatives living microorganisms.

Therefore, one might say according to the Philosophy of Balance in terms of livestock and other animals and the future enactment of the slaughter tax, the worse will be the global crisis, virtually suffering of people, the better, either from which people will learn and they will enact timely the slaughter tax and thus stop rising above revenge of our civilization to death tortured living creatures, especially animals, or they will not learn from it, and then either our civilization stop to exist, such as nuclear war, or the slaughter tax will be enforced at the cost of blood of many people through the victory of a dictator, Nazism was traditionally protecting animals, so for example the new Nazi dictator. Cover of Philosophy of Balance

(see , , )

According to : Uploaded byDaily charts from The Economist, Copyright © 2020 Scribd Inc meat consumption per capita per year in 2007 in Greece was 74.8 kg, in Germany was 87.7 kg, in France was 88.7 kg, in Holland was 71.3 kg and in the Czech Republic was 85.2 kg. Moreover in the past in Greece there was pressure apparently especially of foreign suppliers of meat to decrease the consumption of meat from small breeders and most meat consumption consisted of meat from slaughter agricultural industrial factory farms and supermarkets. Furthermore in Greece most of the meat consumption was covered by imports mainly from Germany, France and Holland.

According to the above rules of the Philosophy of Balance must those, who gained undeserved profit from someone against his or her will, provide on principle full damages. This undeserved profit was gained by Greece and also by the two largest and most active states of the European Union, Germany and France, namely at the expense of animals that have been tortured to death in slaughter agricultural industrial factory farms. This meat was consumed by Greece, Germany and France produced it and they lent money to Greece to buy this meat.

Therefore for this undeserved profit Germany, France and Greece should provide damages for equally, even if it brings economic problems throughout the European Union and bankruptcy of banks may threaten in the European Union, which have bought Greek government bonds. This means that it is necessary to forgive the debts of Greece, which it has towards the European Union, so as to equalize the average national debt per capita in all states of the European Union and in Greece and also speedily to enact my proposed law on the slaughter tax to prevent further revenge from tortured animals in slaughter agricultural industrial factory farms in the form of bankruptcy of European economies, by extension of the entire European Union.

On the contrary the consequences of enslavement of Greece by Germany via usury are known from ancient history. In the Bible Jew Josef had enslaved for Pharaoh borrowing grain from previous Pharaoh's inventory at the time of harvest failure the non-Jewish inhabitants of Egypt, who took on the Jews, who had settled in Egypt, revenge for it enslaving the Jews for the construction of the pyramids.

Literature: On the other hand, meat companies have no problem with meat per capita consumption in Greece (83 kilos), which is much larger than the European average. However, they have to deal with the fact that processed meat companies and super-markets (through imports) enter their market. There is a higher level of competition and higher standards of safety rules that seem to be an obstacle for small companies. Furthermore, consumers seem to prefer buying meat in portions, as the super-markets offer it, so meat companies should challenge this fact. p. 186-187,

The total Greek meat market is partly covered by domestic products, so imports are increasing in the last few years. During the period 1992-2003, quantities of imported meat increased by 5.6% annually. In 2002, they reached 4,585 thousand tons, increased by 1.4% compared with 2001. Greece imports substantial quantities of meat from France, Germany and Holland. p. 189, see www.ip. : Food Industry in Greece, N. Demiris, B. Giannoulidou, A. Kourbeli, F. Kouvara, F. Gallant, Agricultural University of Athens

17 Diseases and their merciful therapy according to Philosophy of Balance

Principles of treatment of skin cancer according to Philosophy of Balance

Printed from: Diskusní fórum
Theme web: : Zásady léčby rakoviny kůže dle Filosofie rovnováhy

Printed on: 22/03/2015


Theme author: Dalibor Grůza
Theme: Zásady léčby rakoviny kůže dle Filosofie rovnováhy
Time: 22/03/2015 19:09:16

Even cancer cells are living creatures, which according to the Philosophy of Balance should have their rights, particularly the right to life.

Before we proceed to surgical removal of the cancerous tumor, it is necessary to put ourselves in the role of cancer cell, if we consider this removal still to be fair, if we were to be cancer cell, and cancer cell were to be us. (see among others Kant's categorical imperative).

Cancerous tumor may be surgically removed from the above reasons according to the Philosophy of Balance apparently only if the probability of at least 95-100 %, that we save in this way the life of other living creature, so that in this way we caused the least possible death and pain. For example, if this cancerous tumor is growing and it threatens the life of other living body cells or the life of human with this probability, i.e. highly probably.

If according to the Philosophy of Balance we must attack against cancerous tumor that is attacking us, with counterattack, eg. propolis tincture seems to be appropriate for it. Propolis should unblock the blocked apoptosis of cancer cells and limit their uncontrolled reproduction.


Post of Dalibor Grůza

Tincture - we mix 1 volume part of propolis in 2 volume parts of 96% ethanol. In a suitable vessel with the cap at room temperature and occasionally stirring we macerate for several days. Dirt from the resulting suspension we filter through several gauzes. Filtration through filter paper removes the residue of sludge. The resulting tincture is a saturated solution of propolis. If it is necessary, we dilute it in ethanol, glycerine or water. Note: the dissolution of ethanol in lower concentrations (60% - 80%) releases from the raw material the other substances soluble only in water. see

In cancer treatment and cancer prevention

In in vitro tests, propolis induces cell cycle arrest, apoptosis and reduces expression of growth and transcription factors, including NF-KB. Notably, caffeic acid phenethyl ester down-regulates the mdr-1 gene, considered responsible for the resistance of cancer cells to chemotherapeutic agents.[36] In in vivo studies with mice, propolis inhibits 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone-induced tumorigenesis.[37] Once again, in the absence of any clinical studies, it is not clear if this activity has any therapeutic relevance.

(see )

Thus according to the Philosophy of Balance it is possible to live in symbiosis even with cancer cells, if we live in symbiosis with other living creatures, especially in our body embodied by these cancer cells as an evolutionary remnant, i.e. if we fulfill in the long term our permanent obligation according to the Philosophy of Balance to cause the least possible death and pain. It means to live with surgically not-removed cancerous tumor, that is not spreading, and to live in good health for many years.

Literature: , : How Fast Does Basal Cell Carcinoma Grow?, 2011, Asked By: Gillis in Franklin, TN , ,  , : Copyright © Maxdorf 1998-2020 , : Redakce , : Léčba rakoviny 2011, (jav), Zdroj , , : Copyright © Maxdorf 1998-2020 , , , rozpoznat melanom kůže , : ARENBERGER, Petr a kol.,, 2005 , : Maligní melanom a ostatní nádory kůže, Prof. MUDr. Petr Arenberger, DrSc., Česká onkologická společnost České lékařské společnosti J. E. Purkyně

(see , , )

The cause of all diseases according to Philosophy of Balance

Author: Dalibor Grůza

Time: 31/03/2015 21:10:39




Post of Dalibor Grůza

All living creatures and their society may, in my view, be seen as energy-using products, exemplified as a combustion engine of car. Philosophy of Balance p. 128

In my view energy, power of the individual is, given by the internal body kinetic energy of healthy living creatures unaffected by diseases of the body, not by the internal body potential kinetic energy of living creatures consisting of other types of energy that can be potentially transformed into the kinetic body energy. They are particularly the body fat stores, it is not correct, that the fatter is living creature, the more vital, energetic is living creature, with more kinetic energy contained in a sound body. Philosophy of Balance p. 256


goodness in the form of longing for a world, where everyone should like each other (the biblical paradise), we all have, referred to me, in our souls (psychologists speak of the oceanic feeling). This we may well push under the influence of our bad external world more or less deeply into our subconscious, schizophrenics are almost unable to suppress this good in themselves unlike healthy people, because they are more vulnerable or out of line. Philosophy of Balance p. 367-368

The fact, that schizophrenia affects also the ability to establish intimate relationships, Eva Češková speaks. (2006, p. 194) She states that many patients with schizophrenia will never marry, and their sexual experiences are in many cases very little or even no. ...

Patients with schizophrenia do not impute anything to chance. They are thinking magically and they seek non-existent connections. They need to make everything fit into their overall interpretation of the world. They want to feel safe and sure, so they need to explain everything clearly and to generalize. see Love relations from the perspective of people with schizophrenia, Bc. Klára Toboláková, Thesis, 2013, Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Faculty of Humanities, p. 15 a 24, see pdf?sequence=1 : Partnerský vztah z pohledu lidí se schizofrenií, Bc.Klára Toboláková, Diplomová práce, 2013, Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně, Fakulta humanitních studií


Causes and treatment of diabetes and multiple sclerosis according to the Philosophy of Balance

Printed from: Diskusní fórum
Theme web: : Příčiny a léčba roztroušené sklerózy dle Fil.rovn.

Printed on: 25/04/2012


Theme author: Dalibor Grůza
Theme: Příčiny a léčba roztroušené sklerózy dle Fil.rovn.
Time: 25/04/2012 11:53:33


Post of Dalibor Grůza


Diabetes (diabetes mellitus) is manifested as the inability of a living organism, such as the human body to digest, i.e. to burn sugars, a living organism is vitally dependent to digest sugars, because only in this way it is gaining energy, i.e. the movement. Most easily digestible sugars for carnivores are sugars, i.e. glucose in meat. Digesting sugars is possible for living organism essentially through a hormone called insulin, which B cells of the pancreas produce. There are two types of diabetes, diabetes mellitus, type 1 is caused by the gradual killing of most B cells of the pancreas by own white blood cells, diabetes type 2 is caused by the inability of insulin to ensure the digestion of sugars in the body, actually by cells of a living organism, virtually body, such as of human, the result of the above two types of diabetes mellitus is that the body, actually  body cells of the living creature do not receive sugar, i.e. energy, i.e. movement and then the body of living creature dies, that ceases to move.  Contemporary medicine is trying to resolve this disease of inability to receive the sugar by the own body cells by the attack against these cells, simply it wants to force these cells of certain body of living creature against their will to receive sugars, i.e. energy. This is a way, that it delivers insulin into the body, a hormone causing the cells of the body of a living creature to receive sugars, even though it is against their will.  The insulin is then obtained in the present at first as the human insulin from yeast and bacteria, i.e. separate microorganisms and when cells of the own body defend against this insulin, the physician must use currently so called the insulin analogues, whose composition is proprietary, i.e. it is essentially a secret, according to me it is essentially a combination of the above human insulin and animal insulin extracted from the pancreas of killed animals as pigs, cattle or dogs.

According to Philosophy of Balance, the main error of contemporary medicine that solves the above problem of not receiving sugars by living cells of the body of a living creature rather than persuasion of these cells to receive these sugars, but forcing them to receive this sugar against their will by insulin.  Modern doctors eliminate the symptoms of diabetes as a disease rather than their cause, because more and more forcing of live cells of body of living creature to receive sugars with insulin while maintaining the same lifestyle (i.e. the same mercilessness of living creature of diabetic patient, i.e. the number of saved lives of living creatures after deduction of the number of killed living creatures by living creature of diabetes patient) will also increase the will, virtually resistance, virtually defense of these cells against further forcing to receive this sugar, then contemporary medicine is increasing level of violence forcing living cells of living creature body to receive sugars and it is against the ever-increasing resistance of these cells.  Finally, insulin obtained from killed animals does not help, i.e. the highest current legal level of violence and majority of the living cells of the body of the living creature as human refuses finally to receive sugars, i.e. energy, i.e., movement and voluntarily rather die or kill cells of the body receiving these sugars, by which then the whole living creature, as a human dies. 

The correct solution of the diabetes disease according to Philosophy of Balance is to seek substantial reason, why living cells of the body of the living creature as human refuse to take sugar or to produce insulin needed to receive sugar by these cells, rather than them to force by violence the sugar to receive.  The answer, why cells of the living creature body as human refuse to receive or to produce sugar and prefer to die or kill cells of own organism, virtually body eg of a human body, is according to the Philosophy of Balance such that the cells do not take sugar either for fear of revenge of by them burned or digested living microorganisms and of their relatives, and due to this fear they rather die than eat something (see above diabettes mellitus, type 2) and on the contrary white blood cells rather kill B cells of the pancreas, even if it means their very gradual death, when the hatred prevails in them as warriors of the body of living creature such as human towards these B cells of the pancreas producing insulin, allowing the other cells of the body of the living creature to digest i.e. to burn the cadavers of other killed living creatures for reasons of compassion and relationship with those other killed living creatures (see diabetes mellitus type 1). Solution of diabetes disease according to the Philosophy of Balance is not therefore to escalate the killing of other living creatures in order to coerce own body to digest sugars, but on the contrary it is still to decrease killing (hence the pain) of all living creatures and thus gradually perfectly to reconcile diabetes patient living organism, virtually body, such as human.

(see )

Literature: , , , , , : dotaz Tomáš, humánní (lidské) inzulíny a inzulínová analoga

quoted from : Příčiny a léčba cukrovky dle Filosofie rovnováhy

Multiple sclerosis is not according to the Philosophy of Balance as opposed diabetes type 2 caused by fear of living cells of the organism, virtually of the body of a living creature as human from the food, from digestion of sugars, especially from bodies of dead animals, but it is similar to diabetes type 1 caused by mutual hatred of combat, thus immune and them controlling nerve body living cells of organism, virtually body of a living creature such as human, mutual hatred of living cells do not finish in a living organism, virtually body until the mutual killing of these living cells on a large scale, which may then result in death of the organism, virtually of the body of a living creature as human. The treatment is receiving of corticosteroids, which also include alcohols, thus reducing the manifestations of the hatred of the living cells by killing the nerve cells, especially brain cells, a kind of erase of the memory of the organism, virtually body of a living creature such as human, that the living cells of this body forget this hate.  This killing of nerve cells, such as by corticosteroids is according to the Philosophy of Balance justified only as a temporary solution, that an ill person changed his or her diet, virtually lifestyle, which gave the cause of the hatred of the living cells of the body of the living creature, thus in his or her case the human body, which requires according to my Philosophy of Balance, that this sick man performs the permanent obligation of all living things under the Philosophy of Balance to cause the least possible death and pain of all living things, hence of all living creatures for mutual love of all living things and on a societal scale enactment of the slaughter tax democratically adapted according to this only one obligation of all living creatures as I suggested it in my Philosophy of Balance, which is free of charge available on .

The similar cause i.e. hatred or on the contrary fear of living cells of organism, virtually of  body of a living creature such as a human from unnecessary, i.e. larger than the smallest possible killing of living creatures, is according to my Philosophy of Balance the cause of all physical and mental illnesses of all living things, hence of all living creatures such as human.

Literature: , ,

Philosophy of Balance p. 372-374

From the above it follows, that all diseases in all living creatures, virtually man the Philosophy of Balance sees either as a problem of burning or as a problem of power within the body of a living creature. The most common are according to Philosophy of Balance mental or physical diseases of physical burning - combustion from physical combustion of unmerciful foods like slaughtered meat, either in the form of fear of living cells of the body from revenge for further combustion of these unmerciful foods or in the form of war of living cells of our own body revenging for the burning of these unmerciful foods, eg. the destruction of other healthy living cells of our own body from its white blood cells. Result of the ill physical burning is regularly the disease of decrease of physical performance – power. But if we limit eating meat excluding slaughtered meat from our diet, there is another problem, and it is the decrease of physical performance - power, which in a society focused on performance particularly means to conserve kinetic energy of our own body, it is to evoke almost no cause of the above mentioned fear and revenge of our own body for our causing needless, i.e. much more than the least possible death and pain in every moment of our life. We need to have a general philosophical system that advises us clearly in every moment of our life, which of the offered options of our conduct is fair and therefore the surest and safest, i.e. most saving our kinetic energy over a long period. Women and the society currently prefer men who have not ill physical combustion or physical performance - power, who are usually the greatest predators today, even if it is in conflict with our conscience, who combust slaughtered meat in the best way (in fact meat can get us more energy than plants or by the Philosophy of Balance recommended plant seeds and plant fruits) and who also have the greatest power or kinetic energy. However after that according to the Philosophy of Balance the aforementioned revenge for by them caused needless death and pain also catches them. The aim of Philosophy of Balance is to change it, that society and women do not prefer the greatest predators, but the most righteous individuals, which is also in line with our conscience.

(see , , )

Merciful medicaments in Western medicine


Printed from: Diskusní forum

Theme web: : Milosrdná léčiva v západní medicíně
Printed on: 14/04/2015


Theme Author: Dalibor Grůza
Theme: Milosrdná léčiva v západní medicíně
Time: 14/04/2015 22:10:04


Post of Dalibor Grůza

(F) The third example of the friendly behaviour of microorganisms can be Hitler himself and his evolutionary, or more precisely, military success until 1941, due to the fact, that some positive steps in the area of animal protection were made in Nazi Germany. Animal experimentation was radically limited here.

(M) On 24th November 1933 it was the animal protection act: Tiershutzgesetz.**

(F) Shortly before introducing Tierschutzgesetz, vivisection as such was first banned; later it was limited. - Animal experimentation was seen as part of the so-called “|Jewish science .**

(M) On 3rd July 1934, a hunting ban act was passed: Reichsjagdgesetz.**

(F) On 1st July 1935, a complex environment protection act: Naturschutzgesetz.**

(M) On 13th November 1937, an act regulating animal transport by car …. **

(F) … and on 8th September 1938, a similar law related to handling animals during rail transport.**

Philosophy of Balance p. 8

Nazi laws to protect animals were very elaborated and had high medical and legal level. [45] Already in the first release of 1933 is for example severely punished cruelty to animals, it is forbidden to use dogs when hunting, castration of animals is regulated and maximum amount of work is specified that may be required of animals in fields or in mines. Other provisions are restricting scientific and medical experiments on animals that may be only rarely performed and with the express permission of the Ministry of the Interior (while in the concentration camps were conducted drastic "scientific" experiments on humans without restriction). The Act of 1933 was followed successively by many other laws to protect nature and animals, which were published and improved until the end of the regime. Most of these laws were allegedly prepared under the supervision of Hitler himself. [46] Over-emphasis in these laws is put on that the animals do not feel the slightest pain [46] - whether during breeding, during transportation or even during slaughter (the shots of the ritual, called kosher slaughters were projected for the public to defend the Act, for example in anti-Semitic film The Eternal Jew). In 1934 a hunting law was issued, for example forbidding trapping in forests and the use of a wide range of ammunition, of which use could cause excessive pain of animals. Endangered species were not allowed to hunt at all. ... However, the Nazi laws to protect animals were so sophisticated that with a few modifications they retained in the western sectors of Germany until 1974. [47] Strict Nazi Act of 1933 on methods of killing animals remained in force even until 1997. [48], see C5.99.C3.ADrod.C4.9B

Therefore  at flea overpopulation, when  my dog could not sleep, as he bit his itchy fleas, I recommend  apparently veterinary products  with the active ingredient propoxur from company Bayer as a collar for dogs, which is effective only  on adult fleas, not on the eggs and larvae in contact with the animal, and let it work for a period of about 1-1,5 months, when the fleas  development cycle lasts in good conditions on average 21 days and  on the animal there is only 5% of the population, i.e. of adult  fleas, the rest mainly larvae and eggs are in the ambient environment  of the animal, thereby it is necessary to reduce the amount of the  fleas and the collar must be removed thereafter to give fleas a  chance again, whether they reproduce excessively or they do not  reproduce excessively to live with their host in symbiosis.

In the above source of literature: : Penecos-N spol. s r.o., shop Pilsen and veterinary surgery there is opinion shared by breeder, that this flea collar does not work, that the above repellent collar " is totally dysfunctional in a month … population of fleas is on the dog again … “ "However it is necessary to give this collar a chance and for the present not to use the above mentioned insecticidal collar, because according to the literature: it is in the case of margosa the plant Azadirachta indica, which acts as a bio repellent. It is necessary to spray this repellent repeatedly, at least every ten days. (It does not directly kill insects. This is a repellent and egg-laying deterrent protection. The insects starve.)

the above mentioned insecticidal collar, which should be according to the literature: relatively merciful, because it was introduced in 1959 (the experimental animals almost forgot caused death and pain after so long time) and it has a fast lethal effect.

Category: Pharmaceutical companies of Germany
  Bayer (17 C, 19 F)
  Bionorica (7 F)
  Boehringer Ingelheim (2 C, 8 F)
  Boehringer Mannheim (2 C, 3 F)
  Celesio (3 F)
  Chemische Fabrik von Heyden (1 C, 7 F)
  Dm-drogerie markt (4 C, 9 F)
  Haema (2 F)
  Hexal AG (7 F)
  Hoechst AG (9 C, 1 P, 81 F)
  IG Farben (37 C, 1 P, 18 F)
  Jenapharm (1 C, 3 F)
  LTS Lohmann Therapie-Systeme (1 F)
  Merck KGaA (4 C, 71 F)
  Mundipharma (4 F)
  Ratiopharm (1 C, 9 F)
  Sandoz (9 F)
  Schwarz Pharma (1 C, 1 P, 2 F)
  Vetter Pharma (1 C, 11 F)
  Waldner (Firmengruppe) (8 F)

Category: Pharmaceutical companies of the German Democratic Republic
  VEB Arzneimittelwerk Dresden (372 F)
  VEB Chemische Werke Radebeul (1 F)
  Germed (3 C, 3 F)
  VEB Jenapharm (5 F)
  VEB Berlin-Chemie (19 F)

From the foregoing it is necessary not to use on principle any means of medicine, it is necessary on principle to rely on the immunity of own body and so on principle with the exception of examination by a doctor using his or her senses, if it causes on principle no death and pain, or also on principle except in cases of causing the death of any living creature apparently only if the probability of at least 95-100 %, that we save in this way the life of other living creature, so that in this way we caused the least possible death and pain. The most merciful medicaments should always be chosen, i.e. especially not of animal origin from a slaughtered animal, i.e. especially of mineral, plant, fungal or bacterial or yeast origin (see the book Dr ING. ZDENĚK BUDĚSÍNSKÝ, Dr ING. MIROSLAV PROTIVA, science editor Dr Ing. Oldřich Němecek, "Synthetická léčiva"/SYNTHETIC MEDICAMENTS, PRAGUE 1954, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences Publisher ). The origin of the medicament is not always obvious at first sight, therefore it is necessary beforehand to tell every my doctor that I reject on principle medicaments of animal origin, for medicaments of animal origin I require my prior approval, through which, if I am in fact a vegetarian or scavenger (i.e. I eat only animals died of natural causes, on principle of old age) and I try to cause always the least possible death and pain, and not a hypocrite, so I will transfer my responsibility for my mercifulness in part to the doctor. I should prioritize already discovered earlier, preferably several decades old medicaments, where experimental animals have almost forgotten by the experiments introducing medicament on the market caused death and pain. For medicaments of unknown or animal origin, for which production it was possibly necessary to kill an animal, I should prioritize the West German medicaments of West German pharmaceutical companies (see above) rather than from the German Democratic Republic, because in West Germany until recently there were in force Hitler's strict laws to protect animals, so not to cause them unnecessary death and pain. On principle never Israel medicaments such made by Teva Pharmaceuticals because of the contemporary most unmerciful kosher slaughter of animals. (see : V roce 2006 izraelská společnost Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., dříve pod názvem Salomon, Levin a Elstein Ltd. převzala závod na výrobu rostlinných léčiv, vedle toho i známé české limonády Kofola, v Opavě v České republice, za komunismu jako národní podnik Galena) At the same time for all above it is necessary to fulfill the permanent obligation of everyone according to the Philosophy of Balance to cause the least possible death and pain.

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 24/06/2015 16:19:06

Apparently suitable some medicaments of western medicine according to the above rules of the Philosophy of Balance:

Human medicine:

Mental illnesses: Cisordinol ( , : Czech Státní ústav pro kontrolu léčiv, Praha 2010,  CISORDINOL DEPOT 200MG/ML INJ SOL 10X1ML, Účinná látka    ZUKLOPENTHIXOL-DEKANOÁT (ZUCLOPENTHIXOLI DECANOAS), Registrační číslo 68/ 162/81-C, Držitel rozhodnutí o registraci H. Lundbeck A/S, Valby
, ), Vitamin-D2: CALCIFEROL BIOTIKA FORTE ( ), Vitamin-B12: VITAMIN B12 LÉČIVA 1000 MCG ( : Držitel rozhodnutí o registraci Zentiva, k.s., Praha ), Antibiotic-BACITRACINUM ZINCICUM and NEOMYCINI SULFAS: FRAMYKOIN kožní zásyp/ skin powder ( : Držitel rozhodnutí o registraci Biomedica, spol. s r.o., Praha ), Antiseptic: Solutio Novikov prepared by pharmacists ( ).

Veterinary medicine:

Analgesic-painkiller: Metacam (meloxicamum) ( : European Medicines Agency, , %20animals/Metacam%20OS%200.5%20dog(1).pdf : Metacam®, in dogs, in cats, is also used in other species (see Livestock product section), Indications Pain and inflammatory diseases, Active ingredients meloxicam, ), Antibiotic-amoxicillin: BIOVETA AMOXICILIN 100 mg/g prášek pro přípravu perorálního roztoku/ powder for oral solution ( : Ústav pro státní kontrolu veterinárních biopreparátů a léčiv, Brno, Česká republika, DRŽITEL ROZHODNUTÍ O REGISTRACI Bioveta, a.s., Farmaceutická společnost v Ivanovicích na Hané ), AMOXICILLIN Bioveta 150 mg/ml LA injekční suspenze/ suspension for injection ( : Ústav pro státní kontrolu veterinárních biopreparátů a léčiv, Brno, Česká republika, DRŽITEL ROZHODNUTÍ O REGISTRACI Bioveta, a.s., Farmaceutická společnost v Ivanovicích na Hané ), Antibiotic-oxytetracycline: Engemycin inj. ad us. vet. ( : Ústav pro státní kontrolu veterinárních biopreparátů a léčiv, Brno, Česká republika, DRŽITEL ROZHODNUTÍ O REGISTRACI Intervet International B.V., The Netherlands).

Medical ethics according to Philosophy of Balance

Printed from: Diskusní forum

Theme web: : Lékařská etika dle Filosofie rovnováhy

Printed on: 01/05/2015


Theme Author: Dalibor Grůza
Theme: Lékařská etika dle Filosofie rovnováhy
Time: 01/05/2015 22:47:01


Post of Dalibor Grůza

... To an obligation of a soldier to disobey command and corrupt military oath of obedience it may be noted that sole duty of every living being exists according to the Philosophy of Balance, it is to cause the least possible death and pain. Obedience of soldiers to the commands of their commanders and the military oath is in most cases in conformity with this only obligation under the Philosophy of Balance, but in some cases, it is clear even to an ordinary soldier or officer, that he or she conflicts with this only obligation under the Philosophy of Balance, thus it is to him or her clear, that he or she causes unnecessary death and pain (eg, the order to kill children or women). In this case according to the Philosophy of Balance ordinary soldier or officer is also obliged to put up appropriate resistance and he or she must rely, on that his or her duty to put up appropriate resistance to such a command, which is obviously from a point of view of the soldier in conflict with the sole obligation under the Philosophy of Balance, all other soldiers perform, causing a change of commander decision inflicting apparently unnecessary death and pain. An ordinary soldier and an officer probably would not have volunteered to sacrifice during his or her resistance his or her own life or the life of some of his or her fellow as a result of the revolt of this resisted soldier, if he or she always performs his or her duty of appropriate resistance to the command causing from his or her point of view obviously unnecessary death and pain, but this requires courage rather than cowardice of the soldier always adequately to resist such commands.  Otherwise, if the ordinary soldier or officer will not find in him- or herself the courage for such an appropriate resistance, so he or she becomes accomplices from his or her point of view causing an apparently unnecessary death and pain, and sooner or later he or she loses his or her mental balance. Philosophy of Balance p. 362

The physician who provides medical care of living creatures, is a sort of soldier who carries out the orders of scientists how to save the lives of patients (Czech word for medical therapy is probably derived from the Czech word for dying, eg. of fish, i.e. finding patient in relatively close danger of death). In the case of clarity (especially in the veterinary, but also human medicine), that the physician as the aforementioned soldier causes unnecessarily, i.e. more than the least possible death and pain (I am thinking here particularly the use of clearly unnecessarily causing death and pain of other living creatures than a human, particularly of animals, eg. in development of medicaments), this physician is obliged to put up appropriate resistance to this medical therapy.

Literature: : ČTYŘI PRINCIPY LÉKAŘSKÉ ETIKY, 2014, Marek Orko Vácha, katolický kněz, přednosta Ústavu etiky a humanitních studií 3. lékařské fakulty Univerzity Karlovy ,

(see , , )

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 12/06/2015 13:49:21

As a painkiller for animals the medicament Metacam, which exists in injectable and oral form, is probably the most suitable of medicaments with the active substance meloxicamum according to the Philosophy of Balance, because unlike other similar veterinary products with the active substance meloxicamum it is the product first registered in 1998, thus it is probably the oldest medicament with this active substance, in order that the experimental animals forgot as much as possible about the caused death and pain in the testing of this medicament, it is the medicament made by German firm Boehringer-Ingelheim, in Germany then there were valid Hitler's strict laws also after the war until recently to protect animals also from pain, and this medicament should not be produced from slaughtered animals.

Literature: : European Medicines Agency,, Analgetikum-tlumič bolesti: Metacam (meloxicamum) , : (veterinární, má poznámka) Klinika Anima, Ordinace Barrandov, Prague 5, Léčba bolesti zvířat, zejména té chronické ,

(see , , )

Generic or original medicament : Ráj začíná vědeckým pokusem na mé zahradě

Author: Dalibor Grůza

Time: 18/06/2015 20:59:40


Below mentioned literature shows, that apparently for the development of own manufacturing formula of a generic medicament, because original manufacturing formula of the medicament is usually not publicly known or not publicly available after the expiry of its patent protection, or surely for testing of the quality of the newly developed generic medicament it is necessary to re-perform experiments on animals. Therefore it is on principle more merciful to use older original medicament than the newer generic medicament, because in that case it is more probable, that the experimental animals already forgot about the caused death and pain in this testing, from which a longer period has expired for the original medicament than for a generic medicament. At the same time for all above it is necessary to fulfill the permanent obligation of everyone according to the Philosophy of Balance to cause the least possible death and pain.

Literature:, : Generické léky, author: Mgr. Kateřina Myslíková,, Univerzita Pardubice : Porovnání originálních a generických přípravků karbapenemových antibiotik, doc. MUDr. Karel Urbánek, Ph.D, Michal Šiller, Rostislav Večeřa, Alice Zachařová, Zuzana Matušková, Ústav farmakologie Lékařské fakulty Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci, 2011; 25(1) | Klinická farmakologie a farmacie

Food, sex, treatment of schizophrenia and mania through diet and revenge for eating meat

Author: Dalibor Grůza

Time: 10/01/2016



According to the below-mentioned literature the following applies apparently. Meat, poultry, dairy products and wheat germ significantly increase the level of dopamine in the organism and pork, cottage cheese, duck, eggs, wheat germ, turkey, chicken meat significantly increase level of serotonin in the organism and in this way the desire of a living individual to have sex. Schizophrenia as a mental disorder has been associated with strong sexual fantasies (see eg. Sigmund Freud) and it is treated with antipsychotic medicaments, which are essentially based on blocking dopamine and serotonin receptors in the brain, according to my experience an excess of these substances then causes highly accelerated and thus confused thinking of a living individual, his or her unhealthy sensitivity and his or her unhealthy hyperactivity and according to the below-mentioned literature a lack of these substances causes fatigue of a living individual and the lack of serotonin unhappiness and irritation (i.e. apparently depression) of a living individual. Since the foods increasing level of dopamine and serotonin in the organism include especially meat, eggs and dairy products, then the food, which approximates the diet in biblical paradise with radical restriction of those animal foods in the diet of a living individual and with composition of this diet on principle from the predominance of plant fruits and less plant seeds, replaces the aforementioned medicaments that block dopamine and serotonin receptors in the organism, e.g. in the treatment of above schizophrenia or mania in manic-depressive psychosis, apparently through reducing the level of these substances in the organism of a living individual. Excessive level of dopamine and serotonin in the organism of a living individual is probably one means of the revenge mechanism of killed living microorganisms and their related living microorganisms, in particular living cells for eating animal foods, especially meat by a living individual.

Literature: : 2011, Dana Sokolová, Novinky , : Cisordinol 10 mg potahované tablety, Cisordinol 25 mg potahované tablety, účinná látka Zuklopenthixol je neuroleptikum ze skupiny thioxantenů, H. Lundbeck A/S, Denmark , , , , , , , , : Obezita. Zvýšená koncentrace cholesterolu a tuků. 2012 , , , , , , , , , , : Cisordinol Depot 200 mg/ml injekční roztok, Zuclopenthixoli decanoas 200 mg/ml., H. Lundbeck A/S, Denmark , , , , , , ,

(see , , )

Food, sex, diet therapy of breast cancer and revenge for eating meat

Author: Dalibor Grůza

Time: 12/01/2016



Eating especially animal fats, e.g. meat, milk and eggs increases significantly the cholesterol level in the organism and organism synthesizes inter alia estrogens from the cholesterol. Significantly increased level of estrogens in the organism in women apparently causes and is necessary especially in the initial stage for the growth of breast tumor. Medicine solves it among others through administration of medicaments which block the effect of estrogens, however these medicaments have serious and sometimes deadly side effects, e.g. bone thinning and weakening of the spine. According to the Philosophy of Balance a similar effect as the administration of these medicaments can be achieved by reducing the level of estrogens using the most merciful diet on principle of the predominance of plant fruits and less plant seeds as in the biblical paradise, which will reduce the level of estrogens in the organism especially through radical restriction of the above animal fats, so that in the organism there is no longer excess of estrogens, so apparently it would also reduce the need to block their effect in the organism through above mentioned dangerous and unmerciful medicaments again and again tested on animals, which would be possible to gradually omit perhaps. Excessive level of estrogens in the organism of a living individual, especially among women is probably one means of the revenge mechanism of killed living microorganisms and their related living microorganisms, in particular living cells for eating animal foods, especially meat by a living individual.

Literature: : Z knihy Johna McDougalla "The McDougall Medicine: A Challenging Second Opinion", , , , , , : Author (kam), 2009, Zdroj: National Osteoporosis Foundation:

(see , , )

18 Solution of Muslim war refugees in Europe according to Philosophy of Balance : Řešení válečných utečenců v Evropě dle Fil.rovn.

Printed from: Diskusní forum

Theme web: : Řešení válečných utečenců v Evropě dle Fil.rovn.

Printed on: 19/04/2015


Theme Author: Dalibor Grůza
Theme: Řešení utečenců ve Středozemním moři dle Fil.rovn.
Time: 19/04/2015 22:19:59


Post of Dalibor Grůza

Also Muhammad met in my opinion one shown above certain true in our life, that he in fact mostly wanted to live in a world, where everyone should like each other, as witnessed by the provisions of the Koran, all Muslims are neighbors to each other, see e.g. helping the poor with religious tax Zakat (Sura 107, 1-7 What do you think about, whom he calls religion a lie. It is he who drives away the orphans, and does not encourage feeding the poor. Woe to those, who pray, they do not care for it to pray who just want to be seen and to give support they reject.). However, by first killing the first man he fell down like Moses before him and after him the Jews during the occupation of the Promised Land, Israel in the uninterruptible cycle of blood feuds valid in the Middle East since ancient times and he had to use violence to protect his own blood feud threatened life. Thus, to establish the ideal society of Islam, through violence and wars against external enemies. He was therefore forced to choose between his death and the death of his loved ones and others, and then to escalate wars (i.e. the killing). Mainly due to his relentless diet, when eating other animals, plants, fungi, etc., according to me he was in an impossible dilemma, i.e. a dispute with the omnipresent God forming also the essence of them, he was forced to kill the first man and then other people, which was tried to solve through Islam religion contained in the Koran, it is the ideal society of comrades-in-arms only for Muhammad loyal Muslims, or for him nonresistant Jews and Christians. Philosophy of Balance p. 142-143

(see , , )

Under the rules of the Philosophy of Balance it is necessary to start as soon as possible the negotiations about peace and the recognition of the Islamic State as a representative recognized by Iraq and Libyan Sunnites and to establish large refugee camps in Africa or southern Europe guarded by Western soldiers and police, which will concentrate the below mentioned refugees until establishment of the above peace and then these refugees will be repatriated back to Iraq, Syria and Libya.

Above it is a temporary solution that does not solve according to the Philosophy of Balance the crisis, that is to follow as revenge of living microorganisms for by us tortured living creatures especially different from humans, unless a change in our relationship to nature and living creatures.

Literature: Over the past seven days more than 10000 refugees came by sea to Italy. Other hundreds are still arriving to Italian shores, on Friday the Italian coast guard announced it according to AFP. UN stated that this year during perilous journey from Africa to Europe nearly thousand migrants had died. See : 2015, Řím, Novinky

(see , , )

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 03/09/2015 14:28:07

The first goal should be to return the refugees to their safe home countries, therefore it is first necessary to negotiate peace with the Islamic State. If this is not possible, it is necessary according to the rules of Philosophy of Balance never to cause the death of any human, thus also of any refugee in war, it is also necessary according to the rules of Philosophy of Balance to respond in the case of invasion of refugees by counterattack as in the case of any other attack without us getting seriously hurt by the attacker and so that we cause the least possible death and pain. This means that it is necessary to adopt quotas of war refugees in the European Union, but on principle war refugees must be detained in the military-guarded camps in the Czech Republic, except those that succeed in integrating into Czech society to ensure, that the Czech Republic did not become from view point of World economic refugees the desired destination country and hereby they were discouraged from economic migration to the Czech Republic. Also in this case the primary goal should be the return of war refugees to their safe home countries. The war refugees should be able first of all to do order in their home countries and not to emigrate. From the military-guarded refugee camps in the Czech Republic only adult war refugees should be released who pass the exam in Czech language and find a job outside the camp and their immediate families that these integrated war refugees will be able to support sufficiently from their income for this their job. And then also the children of refugees in the place of the camp, that they have the opportunity to attend school together with Czech children, unless there is not big slowdown of teaching of Czech children.

(see , , )

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 16/09/2015 22:18:49

According to one of the rules of the Philosophy of Balance a human must never kill especially any human (or him- or herself). According to other rule of the Philosophy of Balance it must always be responded to attack by appropriate counter-attack, without us getting seriously hurt by the attacker and we cause the least possible death and pain. Counterattack against the attack of an invasion of war refugees from the Middle East to Europe can also take the form of Czech resistance to quotas of war refugees in the European Union to deter these war refugees from a massive relocation to the Czech Republic. This resistance should not be exaggerated, because, if all States, especially those bordering on war zones, refused to admit to its territory at least part of war refugees, so the large number of these war refugees would be murdered in ethnic cleansing long time ago, which would be a fundamental breach of the Philosophy of Balance (see above rule of the Philosophy of Balance). Therefore it is necessary, that the Czech Republic allowed ultimately for the adoption of an appropriate part of these war refugees despite appropriate resistance of the Czech Republic.

(see , , )

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 21/09/2015 20:20:56


Prior to the escalation of the war in Iraq and Syria with the involvement of Russia it is necessary to try to reach an agreement by this conflict stakeholders, especially by the Kurds, Islamic State, representatives of Sunnis in Syria, the Shiites in Iraq and Syria, Alawites to create partial buffer States of those groups on the territory of Iraq and Syria, which would protect Europe from next invasion of refugees and would allow for early repatriation of war refugees from Iraq and Syria to the territory of these newly formed States. Peace talks would be under the patronage of all concerned international and regional powerful States. This requires forgiveness of mutual justified revenge by all these participants in the peace talks. In the past these buffer States have always been necessary to maintain powerful States adjacent to the Middle East (see eg. Babylonia and Assyria).

Above it is a temporary solution that does not solve according to the Philosophy of Balance the crisis, that is to follow as revenge of living microorganisms for by us tortured living creatures especially different from humans, unless a change in our relationship to nature and living creatures.

Literature: , : 2015, Londýn, Novinky, ČTK
, : 2015, Praha, Alex Švamberk, Novinky , : 2015, Karolina Brožová, Právo , : 2015, Novinky , : 2015, Londýn, Novinky

(see , , )

Conflicts between Shiites and Sunnis

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 16/10/2015

There are conflicts between Shiites and Sunnis in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iraq and Syria. If the Russians occupy also Sunni areas during their intervention in Syria, according to the part of the basic rule of the Philosophy of Balance of causing the least  possible death and pain, it means according to the other rule of the Philosophy of Balance, that it must always be responded to attack by appropriate counter-attack, without us getting seriously hurt by the attacker and we cause the least possible death and pain, the West should develop political pressure on the division of this territory in the Shia and the Sunni part with the exchange and relocation of inhabitants of these territories in accordance with religious key, where appropriate including division of the above other conflict areas, where appropriate including the relocation of people from these other conflict areas in accordance with religious key, so that we follow as much as possible the other rule of the Philosophy of Balance, that a human must never kill any especially human (or him- or herself). Apparently the West should not arm the Sunnis in Syria, because it would delay the peacemaking by means of force by the Russians, which is probably due to blood vendetta in Islam the least possible evil, and also because there are apparently no Sunni bigger allied groups of the West in Syria, it is necessary to enable seriously endangered individuals friendly to the West to emigrate to the West.

Literature: : 2015, Novinky, ČTK , : 2015, Novinky , : 2015, Damašek, Novinky , : 2015, Saná, Novinky, ČTK , : 2015, mcm, Právo , : 2015, Washington, Novinky

Reasons of massacre in Paris 13/11/2015 according to Philosophy of Balance

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 14/11/2015


Post of Dalibor Grůza

During the massacre in Paris at least 153 people were killed. Dozens of others are in critical condition. … After the intervention the French police initially confirmed, that in the concert hall on Boulevard Voltaire in the eleventh circuit there is a hundred dead. Later that night authorities said, that in Bataclan the terrorists killed about eighty. … At that moment there the American heavy metal band Eagles of Death Metal was playing. … Some French media reported that they should revenge for the death of their comrades in Syria. … Restaurant at the Bataclan concert hall, where was one of the attacks. … According to the Paris municipal authority in the capital there was a total of seven attacks. Armed attackers committed at least two in restaurants. See : (Islamic terrorists, my note), 2015, Paříž, Novinky



„All living creatures in fact mostly want to live in a world, where everyone likes each other, therefore everyone is still obliged to cause the least possible death and pain." All the rest consists more in views (speculations).

(see , , )

Hatred of sufferers (i.e. especially of animals and Muslims, but also of other living creatures, in the case of the aforementioned massacre) is according to the Philosophy of Balance the punishment against wrongdoers (i.e. especially against Europeans and Americans, in the case of the aforementioned massacre) for their causing much more than the least possible death and pain to these sufferers and their relatives. Experiencing much more than the least possible death and pain of sufferers (i.e. especially of animals, of people including Muslims, Europeans and Americans, but also of other living creatures) is according to the Philosophy of Balance also punishment for their causing much more than the least possible death and pain of the other sufferers (i.e. especially of plants, animals, people, but also of other living creatures), ultimately because of the hatred of these other sufferers and their relatives against their wrongdoers. According to the Philosophy of Balance the aforementioned non-love experience and hatred of sufferers are punishments educating for love the punished living creatures, i.e. for not-causing much more than the least possible death and pain in the future.

(see , , )

19 Construction of automate as living creature, man or as God according to Philosophy of Balance

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 07/11/2015


Post of Dalibor Grůza

It allows a human to see the whole fact, his or her dual model, virtually image, both the intellectual model, which represents a conceptual picture of reality in the human brain, and emotional model, which is pressures of reality in the brain of man. Seeing machine should have both of these models, virtually the images of the reality as a man or either a perfect reason, which would have to be able to compute equations with variables equal to infinity (probably 1 and 0 in the machine code programming language) or the perfect emotion that would perceive every point of space-time. Above perfect reason and perfect emotion according to me are characteristic only to God, if any. Philosophy of Balance p. 128

5.5 The phenomenon can be expressed mathematically by the relation for the balance force F1=∆E/s=[(E1-E2)V1/(V1+V2)]/s for two neighboring momentum fields, virtually material bodies, virtually particles (hereinafter momentum field) of physical macrocosm, where F1 is the repulsive force of the first momentum field if positive value and the attractive force of this momentum field if negative value, ​​∆E the change in the total relativistic energy of the observed momentum field, E1, 2 is the total value of the relativistic energy of selected momentum fields, V1, 2 is the volume of the momentum fields, s the distance between centers of neighboring particles, virtually material bodies, virtually neighboring momentum fields, ∆t the time of interaction between momentum fields and t the total time of counterbalancing of particles momentum due to collisions of particles. Thesis is based on the fact, that ∆E=∆W=F*s, where ∆W is the work, virtually energy, that one needs to restore balance by  a force F (hereinafter the balance force) acting on the trajectory s needed to restore the balance due to particles collisions during time t. Thesis is based on the fact, that there is equalization of E1 and E2 at time t, otherwise the second part of the above formula for the balance force does not apply and the first part of this formula applies only, which is caused by overpressure, virtually underpressure due to the neighboring momentum field. Forces caused by overpressure, virtually underpressure of neighboring momentum fields are so according to the Philosophy of Balance of Physics the reason of all motion in the Universe. Philosophy of Balance p. 39

Calculations with zeros and infinities

01=0 … unit zero (eg 0meters)
11=1 … defined unit (eg 1meter)
1=∞ … unit infinity(eg ∞meter)
0 … perfect zero in relation to 0(eg meters)
1 … perfect unit in relation to 1(eg meters)
…perfect infinity in relation to ∞(eg meters)
x … times have precedence over minus and plus, times is inverse operation of division
/ … division takes precedence over minus nad plus, division is inverse operation of times
= … equals
- … less, i.e. minus is inverse operation of plus, i.e. more
( …) … parentheses take precedence over times, divided and the minus
Equation 1/∞1=0 is the first axiom, which I have derived from practical experience of geometry, where the line segment of the 1metr length consists of ∞ points of the 0meters length.

A demonstration of 0=1 resulting from the final number 1


1-0=0x∞1-1/∞1 … left I deducted 0, right, I deducted the same 1/∞1

1=(1x∞1-1)/∞1 … left I have deducted 0, right, I have given 1 for 0x∞1 a and I made transfer to a common denominator ∞1

1x∞1=1x∞1-1 … left and right side of the equation, I multiplied ∞1

0=-1 … from the left and right sides of the equation, I deducted 1x∞1

0=1 … I got the result by adding 1 to the left and right side of the equation

B demonstration of 1=∞1 as result of equation 0=1

1.) ∞1=1x∞1 the second axiom

2.) 1=0x∞1 the first axiom


1=1 … left and right side of the equation, I multiplied the ∞1

C Conclusion

The result of 0=1 is a binary computer code consisting of numbers 1 and 0, so called bits that is a numerical expression of the basic Philosophy of Balance in the three simplest characters of binary computer code.

In our Universe this equation is the fact, that the (nonabsolute) vacuum or according to the contemporary exact science in our Universe the least imperfect nothing is made from only one point of space-time of matter widened in space, unlike the matter and waves, which consist of this infinity of these points.

In my opinion linguistic expression of the shortest numerical result 0=1 in English language is in ten syllables, i.e. ten bytes of basic more complex characters of binary computer code) on each side of the equation as following:

if finitethingmaximumnothingis 0=1 infinitenothingminimumthing

then finitethingmaximumnothingis 1=∞ infinitenothingmaximumthing

Calculations with a perfect infinite and perfect zero:

11 or 01/=0


11 or 01=0x




11 or 01/0=or 01x∞=


… to perfect zero, or  perfect infinity, which one can no longer divide, or  increase. Philosophy of Balance p. 280-281

Artificial living creature can be imagined as a big sack full of balls (hereinafter as big sack), in which there is underpressure, which binds those balls together. Those balls touch each other, they possess a motor that allows them to rotate in any direction and the computer, which allows them to record the pressure on the surface of the ball. The computer in each ball contains then an algorithm which generates and records the random motion of the ball in case of overpressure or underpressure on the surface of this ball, which leads to reach or approach a balanced, virtually ideal in computer given pressure to maintain the existence of this sack full of balls. In the sack the individual balls are constantly moving in the ball computer recorded way that in the past during the same or nearly same situation was renewing or approaching restoration of ideal pressure in the sack of balls, and if it does not succeed in, the computer of individual ball uses randomly generated motion by algorithm in the computer of this ball while this computer of individual ball records, whether the ideal pressure in the whole sack of balls succeeds or fails to approach by this randomly generated motion. In the sack the balls touch each other, thereby the movement of individual ball in the sack is transferred to the other balls. In this way the single ball learns to approach or to restore the ideal pressure over the whole sack of balls. This is to construct a model of artificial feeling of the body of living creature. Then the above sack full of balls contains in itself a smaller sack full of balls (hereinafter as smaller sack), the pressure on the surface of individual balls of smaller sack is determined by perception also of relatively larger differences from the ideal pressure (than for the individual balls in the big sack) over the whole big sack full of balls in a certain area of ​​this big sack, while these individual balls of smaller sack are moving the whole certain area of ​​the big sack by moving individual balls of smaller sack, which follows the same rules and technique as in the above big sack. Whereby the individual balls of smaller sack will be controlled by computer, which will posses in its software weighted critical value of pressure on the surface of this ball of smaller sack representing an area of the big sack, and equalization of ideal pressure identical in the big and smaller sack will be with the priority according to the severity of the critical value for maintaining existence of both sacks of balls (see artificial neural networks). This is to construct a model of an artificial brain and conceptual or general thinking of living creature. Unlike actual living creature that is able to move each of about trillions living cells of a living body and ultimately possibly as the God each point of space-time resulting from perfectly infinite division of matter, the above mentioned artificial creature consisting of big and smaller sack full of balls will be able to move only ball in a big or smaller sack, and thus to adapt the big sack or body and smaller sack or brain to environment pressures (ie. evolution). Scientific achievement of artificial production of balls with a motor and a computer of big and smaller sack about the size of a living cell of the body as in living creatures, possibly about the size of massless particle of matter arisen by perfectly infinite division of matter as in the possible God is in my opinion an issue of infinite time.

Literature: : V jakém případě bychom mohli akceptovat tvrzení, že počítač myslí, Jaroslav Šimoník, 1999, - Masarykova univerzita Fakulta informatiky, Brno

(see , , )







B/ Commentaries

1 Women and Devil according to Philosophy of Balance : Ženy a Ďábel de Filosofie rovnováhy

About my relationship and relationship of Philosophy of Balance to women

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 25/01/2015 11:15:03



Post of Dalibor Grůza

Who are politicians to vote : Koho volit dle Filosofie rovnováhy?


Thickness is mainly caused by excessive intake of pork, beef and lard, a meat of mammals, our most consanguineous livestock bred for slaughter and socially very weak, the most subordinated animals (see : Uzeniny ohrožují srdce a způsobují obezitu, Pavel Suchánek, 7.8.2003, http://www.cpzp. cz/main/dotazy_on.php?tema=12&id=4504&p_str=9 : Česká průmyslová zdravotní pojišťovna, author of question: Jana 07.03.2002 21:19:51, answer of doctor: MUDr. Daniela Kremlová, problém se: štítnou žlázou, protože i když hodně jedl, tak pořád hubnul, "koloidní uzel", mohl časem vyvinout nějaký nádor). 


Leftist politicians representing and from the majority of subordinated people tend to the thickness similarly as the non-predacious, herbivorous animals, due to its low vigor, energy that is unable to consume the excessive intake particularly the meaty, beef and pork diet and lard (see above).


It is therefore necessary to choose lean believing leftist, altruistic politicians-leaders, thus non-predators, who do not distort, and do not become lazy thus parasites, who want to live in debt.


Right-wing politicians representing and from minority of managers tend to thinness and hunger same as predatory, carnivorous animals, due to their great vigor, energy, which is able to consume the excessive intake of possibly fleshy, beef and pork diet and lard, therefore in this case they avoid the thickness (see above).


It is therefore necessary to choose non-lean believing right wing, selfish politicians-leaders, i.e. predators who are not hungry and feel full and will not kill and steal.


We can say, that in terms of human society, they are needed both leading conquerors and defenders of the society, i.e. the predators, who are not afraid of violence and their ideal nourishment is meat, and peaceful non-predators, who conciliate rival groups in society led by predators, they are the creators of justice in society. According to me the permanent order for predators and non-predators is to cause the least possible death and pain of other living creatures both by predators and by non-predators.


It follows, that it is now possible to choose both the left and right political parties and through the preferential votes to choose those political leaders who meet the above terms.


The aim of such a choice is to avoid the unnecessary killing and pain, especially of people and animals, especially of mammals, as well as of other living creatures according to my Philosophy of Balance (harmony). Philosophy of Balance p. 7-8


(F) The “Philosophy of Balance complements Darwin’s evolutionary theory by claiming, that the abilities or, more precisely, the evolutionary success of a living individual is largely based on his mercy, defined here as the infliction of the least possible amount of death and pain by this individual and his ancestors.


(M) In other words, as a difference obtained by subtracting the amount of death and pain of living creatures, inflicted by a living individual and his or her ancestors, from the sum of the lives saved and the amount of pain relieved by them in relation to any living creatures. This may include humans as well as animals, insects, plants, fungi, living cells, bacteria, viruses, etc.


(F) Simply put, what is decisive from the point of view of mercy defined in this way is not only the amount of evil caused by living individuals and their ancestors, but also the difference between good and evil caused by them. This should be the outcome of the hypothesis of the “Philosophy of Balance about the ability of all microorganisms to distinguish a friend or enemy in other microorganisms.


(M) According to the “Philosophy of Balance, living microorganisms, especially living cells, are capable of distinguishing and remembering whether we protect them, especially by feeding them, or whether we kill them.


(F) Therefore, even these living microorganisms, according to the “Philosophy of Balance, are able through basic mental reflections to distinguish between and remember their friend or enemy. It could be said, that they possess a soul in the religious sense of the term.


(M) An adversarial living microorganism is then treated as an enemy by not only these living organisms but also by their affiliated or related microorganisms, which devour it. In our macro-world, this tends to manifest as quarrel, illness, pain, war, injury, disaster, failure, death, etc.


(F) A friendly living organism, according to the “Philosophy of Balance, is then treated in an amicable manner by these living microorganisms, or, more precisely, it is not devoured by them. On the contrary, they devour such living microorganisms that attempt to devour the amicable one. The friendly behaviour of the microorganisms manifests itself in the macro-world as the peaceful and long life of me and my offspring or as a series of friends and comrades who are willing to fight and sacrifice their lives for us. Philosophy of Balance p. 283

(see , , )

I was born as a physically weak, ugly, mentally vulnerable, virtually mentally ill, largely feminine (i.e. greatly handicapped), but very intelligent child-boy, seemingly doomed by nature to great suffering and failure in life.

Women are attracted to power. Women are attracted to strong predators which kill needlessly other living creatures. Therefore, women are attracted to living creatures with the characteristics of the Devil (i.e. predators fitted for cruel fight in nature). Women are not attracted to weak individuals, although they do not kill unnecessarily other living creatures.

At present women expect from man the great energy and a desire for an evolutionary struggle for life and death, namely aggression, which is related to his ability to protect in nature and also in today's unmerciful society family and descendants and his ability to feed a woman and their children slaughtered meat and that this man still remains healthy and so that woman does not have to fear for her children.

Pregnant and breastfeeding woman may not survive healthy without food from dead animals

I have found out already, what is my major disadvantage in relation to women, I cannot even admit from my psychological and also from my current moral reasons unlike other men to feed my possible offspring with slaughtered animals, it is a question, whether I am ever able to feed them,

Maternal instinct means, that a woman is willing to kill and also to die for her child. Women though are inherently an instrument of hostility or death, they desire that, what they have less, they desire for life, Christ.

Maybe I will have to be a deadly enemy of animals killed for and eaten by my possible pregnant and nursing woman and by my possible child at the cost of fratricides, i.e. the mutual murders among the people, whether it's me, my possible partner or my possible children (see Abel and Cain, and Adam and Eve in the biblical Paradise), but if any for now it is premature.

Women like probably more my rational Philosophy of Balance of doing as least as possible death and pain  of living creatures and of love to death used exclusively as an instrument of life (of no unnecessary killing of living creatures), because they as an instrument of death want to be an instrument of life

In my case according to my particular experience it depends on the will of my current partner, if I'm physically able to father a child with her.

Gradually, thanks to my intelligence as reflected in the Philosophy of Balance as an exactly scientific guide how to overcome any great handicap of a descendant from birth, as I became highly educated, successful, well funded, with a partner, with sex life with her, quite handsome,

What remains then to weak individuals who cannot become a powerful predator. These weak individuals, who cannot resemble the biblical Devil, they may resemble the biblical God, they can seek not to kill unnecessarily any living creature, and thereby according to my Philosophy of Balance the first book to accelerate evolution in their case and to gain strength-success and to become attractive for women. And thereby they can show the way also for predators how to live and to improve the world.

Therefore now the main question is, whether respecting of my Philosophy of Balance as the law of mercy to all living organisms ensures me a success in the rest of my life, nowadays especially if I succeed in having children with my partner, and they would not eat slaughtered animals.

If the Philosophy of Balance is valid, so the friendship of the world living microorganisms ensures me, that in the future I have the potential partner and potential offspring, who would not eat slaughtered animals, from the required dead animals they would eat only carrions that died of natural causes, principally of old age.

Otherwise the Philosophy of Balance is not valid.

The Philosophy of Balance probably looked at women as an instrument of death (of the Devil) necessary to bear children as well as the weaker sex that must be protected.

Women as an instrument of death like men who like them, thus they have no fear of death and its manifestations (such as illness, injury, debts, wars, childlessness, etc.). That a man is not afraid of death, it must be concerned with a merciful death, almost without physical and mental pain after a long, happy and dignified life, for which a man can do only, that he would not cause unnecessary death and suffering of any living creature. Otherwise, sooner or later a man is always afraid of his death or of death of his relatives and thus he is afraid of women too and he cannot be their fellow, it is really them and thus also the death to love and be loved by them.

If a man likes women as an instrument of death, he should always treat them as politely as possible, also at a price, that he will lie or otherwise cheat them. In this case, his fraudulent etc. behavior should always be justified by his love to a woman as an instrument of death, therefore in her interest, virtually in genuine interest of death, thus a reason should be to avoid the unnecessary killing and pain of living creatures, because only in this case the woman as an instrument of death forgives lie and she expects also a man's lie as a demonstration of his courage.

(see , , , Philosophy of Balance p. 360 et seq. and booklet Political Party for the Rights of All Living Creatures p. 37 et seq., : Anna Jermářová, Příspěvek byl publikován 22.1.2014 | Rubrika: Výživa a zdraví - ARCHÍV 2013-2017 , : The Vegetarian Myth: Food, Justice and Sustainability, Kapitola 1 Proč tato kniha?, Lierre Keith, Crescent City CA 95531 , : Železo,,_NT) )


Devil as predator: 8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: 9 Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. 10 But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. 11 To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. (1 Peter, 5 Chapter, Bible, see ), 5 And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof. 6 And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth. 7 And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne. (Revelation, 5 Chapter, Bible, see ),

Where did "wickedness" of the Earth come from? It is a consequence of the fact, that it was released into the power of that, who the human him- or herself has chosen, and he or she gave him precedence over the God. And so it entered nature what is the devil's own. In "Paradise" there were not bloodthirsty predators or beasts of prey. According to the word of the God all live had fed on crops and seeds. Now however the beasts of prey and predators entered the nature and also pests in the air, on land and in the sea. If you have some very unpleasant feelings while film shots from the life of predators, it is understandable. We cannot accept the fact, that this violence was the original intention and the work of the Creator. This violence and also natural disasters have become a permanent vivid consequence and symbol of what a sin causes in not only physical, but also in the spiritual realm. (see : Ustavičný souboj ), see also : What the Bible says about Satan as Predator, From Forerunner Commentary, John W. Ritenbaugh The Beast and Babylon (Part Nine): Babylon the Great, Mike Ford Stalked by Satan, John W. Ritenbaugh The Spiritual Mark of the Beast, Staff Holy Days: Feast of Tabernacles, John W. Ritenbaugh Satan (Part 5), Earl L. Henn (1934-1997) For the Perfecting of the Saints, John W. Ritenbaugh The Christian Fight (Part Two), Richard T. Ritenbaugh Parables and Prophecy, Church of the Great God, Charlotte, NC 28247-1846 .

Predator is an animal that hunts live animals and eats them. In ecology predator is either in the strict sense of the word the supreme article of pasture-predatory food chain, or in a broad sense any living creature that excludes during the consumption the whole individual of prey from the population (thus apparently also the only living microorganism, ed. author). An example of the first type is e.g. jaguar … an example of the second type is ... also domestic fowl (they feed on seeds, which they eat whole and hereby they exclude potential future individual from population). (see ).

Only Adam and Eve in the biblical paradise were the least predators, there Adam and Eve were eating only plant seeds and plant fruits, and unlike animals that ate or during eating killed the whole plants in the paradise. It is questionable, whether the animals had descendants and were dying in paradise, and whether Adam and Eve could have offspring and could die even in paradise, although there Adam and Eve were the least predators (in my opinion Adam and Eve could have offspring even in paradise, and apparently according to the contemporary state of exact science, according to which freedom in nature is in substance a coincidence with more or less probability, see de Broglie waves and Heisenberg uncertainty principle and soul as the material brain, it is without the intervention of possible God only a matter of time and probability, when Adam and Eve shall surely die because of eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in paradise, but this later than worse predators in paradise, thus animals that ate the whole plants there), and whether the human, who consistently chooses to be the least possible predator in the world today as Adam and Eve in paradise, can have offspring. I.e. all living creatures are predators in the above broad sense, but a living creature, who believes in love and that acts in accordance with love, i.e. their supreme boss is only the love, if love is God, then their supreme boss is only God, is still trying with all their power to be the least possible predator, i.e. still to cause the least possible death and pain.

Therefore great hypocrites are who say, that they care about the good of all creation, not just for the good of their own pack at the expense of great death and pain of other packs of living creatures, if they approve and they cause much more than the least possible death and pain, i.e. according to how much more than the least possible death and pain they approve and they cause, thus according to how much greater than the least possible predators in the above broad sense they are, for example great hypocrisy of the contemporary Catholic Church in relation to living creatures other than humans.

Obsession with the Devil

Devil is according to my philosophy the space-time embodiment of absolute vacuum or nothing. This absolute vacuum, Devil is the only one space-time point of zero rest mass, photon, i.e. the basic micro-particle of light, which has zero speed, stretched into the space-time. Absolute vacuum is causing in our Universe through its underpressure all collisions, i.e. in case of living creatures all death in our Universe. Therefore according to my Philosophy of Balance the Devil is also the embodiment of all death in our Universe. As the Devil is the embodiment of all death in our Universe, and death is caused by predators, the Devil is also the embodiment of predators in the above broad sense.

Devil incorporates also the minimum of matter, i.e. single point of space-time, therefore he is alive, and as a living creature he is covered by the dogma of my Philosophy of Balance, that he in fact mostly wants to live in a world, where everyone likes each other, and regardless of whether he was aware of it from the beginning and he is just righteous tempter and executioner of the God or he was not aware of it, though he in fact mostly wants it and he realized it just subsequently, based on his fear of the hatred of other living creatures against him.

According to the Philosophy of Balance the Devil as a vacuum, death and predator is installed in the God from the beginning (God is omnipotent and can therefore be perfectly evil, but God is perfectly good, therefore the God is never evil, living creatures and God want universal love, love necessarily includes also at least the readiness to sacrifice, i.e. the fight against at least the possibility of evil, which implies a need for at least the possibility of evil also for society of universal love, thus maintaining at least a minimum of life and at least the mere, though apparently never done, possibility of action of Devil as death also in heaven).

Creation of Devil as a vacuum is well described by Jewish, virtually cabbalistic theological description of the Universe formation. According to Jewish cabbala Yitzhak Luria (1534-1570) places at the beginning the God self restriction, caving into itself (cimcum). Cimcum concept is one of the most daring experiments in history to imagine the end of Creatio ex nihilo, creation from nothing to be anything outside of God Himself, God had to create in his infinite, all pervasive being (Ejn sof, virtually no end) an empty space (i.e. absolute vacuum, the Devil is created so by God).

Therefore even in the biblical paradise there were vacuum, death, predators in the above broad sense and therefore also the Devil in the form of killing of living cells of plant fruits and plant seeds in their eating by Adam and Eve and whole plants through other animals, see the biblical parable of the tree of knowledge of good and evil in paradise. Why did God as love create the Devil as part of the biblical paradise, that is why the Devil or death cannot disappear or be saved, or in other words why our Universe cannot exist without death? As love requires sacrifice, or at least the readiness to sacrifice and sacrifice as an attack against the death requires the existence of death, or at least the theoretical possibility of the death, hence sacrifice would not be possible without death, love would not be possible without the sacrifice, and God, who would be love, would not be possible without love, therefore we have to eat live creatures sacrificed for us, but, if we eat only plant fruits and plant seeds like in the paradise, they do not almost feel it, because they are formed by individual living cells, which do not form a living organism, and therefore it is what perhaps most merciful sacrifice.

However living creatures are similar to the God, therefore they are powerful, though not omnipotent and therefore they can be also evil, but they are not perfectly good as the God, their basis is only good, because they are only similar to the God, they cannot always choose the best, i.e. the most merciful possibility of their behavior, therefore death is not for them only a theoretical possibility as for the God, but it is the real possibility for them, and it is more or less merciful, depending on how much they are addicted to the Devil, one could say how much they are possessed by the Devil, depending on how much they and their ancestors caused unnecessary, i.e. more than the least possible, death and pain.

Exorcism of the Devil as the embodiment of a vacuum according to my Rational Mystique through a church or rather exorcism of the Devil as unnecessary, thus bigger than the smallest possible collisions of matter due to unorganized movement of waves on the speed of light and absolute vacuum, of which all matter is composed according to my Philosophy of Balance, through medicaments of modern medicine according to the exact science, cause so the possible violent suppression of hate by living creature and its ancestors by death and pain damaged other living creatures, ultimately living microorganisms, which has no long-term effect, because through the violence one cannot force damaged living creatures to love wrongdoers, lasting effect may have only a long-term (i.e. on principle in humans at least 7 years when according to the exact science the living cells should change completely except nerve cells in the human body) change in lifestyle through permanent  causing the least possible death and pain, or at least through permanent causing not much more than the least possible death and pain.

Literature: Příběhy rabi Nachmana, Argo, 2005, p. 29 et seq., Casaril Guy, Rabi Šimon bar Jochaj a kabala, RI-EL/CAD Press, Bratislava, 1996, Tajemství kabaly(Decoding the Past: Secrets of Kabbalah), USA 2006, 46 min., produced by Towers Productions, Inc. for History Channel, 2006 A&e Television Networks, LLC., 2012 FILMEXPORT HOME VIDEO s.r.o., , : Jaroslav Hejnic , : Břetislav Kafka - Nové základy experimentální psychologie, kapitola 5. VĚK BUNĚK, : Temná posedlost ďáblem, nebo jen nemoc?, 2011 Daniel Hloušek, Anneliese Michel: Opravdu byla posedlá ďáblem? , : Rozhovor s Prokopem Remešem: Ďábel nemá jen „hollywoodskou“ podobu, 2014, author Gabriela Malinová, : Radkin Honzák, Pár poznámek k psychologickému profilu Satana, Psychiatrie považuje „posedlost ďáblem“ za projevy těžké psychické poruchy., © Copyright Mindlab s.r.o. , : Psychologický profil Satana, Fascinuje mě exorcismus. Jak se na vymítání ďábla díváte vy, současní psychologové a psychiatři?, čtenářka Veronika , © Copyright Mindlab s.r.o.

Male and female

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 02/10/2014 19:35:00

What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

There is mostly the larger number of less energetic women suitable according to the Philosophy of Balance as an ideal partner for a particular man in the society, these women are becoming the ideal partner of a man by increasingly more perfect long-sharing of visible but also of invisible things between a man and his partner, it is necessary still more perfect friendship of all organisms in the world with these partners, that this more perfect sharing is, which primarily requires the most merciful diet as possible, hence the behavior apparently at first of man, but then apparently of his wife.

(see , , )

2 Offspring and validity of Philosophy of Balance : Ráj začíná vědeckým pokusem na mé zahradě

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 20/10/2014 19:26:26



Post of Dalibor Grůza

The above dilemma, according to my Philosophy of Balance seems to be the result of punishment of micro-organisms for my ancestors and my big causing unnecessary death and pain, especially of animals and for my own still causing almost exclusively necessary death and pain, that is, even though since 2008 I am almost exclusively frutarian, i.e. I eat almost exclusively only plant seeds and plant fruits and my animals eat vegetable products all mostly from contemporary standard parasitic rather than symbiotic plant agriculture, see my book: Symbiotic agriculture and experiments of natural science proving Philosophy of Balance . I hope this  dilemma will be solved by longer time of my  punishment  of celibacy and childlessness and my current transition, if possible, at least to plant products from organic vegetable farming and I will have later in life a partner and a child who during pregnancy and breastfeeding will eat from died animals exclusively safe naturally died carrions (cadavers) of animals. Political Party for the Rights of All Living Creatures p. 39


My Philosophy of Balance of workable symbiosis of all living organisms in nature is according to the majority of people considered as highly improbable even though their attractive option, as the result others are willing to invest in this option a lot of time and resources, if in the end after all it succeeds. According to the majority of people it is in my case very probably a futile experiment, which must end eventually by a total failure, because the nature is outside the family and often even inside the family cruel, even if they do not like it. As I am not predatory, because I could not stand mentally or physically this cruelty, the majority of women is not willing to risk having a child with me and they would not eat slaughtered animals, from the required dead animals they would eat only carrions that died of natural causes, principally of old age. Therefore highly probably according to the majority of people I will die childless and therefore, if others followed my Philosophy of Balance, so living organisms would become extinct highly probably according to these people. Thus my Philosophy of Balance cannot be followed probably according to the majority of people, although probably due to it, which according to me partially proves it and up to now justifies it for me, I succeed in stabilization of my serious health condition up to now, even if the stabilization seemed in terms of health statistics previously highly improbable, further in being above-average successful in my professional life and in getting above-average property. However according to the majority of people it is highly probably transient and unrepeatable phenomenon that stems from the fact, that others are willing to invest in verifying of my Philosophy of Balance as the above mentioned most attractive option a lot of time and resources, although it appears to them to be highly improbable in the unmerciful nature. Therefore now the main question is, whether respecting of my Philosophy of Balance as the law of mercy to all living organisms ensures me a success in the rest of my life, nowadays especially if I succeed in having children with my partner, and they would not eat slaughtered animals.

I have no greater certainty, that the Philosophy of Balance is true, than the above justifying experiences, if I want to get a wife, so I should not let know any of my anxiety from the stress while making decisions based on the Philosophy of Balance. The most merciful diet, as possible i.e. on principle organic frutarianism and eggs from a home breed, where they do not slaughter or get slaughtered any hens and cocks I eat minimally since 25 May 2013, when my partner was about exactly 41 years old and I was about 40 years old. If the Philosophy of Balance is valid, so the friendship of the world living microorganisms ensures me, that in the future I have the potential partner and potential offspring, who would not eat slaughtered animals, from the required dead animals they would eat only carrions that died of natural causes, principally of old age. As in 7 years from 25 May 2013, if I continue to follow the above most merciful way of food as possible, the living cells will change completely in my body and in 3,5 years of this time half of the living cells in my body will apparently change (see above), therefore in the first case of this period all living microorganisms in the world and in the second case of this period the vast majority of living organisms in the world will be my friends and they arrange it, so that in the future I gain the potential partner and potential offspring, who would not eat slaughtered animals, from the required dead animals they would eat only carrions that died of natural causes, principally of old age. Ideally in the last moment I can accomplish it with my current partner, for whom from 25 May 2013 exactly 7 years remain till her infertility and 3.5 years till the need to change her diet and to eat only the same as I do. Otherwise the Philosophy of Balance is not valid.

Literature: Elliot Katz, Being The Strong Man A Woman Wants, Práh 2008, first edition, Příběhy Tóry Patnáct biblických zamyšlení, Jan Divecký, nakladatelství P3K, 2005, Everyman's Talmud The Major Teachings of the Rabbinic Sages, Abraham Cohen, Sefer s.r.o., 2006, : Talmud ideologií zbavený, author: joan.j joan.j, 2011
, : Ráj začíná vědeckým pokusem na mé zahradě , Political Party for the Rights of All Living Creatures p. 42-43


According to my natural scientific theory of evolutionary success of the individual as a result of friendship and enmity of micro-organisms that are able to recognize and remember their friend and their enemy, as well as a friend and an enemy of their related micro-organisms, so at present every child is born already with many enemies and subjected to a revenge for the death of animals cruelly died in industrial slaughter farms  to make this child just to become born,  it is a kind of original sin of this child.

To have or not to have a wife or a girlfriend and children for the above situation when people are parasites on animals as described above, it is not in my present opinion a matter of personal duty of human without exception (see the Bible: And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth," (Gen 1:28), this their obligation without exception is valid only in paradise and it will exist after any establishment of paradise in the nature also by own forces of living creatures if possible), but rather a matter of personal choice of human under his or her circumstances between two more or less bad solutions. Political Party for the Rights of All Living Creatures p. 39-40

Due to my mental health I could not stand to be surely permanently mortal enemy of any living creature, if the above mentioned law of the exclusive harmony (ie symbiosis, i.e. in the long term the most powerful law of love) is not surely valid in the nature, I could not stand and I would not want to live in such a world, due to my mental health I would be of it apparently permanently insane (similarly as the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche went mad from his predatory morality), I would probably die of it. My Philosophy of Balance is therefore my fear and my only possible fight for my life. Symbiotic agriculture and experiments of natural science proving Philosophy of Balance p. 52-55

This painless death is also necessary to allow to sacrifice animals to saturate the children, if that death is inevitable to save the evolutionarily more perfect individual. Philosophy of Balance p. 189

It would be against the base of my psyche (i.e. among others I would mentally not survive) to be a deadly enemy of any living creature, if I caused a lot of possibly unnecessary (i.e. larger than the smallest) death and pain, e.g. if I had children at a cost of eating slaughtered animals by me, my partner or my offspring. This means that I could not and it probably would not, at least in my case, be correct to sacrifice friendship and love of all living creatures, when eating organic meat see above for that I had a child with a woman who at the time of pregnancy and breast-feeding had to eat organic meat. The beautiful is love of all living creatures, the terrible is mortal hatred of unnecessarily killed living creatures. This means that my only option to have a child with a woman is a legal reform for the purpose of selling the food from naturally dead animals, dead of old age, in normal stores for the safe consumption of such food for my wife and child during pregnancy and lactation.

Maybe I will have to be a deadly enemy of animals killed for and eaten by my possible pregnant and nursing woman and by my possible child at the cost of fratricides, i.e. the mutual murders among the people, whether it's me, my possible partner or my possible children (see Abel and Cain, and Adam and Eve in the biblical Paradise), but if any for now it is premature. I will be forced to choose this option when I consider it as necessary, i.e. my Philosophy of Balance, i.e. my theory of merciful nature, i.e. possibility of all living creatures to live in a world where everyone likes each other will be refuted.

If the above refutation of my Philosophy of Balance is not nor the above sale of carrions (cadavers) of animals died of natural causes, in principle, of old age in ordinary shops, nor my potential partner nor our potential joint child eating exclusively in the vegetarian way or from died animals only my as much as possible tested (carrions) of animals died of natural causes, in principle of old age (because my previous partner eats a lot of slaughtered animals and because in my experience it takes at least 3,5-7 years before martyred living cells and their related living cells forget predominantly their deadly enmity of human after his or her change to cause still the least possible death and pain, that she and also the baby were healthy, which my previous partner in the current age of 41 years until her age 48 years, i.e. her infertility can hardly make it, note: even according to science, as I later discovered, the living cells change completely except nerve cells in the human body once every 7 years, see : Jaroslav Hejnic , : Břetislav Kafka - Nové základy experimentální psychologie, kapitola 5. VĚK BUNĚK ) until my infertility, so I die childless from the above reasons, Political Party for the Rights of All Living Creatures p. 38-39

If my Philosophy of Balance is not valid, so I as a weak individual die apparently childless in spite of my compliance of the Philosophy of Balance (i.e. of permanent obligation of non-causing much more than the least possible death and pain) and I am waiting also the ultimate irreparable loss in my life and maybe also my greater suffering from this loss by a deterioration in the quality of my life, according to the Philosophy of Balance this suffering should not be in the exaggerated way, because in recent years even before I have helped a lot of humans and other living creatures to save them a life and I tried not to cause more than the smallest possible death and pain to any human or any other living creature. If a person is not able to comply with my Philosophy of Balance (April 13, 2015  dentist applied me without my intention from my unconscious negligence when picking my tooth medicament supracain for local anesthesia that contains Articaini hydrochloridum and Epinephrini hydrochloridum, i.e. adrenalin produced principally from slaughtered animals, from December 2012 to August 1, 2015 I used calcium: Calcii carbonici 0,5 tbl. Medicamenta, see : Czech Státní ústav kontoly léčiv, Praha 10, CALCII CARBONICI 0,5 TBL. MEDICAMENTA, Účinná látka UHLIČITAN VÁPENATÝ (CALCII CARBONAS), Registrační číslo 39/ 335/98-C, Držitel rozhodnutí o registraci Glenmark Pharmaceuticals s.r.o. , which from my unconscious negligence contains gelatin, which one of the pharmacies in Hustopeče near Brno, not the pharmacy Dům zdraví in Hustopeče near Brno, recommended me and with which this pharmacy, not the pharmacy Dům zdraví in Hustopeče near Brno, supplied me exclusively, even though I pointed out them, that I do not want medicament from killed animals, because I am a vegetarian), then he or she will have only two bad options: 1) to have children with mother and they will eat particularly during pregnancy and lactation slaughtered animals, 2) to die childless. It is correct in this case to have children with mother and they will eat particularly during pregnancy and lactation slaughtered animals, on principle from slaughtered animals only organic meat from at slaughter stunned animals, if it is inevitable to the survival of genes of human non-causing much more than the least possible death and pain. To recognize the moment of this inevitability, it always carries the risk, that a person will die childless, which is particularly true in my case because of my health and because of me as the first guinea pig the most possible following the Philosophy of Balance.

(see , , , : SUPRACAIN 4% 10X2ML Injekční roztok, Rutinní stomatologické zákroky, Anestetikum volby pro rizikové pacienty, Obsah adrenalinu o koncentraci 1:200 000 lze považovat za bezvýznamný ve srovnání s množstvím adrenalinu endogenně vyplaveným při bolesti, Držitel rozhodnutí a výrobce ZENTIVA A.S. (see cocaine, my note) , : kniha Dr ING. ZDENĚK BUDĚSÍNSKÝ, Dr ING. MIROSLAV PROTIVA, Vědecký redaktor Dr Ing. Oldřich Němecek, SYNTHETICKÁ LÉČIVA, PRAHA 1954, NAKLADATELSTVÍ ČESKOSLOVENSKÉ AKADEMIE VĚD)

Eugenics according to Philosophy of Balance

Author: Dalibor Grůza

Time: 01/05/2015 14:26:52



About the breeding of humans and negative eugenics according to the Philosophy of Balance:


Post of Dalibor Grůza

... Neronis,
here you get closer to the Nazi ideology, which also committed euthanasia (i.e. merciful death) of disabled people and also of disabled children. The basic idea and the obligation of the Philosophy of Balance, that "All living creatures in fact mostly want to live in a world, where everyone likes each other, therefore everyone is still obliged to cause the least possible death and pain. All the rest consists more in views (speculations). It applies to all my Philosophy of Balance.", means, that you and they carry huge value that is the evolutionarily most advanced form of life (i.e., the most able ones to feel physical and mental pain) to be protected primarily along with other life of all other living creatures as much as possible. Furthermore, according to the Philosophy of Balance one must be looking at retarded children not only in terms, of what they are now, but also in terms, of what they may be in the future, how they can improve evolutionarily according to the Philosophy of Balance in particular by causing the least possible death and pain, for which they bear responsibility against the nature (or its evolution) not only these retarded children but also persons who are entrusted with these retarded children. Philosophy of Balance p. 372

About the possible application of natural selection according to current scientific understanding of evolutionary theory in the invalidity of my Philosophy of Balance:


Post of Dalibor Grůza

At the same time the third option, that human cannot live in symbiosis (also elsewhere understood as harmony) with all of nature and living creatures must always be on the expense of which the human and his or her chosen and protected pack of living creatures live, that the human would have to necessarily kill to survive and with which he or she would necessarily fight on life and death (i.e. partial necessary parasitism or predation), it would mean that the supposedly sovereign good God, hence by Him allegedly created nature are very merciless.

In nature there is the question in addition to the force of the law of exclusive harmony (i.e. symbiosis) or the law of exclusive disharmony (i.e. parasitic-predatory image of the world) then the force of the law of prevailing harmony or of the law of prevailing disharmony or no the law of harmony or the law of disharmony prevails here. Only in the case of the above-mentioned law of exclusive harmony (i.e. symbiosis) the Philosophy of Balance is not refuted, thus the permanent duty of everyone to cause the least possible death and pain enforced and punished by nature itself, in those other cases depending on the circumstances of the case one must always properly choose between harmony and disharmony, therefore not causing or causing greater than the least possible death and pain. …

Due to my mental health I could not stand to be surely permanently mortal enemy of any living creature, if the above mentioned law of the exclusive harmony (ie symbiosis, i.e. in the long term the most powerful law of love) is not surely valid in the nature, I could not stand and I would not want to live in such a world, due to my mental health I would be of it apparently permanently insane (similarly as the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche went mad from his predatory morality), I would probably die of it. My Philosophy of Balance is therefore my fear and my only possible fight for my life. Symbiotic agriculture and experiments of natural science proving Philosophy of Balance p. 52-55

Literature: : ČTYŘI PRINCIPY LÉKAŘSKÉ ETIKY, 2014, Marek Orko Vácha, correctly apparently: OD EUGENIKY 19. STOLETÍ PO PROJEKT LIDSKÉHO GENOMU, Marek Vácha 2014, Marek Vácha je katolický kněz, přednosta Ústavu etiky a humanitních studií 3. lékařské fakulty Univerzity Karlovy, Prague , : O eugenice, 26. červenec 2014, autoři: Adriana Krobová, Marek Vácha, (státní, má poznámka) Český rozhlas, Leonardo plus

(see , , )

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 17/06/2015 21:37:11

… Now a bit of Rational Mystique according to my Philosophy of Balance. Voice of living creatures should be God's voice. Ie. if Philosophy of Balance is true, so it means, that in nature there is the most powerful law of love valid in the long term, which would indicate a greater probability of the existence of God as love than his or her non-existence. From this perspective we can distinguish four groups of living creatures according to the relation to me as the creator of Philosophy of Balance, either

1) they are living creatures that want me to be successful in life and they believe in the existence of God as love,

2) or living creatures that want me to be successful in life and they do not believe in the existence of God as love,

3) or living creatures that want me to be unsuccessful in life and they believe in the existence of God as love.


Those all do not want me to experience great suffering in my life, either because they are my friends, and they wish me success (see the groups of living creatures in points 1) and 2)), or they are not my friends, but my great suffering, given my greatest effort to live according to perfect love, i.e. to cause the least possible death and pain, would refute the existence of God as love with a high probability (see the group of living creatures in point 3)).


4) living creatures that want me to be unsuccessful in life and they do not believe in the existence of God as love.

Only these living creatures want me to experience great suffering in my life.

This means, that the creatures want perhaps at least at a ratio of 3/4, that I do not experience great suffering in my life, but they want only at a ratio 1/4 (see the group of living creatures in point 1)) me to be successful in life, i.e. in particular me to have descendants, the other 3/4 of living creatures do not wish this my success, either because they are my enemies, or because they deny the existence of God as love.

This means, that I cannot have children according to Rational Mystique of my Philosophy of Balance, until my girl-friend, perhaps also a majority of all living creatures will belong to the group of my friends and also they will believe in the existence of God as love (see the group of living creatures in point 1)). Until then, perhaps to death, I will probably live a normal life without great suffering, but also without children (see the groups of living creatures from point 1) to 3)).

(see , , )


Post of Dalibor Grůza

I want to be independent, a mediator among all the wolves in the pack, as a leader of the pack, as a wolf challenger in a fight for life and death, between Christ and the Devil, between good and evil. As in the Universe there is good and evil, light and vacuum, Christ and the Devil in balance, if I am their border and joint member, I cannot expect from either of the leading wolves a great favor and power, but neither a great resistance and evil, because I will be though a border member of their pack. I will therefore be a mediate wolf in a pack, which presupposes friendship with all the wolves including the two guiding wolves, which have fought for life and death. This is relatively the safest position in a wolf pack, I cannot get much, but I cannot lose much either.


Such a mediator in a wolf pack, who wants to be a friend with everyone, has a duty to kill as few as possible (i.e. only for the protection of life) of living creatures, if so then those feeling naturally the least pain. Your suggestion to boost up the muscles by eating meat is not suitable for me, because so I would not be able to get rid of the fear.


Such a mediator in the wolf pack cannot expect the reward (she-wolf and the wolf cubs allowed) until the establishment of a new good pack after he or she manages to reconcile all the warring leaders, figuratively speaking of Christ with the Devil and the Devil with Christ, a predator with its prey. This reconciliation, however, may never be achieved, because it is such a superhuman task, which the mediator cannot know, whether he or she can even reach it, his or her task is to devote it his or her entire life. Philosophy of Balance p. 364


Therefore, I can wait to pursue my right for a birth of a child from my present partner together with potential to achieve paradise on Earth, according to my Rational Mystique up to her 48 years of age and my 47 years. Then I'll have to seek another partner, preferably within polygamy, which would give me children, to fulfill my above-mentioned right for a birth of my child (my grandfather had his first child at his 59 years). Due to this I will possibly also find out, that I'm not able to create the paradise on Earth myself, for example within philosophical subjective idealism of Rational Mystique of my Philosophy of Balance and I will have to include my possible descendats to reach the fulfillment of this task. The efforts of my possible descendants to reach the paradise on Earth, which I fail to achieve, will also justify the existence of my descendants within my basic rules in my Philosophy of Balance, i.e. the permanent obligation of each human to cause the least possible death and pain. Philosophy of Balance p. 384-385


In the event, that Adam will have a new child before the above return to paradise with his beloved Eva that is almost perfect removal of mistakes, a nonabsolute vacuum from his brain cells and by them embodied the outside world, he exposes the world to unreasonable risk of reversing the course of world salvation through duplication of brains as the embodiment of the outside world and its mistakes, virtually nonabsolute vacuum, through the birth of his child, a new man before his or her death except his or her father. This risk will be adequate only after the above return of the new Adam in paradise, where the smallest Satan, mistake, gap, the shortcoming or a absolute vacuum in the brain of the new Adam, possibly of his wife as a man, possibly people before death and by them embodied world and therefore the lowest risk of the above duplication. Philosophy of Balance p. 305

3 Packs and my pack : Ráj začíná vědeckým pokusem na mé zahradě

Author: Dalibor Grůza

Time: 05/10/2014 20:26:09


Obedient powerful wolf in the pack of strong merciless wolves will never be probably from me from my health and moral reasons, the Philosophy of Balance includes no scientific theories but only scientific hypotheses, I cannot therefore rely on the current exact science (namely Darwinism) that stronger individual, virtually individuals, preferably the powerful individuals listening to their leader forming a pack, usually in the image of merciless predators, are nearly always successful in life, which however most individuals do not like, so I have no choice but to rely on mere scientific hypotheses of my Philosophy of Balance, whether it turns out no matter how, I have no selection unlike the others. That is why I rely on that according to scientific hypotheses of my Philosophy of Balance the merciful individual, whether strong or weak, is almost always successful in life because of friendship of most part of the world's living organisms and that this their friendship ensures me among others future partner and children, preferably with my current partner, who will not eat their entire life in case of my children, if any, virtually remaining life in case of their mother and my partner especially during pregnancy and lactation slaughtered animals and from cadavers of animals they will eat only naturally died animals, principally of old age.

(see , , )

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 14/10/2014 12:31:32

To which pack I belong


Post of Dalibor Grůza

... As in the Universe there is good and evil, light and vacuum, Christ and the Devil in balance, if I am their border and joint member, I cannot expect from either of the leading wolves a great favor and power, but neither a great resistance and evil, because I will be though a border member of their pack. I will therefore be a mediate wolf in a pack, which presupposes friendship with all the wolves including the two guiding wolves, which have fought for life and death. This is relatively the safest position in a wolf pack, I cannot get much, but I cannot lose much either.

... Such a mediator in the wolf pack cannot expect the reward (she-wolf and the wolf cubs allowed) until the establishment of a new good pack after he or she manages to reconcile all the warring leaders, figuratively speaking of Christ with the Devil and the Devil with Christ, a predator with its prey. This reconciliation, however, may never be achieved, because it is such a superhuman task, which the mediator cannot know, whether he or she can even reach it, his or her task is to devote it his or her entire life. Philosophy of Balance p. 364

… To answer the second question, I'm at least 51 % percent (i.e., the number of 51 parts in 100) a Roman Catholic, so I am a member of the Catholic Church. In the rest I am an eclectic (i.e. much of everything I have read and from what I chose), because I believe, that in the Bible - Old and New Testament and other writings (including my Philosophy of Balance) are errors, because it was always written by an imperfect man or men (Jesus of Nazareth himself had not written anything, all comes from his followers).

… I am a Roman Catholic Christian, but the attitude of my Philosophy of Balance to the contemporary Roman Catholic Church is ambiguous:

On the one hand, I recognize the important task of the Roman Catholic Church in the world as all those, who are even the imperfect preacher of love, optionally also especially of world´s very important Bible Gospels of the New Testament, which according to me describe 51-60 percents of perfect love to a neighbor.

On the other hand, I consider now the Roman Catholic Church and its members, i.e. the believers and priests as normally demoralized people like the rest of contemporary global society. Thus, I trust, virtually distrust them, like any other normal person in our contemporary society. In my opinion the reason for the contemporary normal demoralization of the Catholic Church, which has not the characteristics of a large loving family, which it should have and how it presents itself falsely to the public now, is, that it does not fulfill the commandment of love in general, and it excludes other living creatures from this love. Same degree of unnecessary killing of other living creatures than a man of the contemporary society and members of the Roman Catholic Church, according to evolutionary theory of my Philosophy of Balance, results in hatred of other living creatures and their relative individuals which direct consequence is according to my Philosophy of Balance normal demoralization or hostility of contemporary society as well as members of the Roman Catholic Church also mutually. Philosophy of Balance p. 349-350

… Therefore, for example, it is not possible in terms of someone, who does not know the current status and future evolutionary development of intellect and psyche (soul) of a living creature out of a man or their given species, to say in advance whether it is good that the man today sacrificed his or her life for other living creatures non-humans. However, it is possible to say as to me today, that with the ongoing evolution accelerated by the relationship with other living more sophisticated creature, which is human, the other living creatures will be inevitably in time the full right members of our society. Philosophy of Balance p. 147

(see , , )

I am a baptized Catholic and a member of the Catholic Church (I am very unsatisfied member of the Catholic Church as the oldest and largest Jesus Church in the world, because, if I do not succeed in reconciling all life-and-death rival packs or visible pack of living creatures more respecting the Philosophy of Balance does not arise or I do not find it, so far I will not find a better pack and so I will remain the border member of the Catholic Church, and because I am very respecting the learning and bravery of Jesus of Nazareth apparently Christ, on which Philosophy of Balance is based in the majority.), but almost against no pack of living creatures, yet I have been unable to reconcile these life-and-death rival packs or to create my own visible pack of living creatures according to the Philosophy of Balance, I have no woman (and even my current girlfriend, Catholic) and no children yet who would not eat the slaughtered animals and from died animals they would eat only died of natural causes, principally of old age. Regarding the visible support of some pack so I am visibly alone, but almost no pack of living creatures shows hatred against me. On principle it makes sense in my case as above mediator to prevent, virtually to avoid fights, where I would endanger seriously while not highly probably save at least the same number of some human lives, possibly while not also less probably save more lives, here life means also own human life, those fights are on principle sign of hatred of some pack of living creatures, which would seem to exclude my activity as a potential mediator, conciliator, contractor among all packs of living creatures.


The Jews hate enemies. Muslims hate believers of other religions, except subordinated or friendly Jews and Christians. Christians hate and love at the same time believers of other religions, especially Jews. Hindus hate those who kill and eat the sacred cows, otherwise Buddhists and Hindus hate whoever they want, their religion is silent about it, namely enemies. Capitalists hate those who want to deprive them of their property. The fascists hate Jews and gypsies. Communists hate the rich. Animals, plants and insects hate especially those that kill them and those who consume these killed cadavers, all except those died  almost without pain of old age after happy, long and dignified life.

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 25/10/2014 14:59:22

Only real church


Post of Dalibor Grůza

... As in the Universe there is good and evil, light and vacuum, Christ and the Devil in balance, if I am their border and joint member, I cannot expect from either of the leading wolves a great favor and power, but neither a great resistance and evil, because I will be though a border member of their pack. I will therefore be a mediate wolf in a pack, which presupposes friendship with all the wolves including the two guiding wolves, which have fought for life and death. This is relatively the safest position in a wolf pack, I cannot get much, but I cannot lose much either.

... Such a mediator in the wolf pack cannot expect the reward (she-wolf and the wolf cubs allowed) until the establishment of a new good pack after he or she manages to reconcile all the warring leaders, figuratively speaking of Christ with the Devil and the Devil with Christ, a predator with its prey. This reconciliation, however, may never be achieved, because it is such a superhuman task, which the mediator cannot know, whether he or she can even reach it, his or her task is to devote it his or her entire life. Philosophy of Balance p. 364

... Matthew 22:36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law? 37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like unto it,  (i.e. the believers and unbelievers in God are similar, who comply with this second commandment) Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Mark 12: 28 And one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, and perceiving that he had answered them well, asked him, Which is the first commandment of all? 29 And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: 30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. 31 And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these. Philosophy of Balance p. 350-351    

… (1 John 4:8King James Version (KJV) 8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love., 1 John 4:16King James Version (KJV) 16 And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him. (see and )

… Charity or comrades-in-arms.

According to the Philosophy of Balance there are two types of good relationships between all living beings:

1) Charity: the gifts, i.e. performance to the final recipient without his or her obligation to provide any reasonable consideration for it always except gratitude, a pattern of this relationship is the relationship between according to the Christian conception the single God as the Father as a donor and an imperfect human as recipient, a parent as a donor and his or her juvenile child as a recipient or between a human as a donor and bred or grown less evolutionarily perfect living creature such as an animal, insect or plant, etc. as a recipient. 

2) Comrades-in-arms: i.e.  performance to the final recipient, for which the recipient is obliged to provide any reasonable consideration, a pattern of this relationship is the Christian concept of single God as the Father as a donor and Jesus of Nazareth may be Christ, as his adult son equal to this single God as the Father, relationship between living partners, the relationship between parent and his or her adult child, army relationship between two soldiers comrades-in-arms in the army, the market relationship between trading partners, possibly the future relationship between human and animal or insect or plant or other living creature evolutionarily less perfect than human, until these living creatures improve to the same evolutionary level

The aim of nature evolution according to the Philosophy of Balance is gradually within the nature of evolution to educate still new and new emerging living creatures as initial exclusive recipients of charity to become still better comrades-in-arms. 

In my opinion all the living beings need for a happy life to live in both of these types of relationships. Philosophy of Balance p. 401

… like the Lord - Judge of hosts (Hebrew adonaj cava), which can be translated as the Mister - Lord of Army (see my movie). BOOKLET OF THE PARTY FOR THE RIGHTS OF ALL LIVING CREATURES p. 30

In other words, treasurer (religiously speaking, similar to the Lord - Treasurer, in English spoken judge, Lord of hosts, i.e. of all living creatures, from the Russian word gosudar - Treasurer, composed from “go”, probably from the Latin word host, see in Czech nebeské zástupy - in English the hosts - army of heaven and “sudar”, or judge), who is only just and they are not mighty and merciful, or the treasurer, who is only powerful and not just and merciful, or treasurer, who is only merciful and not mighty and just, are bad treasurers-landlords, not like the Lord. BOOKLET OF THE PARTY FOR THE RIGHTS OF ALL LIVING CREATURES p. 45

(see , , )

Regarding my pack, so more surely than, that I am member of the Catholic Church (although that preaches love, it is according to the Philosophy of Balance the great merit also of many other churches, but almost all members of the Catholic Church either do not believe substantially in love or they do not act substantially in accordance with love in a similar extent as the members of the other current sub-packs of living creatures, in the case of the Catholic Church especially in relation to animals and to other living creatures other than humans), I know that I and following idea are creating it now, in other words I do not subordinate ultimately to any living creature but only to this idea, which reads: „All living creatures in fact mostly want to live in a world, where everyone likes each other, therefore everyone is still obliged to cause the least possible death and pain.", i.e. my supreme boss is only the love, if love is God, then my supreme boss is only God. This my pack of those what dwell as much as possible in love goes beyond individual packs and forms the only real church. And I want to be more and more above mentioned comrade-in-arms of this idea instead the recipient of above its charity as before.

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 25/05/2015 19:00:06


Post of Dalibor Grůza

This has already been on the forum discussed see : Primární axiom Filosofie rovnováhy
with the result, that but then there is one last option:

- some creatures are aware of what they want and each of them want that everyone has a good time

- and the rest, which does not want it, they were not in fact aware of what they want ...


Unlike other biblical texts, especially regarding the ritual sacrifices of animals in the Jewish temple according to the Old Testament, I mention below the biblical texts showing the contrary, that the Judeo-Christian God and Jesus of Nazareth are only one God of above mentioned only one real Christian church, that therefore both Jesus of Nazareth and this only one God could perfectly dwell in perfect love, thus also for other living creatures than humans:


Texts of the Second Vatican Council: LUMEN GENTIUM 9,3, LUMEN GENTIUM 48,1, Gaudium et Spes 39,1, texts of Bible: Genesis 1-4,26, Luke 10,25-37, Mark 16,15, 1 John 4,8, 1 John 4,16, Romans 8,19-23, Romans 8,18, Colossians 1,15-20, Ephesians 1,10, Isaiah 63,17, 2 Peter 3,13, Revelation 21,1, Psalms 36,7, Hosea 2,20, Isaiah 43,16-21, Isaiah 56,9, Isaiah 11,6-8.


see : Závěrečný úděl světa, Jean Galot SI, Česká provincie Tovaryšstva Ježíšova

My pack of those what dwell as much as possible in love, which goes beyond individual packs and which forms the only real church, is made up of those, what or some other (especially their masters or their neighbors or their enemies) in fact (i.e. especially people and other living creatures) mostly want to live in a world, where everyone likes each other, therefore these members of my pack follow as much as possible the permanent obligation of everyone to cause the least possible death and pain (other living creatures than humans especially through a merciful human care).

Literature: , , , , , , , : (českému římskokatolické knězi Tomáši Halíkovi, má poznámka) T. Halíkovi byla 13. března 2014 udělena Templetonova cena, TŘI AKTUÁLNÍ DIALOGY (březen 2008) Dotaz Sauly, adresovaný internetovému portálu, Z dopisu bratra evangelíka, O prázdném pekle. : 2012, "S tvrzení historika Petra Bahníka, že Jan Hus nepochybně byl kacířem, v rozhovoru pro Parlamentní důrazně nesouhlasí teolog Martin Chadima" (husitský teolog, má poznámka), © OUR MEDIA a.s.. 2009-2020, , ,

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 11/11/2014 18:04:47


Post of Dalibor Grůza

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 15/02/2014 20:35:04


Post of Dalibor Grůza

The problem of theodicea according to the Philosophy of Balance

According to the Philosophy of Balance in terms of the good and the evil the facts in our world can be defined as following items:

- the Good (the God)

- the Good Evil, i.e. the Evil of the Good (the Devil of the God, or the Devil belonging to the God, it is a necessary evil)

- the imperfect Good (the God of creation, the God belonging to the creation, it is the imperfect good of people and of other living creatures)

- the imperfect Good Evil (the Devil of the God belonging to a creation, it is the imperfect Devil belonging to the God, or it is an imperfect necessary evil, or an evolutionarily-developmentally necessary evil, or what we perceive, and according to the Philosophy of Balance, i.e. apparently, what appears seemingly to us as a real evil contradictory to the substance of the good, all-powerful sovereign, omnipresent God-the Good)


See English: the Go(o)d, the God, the Evil, the (D)evil.

Teodicea (from French théodicée, from Greek theos, God and dikaios, righteous), it means the justification of the God. It is the old problem of philosophy and theology, and it concerns the presence of evil in the world. The key question is, why the God, if he is omnipotent and good, commits evil? See:,

(see , , )

I.e. according to the Philosophy of Balance all living creatures are the imperfect good, whether in the form of the above imperfect good or imperfect good evil (whether a number of parasitic ichneumon wasps or emerald cockroach wasp, which lay their eggs in by them cruelly bred paralyzed insect, paralyzed victim is changed in live food, which newborn larva of wasp eats gradually from the inside, i.e. the example in nature, that Charles Darwin used as proof of alleged cruelty of nature and of the alleged inexistence of sovereign good God, or the snakes, many of which must eat only live prey, or predators, particularly carnivorous predators, or the monkeys or prehistoric men, whose gangs are killing each other, or Adolf Hitler, who replaced the suffering to animals in factory farms with  suffering in particular to Jews and Roma, or the Jews, who as in all spheres of human activity chosen people of world leaders committed, that in today's world the people breed animals in a slaughter factory agricultural farms or in experimental laboratories of medicine or of cosmetics companies-current concentration camps of the animals, although they condemn their own concentration camps, by which Adolf Hitler apparently revenged this suffering to animals).

(see , , ), Political Party for the Rights of All Living Creatures 41-42

According to the Philosophy of Balance nothing causes all collisions or all destructions or death by its underpressure. According to Rational Mystique of the Philosophy of Balance nothing or absolute vacuum is embodied by the Devil. The brain and body of man and other living creatures are composed of matter and gaps or nothing, according to Rational Mystique of the Philosophy of Balance man and other living creatures have so also a share in the Devil or death, in a more or less perfect angel of death as more or less perfectly rightful death more or less perfectly serving God (see the Book of Job 1:1-22, 2:1-13). Perfect righteous angel of death or death is especially courageous, mighty, merciful, just, causing all the pain and death, accepting responsibility and potential punishment for all caused pain and death.  Without death all living creatures would die of starvation, because on principle we eat cadavers of living creatures, even those that eat only plant seeds and plant fruits, while their living cells it needs to kill.

(see , , )

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 15/11/2014 08:17:39


Post of Dalibor Grůza

Causes and treatment of diabetes and multiple sclerosis according to the Philosophy of Balance

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Theme web: : Příčiny a léčba roztroušené sklerózy dle Fil.rovn.

Printed on: 25/04/2012


Theme author: Dalibor Grůza
Theme: Příčiny a léčba roztroušené sklerózy dle Fil.rovn.
Time: 25/04/2012 11:53:33


Post of Dalibor Grůza

Diabetes (diabetes mellitus) is manifested as the inability of a living organism, such as the human body to digest, i.e. to burn sugars, a living organism is vitally dependent to digest sugars, because only in this way it is gaining energy, i.e. the movement. Most easily digestible sugars for carnivores are sugars, i.e. glucose in meat. Digesting sugars is possible for living organism essentially through a hormone called insulin, which B cells of the pancreas produce. There are two types of diabetes, diabetes mellitus, type 1 is caused by the gradual killing of most B cells of the pancreas by own white blood cells, diabetes type 2 is caused by the inability of insulin to ensure the digestion of sugars in the body, actually by cells of a living organism, virtually body, such as of human, the result of the above two types of diabetes mellitus is that the body, actually  body cells of the living creature do not receive sugar, i.e. energy, i.e. movement and then the body of living creature dies, that ceases to move.  Contemporary medicine is trying to resolve this disease of inability to receive the sugar by the own body cells by the attack against these cells, simply it wants to force these cells of certain body of living creature against their will to receive sugars, i.e. energy. This is a way, that it delivers insulin into the body, a hormone causing the cells of the body of a living creature to receive sugars, even though it is against their will.  The insulin is then obtained in the present at first as the human insulin from yeast and bacteria, i.e. separate microorganisms and when cells of the own body defend against this insulin, the physician must use currently so called the insulin analogues, whose composition is proprietary, i.e. it is essentially a secret, according to me it is essentially a combination of the above human insulin and animal insulin extracted from the pancreas of killed animals as pigs, cattle or dogs.

According to Philosophy of Balance, the main error of contemporary medicine that solves the above problem of not receiving sugars by living cells of the body of a living creature rather than persuasion of these cells to receive these sugars, but forcing them to receive this sugar against their will by insulin.  Modern doctors eliminate the symptoms of diabetes as a disease rather than their cause, because more and more forcing of live cells of body of living creature to receive sugars with insulin while maintaining the same lifestyle (i.e. the same mercilessness of living creature of diabetic patient, i.e. the number of saved lives of living creatures after deduction of the number of killed living creatures by living creature of diabetes patient) will also increase the will, virtually resistance, virtually defense of these cells against further forcing to receive this sugar, then contemporary medicine is increasing level of violence forcing living cells of living creature body to receive sugars and it is against the ever-increasing resistance of these cells.  Finally, insulin obtained from killed animals does not help, i.e. the highest current legal level of violence and majority of the living cells of the body of the living creature as human refuses finally to receive sugars, i.e. energy, i.e., movement and voluntarily rather die or kill cells of the body receiving these sugars, by which then the whole living creature, as a human dies. 

The correct solution of the diabetes disease according to Philosophy of Balance is to seek substantial reason, why living cells of the body of the living creature as human refuse to take sugar or to produce insulin needed to receive sugar by these cells, rather than them to force by violence the sugar to receive.  The answer, why cells of the living creature body as human refuse to receive or to produce sugar and prefer to die or kill cells of own organism, virtually body eg of a human body, is according to the Philosophy of Balance such that the cells do not take sugar either for fear of revenge of by them burned or digested living microorganisms and of their relatives, and due to this fear they rather die than eat something (see above diabettes mellitus, type 2) and on the contrary white blood cells rather kill B cells of the pancreas, even if it means their very gradual death, when the hatred prevails in them as warriors of the body of living creature such as human towards these B cells of the pancreas producing insulin, allowing the other cells of the body of the living creature to digest i.e. to burn the cadavers of other killed living creatures for reasons of compassion and relationship with those other killed living creatures (see diabetes mellitus type 1). Solution of diabetes disease according to the Philosophy of Balance is not therefore to escalate the killing of other living creatures in order to coerce own body to digest sugars, but on the contrary it is still to decrease killing (hence the pain) of all living creatures and thus gradually perfectly to reconcile diabetes patient living organism, virtually body, such as human.

(see )

Literature: , , , , , dotaz Tomáš, humánní (lidské) inzulíny a inzulínová analoga

quoted from : Příčiny a léčba cukrovky dle Filosofie rovnováhy

Multiple sclerosis is not according to the Philosophy of Balance as opposed diabetes type 2 caused by fear of living cells of the organism, virtually of the body of a living creature as human from the food, from digestion of sugars, especially from bodies of dead animals, but it is similar to diabetes type 1 caused by mutual hatred of combat, thus immune and them controlling nerve body living cells of organism, virtually body of a living creature such as human, mutual hatred of living cells do not finish in a living organism, virtually body until the mutual killing of these living cells on a large scale, which may then result in death of the organism, virtually of the body of a living creature as human. The treatment is receiving of corticosteroids, which also include alcohols, thus reducing the manifestations of the hatred of the living cells by killing the nerve cells, especially brain cells, a kind of erase of the memory of the organism, virtually body of a living creature such as human, that the living cells of this body forget this hate.  This killing of nerve cells, such as by corticosteroids is according to the Philosophy of Balance justified only as a temporary solution, that an ill person changed his or her diet, virtually lifestyle, which gave the cause of the hatred of the living cells of the body of the living creature, thus in his or her case the human body, which requires according to my Philosophy of Balance, that this sick man performs the permanent obligation of all living things under the Philosophy of Balance to cause the least possible death and pain of all living things, hence of all living creatures for mutual love of all living things and on a societal scale enactment of the slaughter tax democratically adapted according to this only one obligation of all living creatures as I suggested it in my Philosophy of Balance, which is free of charge available on .

The similar cause i.e. hatred or on the contrary fear of living cells of organism, virtually of  body of a living creature such as a human from unnecessary, i.e. larger than the smallest possible killing of living creatures, is according to my Philosophy of Balance the cause of all physical and mental illnesses of all living things, hence of all living creatures such as human.

Literature: , ,

(see ), Philosophy of Balance p. 372-374

Cortisol is a hormone of fear (its harmful form is disease of fear, i.e. schizophrenia) accompanied by increased brain activity and aggression hormone testosterone is accompanied by an increase in muscle mass, according to scientists it is possibly related to honorable behavior. Increased cortisol production leads to decrease of immunity, namely of testosterone, both outer immunity accompanied by a decrease in muscle mass and the inner immunity accompanied by losses of the efficiency or number of white blood cells, also it leads to obesity, namely increased digestion of glucose, which is the final product of digestion of meat. Reduced cortisol production leads to increased immunity, namely the internal immune activity of white blood cells, while fight occurs inside the organism, and white blood cells destroy normal living cells digesting glucose, which is the final product of digestion of meat and which so have fear to digest glucose, then organism loses weight unhealthy.

According to the Philosophy of Balance the excess of cortisol and the contemporary lack of testosterone and vice versa the lack of cortisol and the contemporary excess of testosterone are a result of unnecessary imbalances, virtually collisions of absolute vacuum and the speed of light waves forming material of a living organism.

In case of lack of cortisol and the contemporary excess of testosterone the absolute vacuum and the speed of light waves are separated into many parts formed exclusively in the first case by the speed of light waves and in the second case by the absolute vacuum, between which there is a large number of collisions between the small parts of a larger force, people at the beginning of development had apparently this form, while the aggressive solution of mutual collisions was dominated over the activities of the brain, and according to the Philosophy of Balance the Universe shortly after the big bang had also this form. (see contracoagency)

Conversely the excess of cortisol and the contemporary lack of testosterone mean uniform mix of absolute vacuum and the speed of light waves in the organism, it is a sort of entropy, i.e. of burnout of absolute vacuum and the speed of light waves in the organism, which leads to a small number of collisions between large parts but with the force capable of destroying whole organism, it is a sort of asexuality, thus blurring the difference between men and women, at present people of the West and the Universe have this form more. (see contracontraagency)

Healthy development requires a balance of cortisol and testosterone in the organism so as to the balance of the activity of muscles and brain, that the speed of light waves and the absolute vacuum were although unequally but balanced distributed in the organism, which means the smallest possible amount of collisions and their force, which means different distribution of masculinity and femininity in all people both in men and women, that suitable heterosexual couple was always found in this otherness of all men and women, paradise in the Universe has this form. The decline of civilization and the individual is accompanied by an excess of cortisol and the contemporary lack of testosterone, establishing paradise instead of extinction of individual or civilization eg. in a nuclear war requires proving the possibility of re-growth in the amount of their testosterone.  (see supracocontracoagency)

Literature: , , : 2010, Author mcm, Právo , : 2012, Zdroj: Universität Bonn, author redakce ČRo Leonardo (státního Českého rozhlasu, má poznámka)


Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 14/02/2015 12:35:21

And what else?

My goal in life is to reconcile all of the contemporary life-and-death fighting partial packs of living creatures or to create my own pack according to the Philosophy of Balance that would reconcile all of these partial packs of living creatures then. And that is, because I have due to my health condition no other choice and I want it mostly too, I could not stand and I would not want to live in the justifiable mortal hatred of contemporary life-and-death fighting partial packs of living creatures, if I fight in the name of some of them, which is characterized by this hatred. At present I have developed a plan of this reconciliation, which is my Philosophy of Balance, and I got from the period of planning of this reconciliation to the application of it. I'm not a manager, but I am a philosopher, so I am looking for managers of my Philosophy of Balance and I apply in my life my Philosophy of Balance and  I occasionally make plans according to my Philosophy of Balance, therefore I have no other choice from my reasons mentioned above but to endure it to the end.


Post of Dalibor Grůza

If my Philosophy of Balance is not valid, so I die childless without partner and children, who both would not eat slaughtered animals, from the required dead animals they would eat only carrions that died of natural causes, principally of old age, in spite of my compliance of the Philosophy of Balance (i.e. of permanent obligation of non-causing much more than the least possible death and pain, …) and I am waiting also the ultimate irreparable loss in my life and maybe also my greater suffering from this loss by a deterioration in the quality of my life, according to the Philosophy of Balance this suffering should not be in the exaggerated way, because in recent years even before I have helped a lot of humans and other living creatures to save them a life and I tried not to cause more than the smallest possible death and pain to any human or any other living creature. see SOLVED EXAMPLES AND COMMENTARIES BASED ON PHILOSOPHY OF BALANCE

(see , , )

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 10/03/2015 22:22:15

It is hard to require mercy after our committing of felonies


Post of Dalibor Grůza

It is nonsense to require mercy of radicals of Islamic State, Frenchman Nicolas Henin told BBC it, who last year was captured by Islamic State. In an interview published on Tuesday he mentioned also, how the people arriving from the West to help the victims of the Syrian civil war become unmerciful warriors of jihad.

... He said that in captivity it was necessary to maintain contact with the captors to secure vital medicine and food. According to him, it is hard to create links. Chatting can help, but not to ask "for any regret, because they are completely closed to regret. That is the worst thing you can say. It's stupid. Never try to do."

Henin added that during ten months he was captured, he noticed that some of the captors had doubts about what they do, "I remember on one pair. We talked that their belief is a bit fragile and maybe even they regret what they did."

According to him they have mainly "a lot of bad faith because they had to justify for themselves it (all) and some of the acts were impossible to justify."

... Henin added that many of the jihadists arrived in Syria according to him with the intention of helping the victims of the civil war: "They are fragile people. As soon as they arrived, (recruiters) gradually acquired them and pushed them to commit crimes, and then there is no turning back."

(see : 2015, Londýn, Novinky )

In the hell so there is a huge fear for their life, or in case of strong snakes for the life of their children, if they are weak. In addition there is a huge conflict of the soul between its good nature, thus the desire of all living creatures to live in a world where everyone likes each other (see Philosophy of Balance) and a huge hatred among members of the hell because of their mutual terribly cruel eating each other alive. These snakes are in constant conflict between their desire for paradise for all living creatures, i.e. for the love of everyone and a survival instinct, i.e. until their death they must still cruelly devour some animals alive, i.e. members of hell in order not to die of starvation. Symbiotic agriculture and experiments of natural science proving Philosophy of Balance p. 38

Members of packs commit felonies and become so justifiably hated by the other packs, against whose members they committed these felonies. Then they can hardly expect mercy from them, then they must not to show weakness and to carry this hatred until their also often merciless death. Their pack provides them and their offspring protection, livelihoods, and often a wife or husband but it requires obedience to leaders of pack often to death and often committing more and more felonies. According to the Philosophy of Balance after committing felonies for all current existing packs the mortal fear and sobering up (detoxication) at a new member of this pack will always gradually replace initial rapture (intoxication) from this pack attracting people before death through their unmerciful ideology in spite of their more or less effective propaganda. Members of these packs are admirable, how they can withstand their responsibility for their felonies and how they are able to sacrifice for their pack. Current world consists of such packs of humans and other living creatures. In addition to the above example the examples of such packs are also Jews who kill in large Palestinian civilians in the occupied territories, Americans and Europeans, thus in majority Christians, who kill in large in agricultural industrial factory farms tortured animals for their food, Russians and Ukrainians who kill each other, herbivores who kill in large plants, among members of these packs is then hatred for life and death.

My supreme leader is not a living creature or a pack, but the permanent obligation to cause the least possible death and pain, because I am not able to carry the responsibility for felonies, thus a hatred of members of by these felonies affected on life and death enemy packs of living creatures. On the one hand I cannot be appreciated as the honored members of the other aforementioned packs of living creatures from the above reason, that they can withstand responsibility for their felonies, on the other hand I can be appreciated on the contrary, because I am trying with all my forces not to commit these felonies. What are the possible outcomes of this my approach to life: 1) I will not withstand and I will join any of the existing packs of living creatures, and I will commit their felonies against members of other packs of living creatures. 2) I will die as the border member of many contemporary to the death fighting packs of living creatures, but with a clear conscience, that I have always tried with all my forces to cause the least possible death and pain, after I discovered in my Philosophy of Balance this my apparent permanent obligation. 3) I will succeed in achieving change in the world according to my Philosophy of Balance, so that also others living creatures always cause with all their forces the least possible death and pain.

(see , , )


Good (alpha, beta) leader of pack

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 14/06/2015 08:43:21




Post of Dalibor Grůza



„All living creatures in fact mostly want to live in a world, where everyone likes each other, therefore everyone is still obliged to cause the least possible death and pain." All the rest consists more in views (speculations). 

I do not want to be a leader of the pack, because I do not have the strength or the nerves, but I do not want to be in the pack, which causes a lot of unnecessary death and pain, an ordinary wolf, of which life depends on the discretion of the pack leader or its assistant, virtually advisor (beta male), because I do not have nerves and stomach either. I want to be independent, a mediator among all the wolves in the pack, as a leader of the pack, as a wolf challenger in a fight for life and death, between Christ and the Devil, between good and evil. Philosophy of Balance p. 364

In other words, treasurer (religiously speaking, similar to the Lord - Treasurer, in English spoken judge, Lord of hosts, i.e. of all living creatures, from the Russian word gosudar - Treasurer, composed from “go”, probably from the Latin word host, see in Czech nebeské zástupy - in English the hosts - army of heaven and “sudar”, or judge), who is only just and they are not mighty and merciful, or the treasurer, who is only powerful and not just and merciful, or treasurer, who is only merciful and not mighty and just, are bad treasurers-landlords, not like the Lord. booklet Political Party for the Rights of All Living Creatures p. 45

A good leader should be just, thus causing the least possible death and pain, and be a good role model within it, and be clear about his or her rules and expectations within it, that should apply equally to all other individuals, especially to living creatures and to him- or herself, and that should be able clearly to explain to others and, if possible, reward their compliance and punish their non-compliance, while however he or she should therefore admit his or her mistakes, and leave room for creative suggestions from other individuals within it. He or she should also be merciful, which is the basis of his or her popularity. If such a leader is at the same time powerful, energetic, then he or she is the alpha individual in the pack. If such a leader is not at the same time energetic, powerful, then he or she is the beta individual in the pack, an advisor of alpha individual in the pack. Other individuals in the pack, especially of same sex, but also of the opposite sex, especially those for whom the established rules or behavior of the leader of the pack are disadvantageous, want to revenge on this leader of the pack, in the first stage they still tempt the pack leader to violate his or her for them disadvantageous rules, so that he or she changes these rules or they deprive him or her of his or her credibility, ultimately of his or her leading position in the pack and they make from him or her the subordinate common member of the pack and they find another pack leader with better performing rules. In other words predators or beasts of prey obey the leader that gives them especially for eating in the long-term sufficient number of cadavers of living creatures or in the case of beasts of prey cadavers of animals with the least possible losses of these predators or of these beasts of prey due to revenge for by them caused death and pain.

Literature: , : Jak být dobrým vůdcem, author 26 lidí, wikiHow dělat cokoliv... sídlí v Palo Alto v Kalifornii a má pobočky po celém světě , , ,

(see , , )

Ethics of righteous and also successful predators (eg. attorney ethics)

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 23/10/2015

Concerned rules of the Philosophy of Balance:


Post of Dalibor Grůza



„All living creatures in fact mostly want to live in a world, where everyone likes each other, therefore everyone is still obliged to cause the least possible death and pain."

All the rest consists more in views (speculations).

1) A human must never kill any living creature, especially human (or him- or herself). (i.e. according to me for the probability of 0-5 percents, that a human kills the human, the first human must begin to save this second human, i.e. at worst case only to recede)

2) A human has a duty to kill as few of living creatures as possible (i.e. for the protection of life) and if so then those naturally feeling the least pain. (i.e. according to me a human can kill any living creature only if the probability of at least 95-100 %, that he or she saves in this way the life of other living creature, so that in this way he or she caused the least possible death and pain). 

3) Regarding for me as a person it  is healthy (i.e. if I am not vomiting and underweight or in allergic shock) to eat from all living creatures only non-sprouting plant seeds (hereafter referred to only as plant seeds, sprouting plant seeds are already young plants) and plant fruits with seeds, of which separation from the plant cannot kill it, while the reproduction of these plants with the maximum health not damaging amount of salt or appropriate quantity of other minerals and water (e.g. for adults and children aged over 11 years the maximum daily dose of six grams of salt, for smaller children five grams, for suckers one gram of salt). It would probably be concerned seeds of plants (soya beans, peas, beans, corn, etc.) and fruits of plants with seeds, especially trees (such as apples, pears, dates).


In my opinion three basic laws, that guarantee a paradise on Earth for each, arise from generalizations above three rules. These 3 basic laws of a paradise, which should govern all living organisms, that want a paradise on Earth for all, are:


1) Never kill any living creature (or yourself)

2) Kill as few living creatures as possible (i.e. for the protection of life) and if so then those naturally feeling the least pain,

3) It follows, that for the man it is healthy to eat from all living creatures only plant fruits and plant seeds and for other animals it is healthy to eat only plants, fungi, single living cells, bacteria and viruses (i.e. if they are not vomiting and not underweight or in an allergic shock) together with the relevant health not damaging quantity of minerals and water. Philosophy of Balance p. 23-24

Applying for an explanation of the above-mentioned general physical and mathematical definitions the general English language, we can say the following:


ad 1)

1.1 In the case of an attack against a particular individual from the society of living creatures makes this attack from the living creatures retreat this particular individual from the society of living creatures.

1.2 In the case of retreat of living creatures makes this retreat from the living creatures the individual to the attack against these living creatures.


ad 2) Reasonable behavior:

2.1 In the case of an attack by the living creatures against a certain individual it is reasonable, so that this individual responded in contrast to paragraph ad 1.1 not by a retreat but by appropriate attack against the society of living creatures (Eg. the seduction of a person of the same sex can be responded by own idea of his or her genital organs).

2.2 In the case of retreat of society of living creatures from a particular individual it is reasonable, that this individual responded in contrast to paragraph ad 1.2 not by an attack but by an adequate retreat from the society of living creatures.


Ad 3)

3.1 Reasonable attack of certain individuals as a response to the attack of the living creatures against the particular individual neutralizes (or zero) both attacks, sooner or later (i.e. educational, not destructively).

3.2 Reasonable retreat of some individuals in response to the retreat of living creatures from the particular individual neutralizes (or zero) both retreats sooner or later.


The result of this procedure is sooner or later, stable development of all living creatures.


Note: I was trying to verify the above model of the behavior of bodies on a collision by sending two balls one against another of the same weight with the same speed, and they have stopped completely shortly after a frontal collision, after a brief movement in the opposite direction. If I sent a ball against a stationary ball of the same weight, so the ball has completely stopped moving and the other motionless ball has become to move away likely with the same speed as before the collision the first ball in the opposite direction.


In the attack as an appropriate response to attack by society of living organisms it should always be considered if:


1) We are able to stop the attack from the side of the living world, sooner or later, without us getting seriously hurt by the attacker and we cause the least possible death and pain  of living creatures (see variable momentum vector p1 above in my diagram), or

2) We are able the attack from the society of living organisms only to hamper (see variable momentum vector p2 in my above mentioned diagram), without us getting seriously hurt by the attacker and we cause the least possible death and pain  of living creatures, cessation of attacks by living organisms in this case, then we leave it to another living organism (see variable momentum vector p1 above, that in my diagram).


With almost certainty, we know, that this is an attack, if we feel the pressure (stress), and the appropriate counter-attack, if there is a permanent reduction in pressure. Philosophy of Balance p. 48


On principle it makes sense in my case as above mediator to prevent, virtually to avoid fights, where I would endanger seriously while not highly probably save at least the same number of some human lives, possibly while not also less probably save more lives, here life means also own human life, those fights are on principle sign of hatred of some pack of living creatures, which would seem to exclude my activity as a potential mediator, conciliator, contractor among all packs of living creatures.


… I would had, in meeting the only dogma of my Philosophy of Balance (see above), to cause simply said the least possible death of living creatures (i.e. also the pain, because pain is on principle death of living microorganisms of living creature body). SOLVED EXAMPLES AND COMMENTARIES BASED ON PHILOSOPHY OF BALANCE

Furthermore the following rules regarding the risk according to the Philosophy of Balance apply:

On principle it makes sense not to avoid fights, where I would endanger seriously while highly probably save at least the same number of some equally evolutionarily perfect lives, possibly also less probably more lives or more evolutionarily perfect at least one life, here life means also own life.

On principle it makes sense not to avoid fights, where I would endanger more seriously (i.e. more seriously than a little) while more probably (i.e. at roughly same or greater extent of probability) save at least the same number of some equally evolutionarily perfect lives, possibly also less probably more lives or more evolutionarily perfect at least one life, possibly more probably save at least one less evolutionarily perfect life, here life means also own life.

Together with above mentioned rules we must apply the Kant´s categorical imperative, by which the theoretical aspect of reciprocity, i.e. the exchange of roles and universality, i.e., impose the reciprocal rule to all other similar cases.

Literature: : Česká advokátní komora, KONFERENCE NA TÉMA ADVOKÁTNÍ MLČENLIVOSTI ZAHÁJILA OSLAVY, 2015, PhDr. Ivana Cihlářová, Foto: Jakub Stadler

(see , , )

4 Jewish deicide : Židovská Bohovražda

Printed from: Diskusní forum

Theme web: : Židovská Bohovražda

Printed on: 05/12/2014


Theme author: Dalibor Grůza
Theme: Židovská Bohovražda
Time: 05/12/2014 22:13:25


Post of Dalibor Grůza

... From the perspective of Philosophy of Balance one can explain above mentioned behaviour, namely the cruel sacrifice of Jesus of Nazareth, perhaps also Christ and possible God, that he wanted to show his sympathy with every living creature and especially one that suffers (necessarily and accidentally as I mention above) in their life the worst death and pain . Therefore, that as a possible God and creator he is not the one who accepts the cruelest (both necessary and unavoidable as I mention above) death and pain  in our world and he himself can always avoid it and at the same time he always avoids it. That Jesus of Nazareth as possible God could also afford it due to his potential immortality, virtually subsequent resurrection from the dead ones. However, in my opinion it does not mean that the Christian God wanted death and pain  of living creatures or somehow worshipped them, how often leaders and members of the Roman Catholic Church and other Christian churches do. Philosophy of Balance p. 351-352






„All living creatures in fact mostly want to live in a world, where everyone likes each other, therefore everyone is still obliged to cause the least possible death and pain."


All the rest consists more in views (speculations).

... First, the reasons for committing crimes. Command to all the action that is also conduct which meets the facts of a crime, it is given to man by a brain, virtually psyche (soul). If a man wants through their will, mind or emotions to prevent him or her from committing the crime, this is done again, through the order of the brain, virtually psyche (soul). If one has a wrong idea about the reality it is again contained in the brain, virtually psyche (soul). Man alone cannot influence the content or orders inside of his or her brain, virtually psyche (soul), without giving the idea or the command his or her brain again, virtually psyche (soul). Imperfection of the brain, virtually psyche (soul), which itself is either bad (sick), or which has bad input data and which cannot recognize them by their conflict with the right data, it is the sole cause of any crime. Imperfection of the brain, virtually psyche (soul) can be corrected, in my view, by the right education, experience, i.e., when through the logical connection of ever expanding amount of input data, experiences stored in an imperfect brain, virtually psyche (soul) this man is able to detect faulty data and faulty brain activity, virtually of psyche (soul). The only guilt of living creatures is so in my opinion, that they are born with more or less perfect brain, virtually psyche (soul), of which activities without command of the brain, virtually psyche (soul) he or she cannot control, only the opportunity to remedy imperfect brain, virtually psyche (soul) it is possible with increasing experience (educated by other individuals or nature) or other outside interference.

From the above perspective, it should be criminal law virtually by it imposed sanctions understood primarily as a means of prevention, of which primary task is to train individuals not to commit evil deeds and to protect society against crime, thus preventing their commission. In the above terms it cannot be the goal of the punishment the retribution against the perpetrators of crime that are not means of educational activities, or a means of defense against the commission of crimes. Offenders who are governed by imperfect command of his or her brain, virtually psyche (soul), are not for his or her crime, in my view, to attribute the blame other than, that one has an imperfect brain, virtually psyche (soul). Therefore such offenders should be rehabilitated in particular by allowing him or her to gain experience on the basis, on which the second he or she will not commit the same or similar crime. Corporal punishment except the death penalty should be applied only in the case of legitimate self-defense or extreme emergency in the society, when the need to protect society against the perpetrators of crimes, which cannot be achieved otherwise, it outweighs the possibility of re-education. Philosophy of Balance p. 74-75

(see , , )

From the foregoing it is necessary to require of the potential God, if he exists, that, if it is for a good purpose, he has not only permitted suffering of living creatures, but also that he alone was able to endure it. From this perspective I do not share the Jewish view, that the true messiah or God cannot die cruelly tortured to death on the cross. From the Jewish point of view one could say that, if on earth the possible God permitted torture for example as in Nazi concentration camps or industrial slaughter factory farms of animals, then he would have also to come down to earth and suffer personally such torture in order to remain credible God for living creatures and not a hypocrite or deceiver.

On the idea expressed by St. Thomas Aquinas in his Summa Theological, that at least the Jewish leaders had certainly knew that they kill the son of God, I can say that this is possible, but not sure. As however their soul has its seat in the brain and brain activity is an objective process of linking neurons and of movement of its microparticles ultimately of zero mass after their infinite division, so at that time it was in case of the Jews and even of Jewish leaders, if it had been deicide in case of martyrdom of Jesus of Nazareth, about strict liability regardless of fault. This means, that the descendants of the offenders, of which body living cells are partly the same as those of the offenders, because they inherited their genetic information and thus the hatred of other body living cells of other living creatures for this possible deicide, had assume the responsibility for it in the history, but it should have been an educational responsibility, because it was an objective process of their brains without any personal guilt (see above).

In other words according to only one dogma of my Philosophy of Balance (see above) at that time even the Jewish leaders in fact mostly want to live in a world, where everyone likes each other, and so they tried at least subconsciously even in the case of Jesus of Nazareth to cause the least possible death and pain. Maybe these Jewish leaders had no choice, because they were under threat of their death and also of the entire Jewish nation by the Devil, may be they had other choice, but in a distressed situation at that time they were deceived by lies of the Devil and they did not evaluate the situation correctly, because they had not the necessary knowledge eg., which we have at the present time.

In the history in my opinion from the reasons mentioned in this article are far more responsibility and punishments of mankind for its causing more numerous unnecessary (i.e. more than the least possible) death and pain of other people and other living creatures than for this possible one deicide. For example this means that the Holocaust, Nazi and Communist crimes, thus tortured to death millions of people and tortured to death billions of livestock in industrial slaughter factory farms deserve much greater punishment than this possible one Jewish deicide. (Matthew 25:40 King James Version (KJV) 40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me., see )

5 Wrong, i.e. against love part of the New Testament : Chybná, tj. proti lásce část Nového zákona

Printed from: Diskusní fórum
Theme web: : Chybná, tj. proti lásce část Nového zákona

Printed on: 06/12/2014


Theme author: Dalibor Grůza
Theme: Chybná, tj. proti lásce část Nového zákona
Time: 06/12/2014 19:44:57


Post of Dalibor Grůza

Why am I a Roman Catholic?

Because the foundation of my Philosophy of Balance (i.e., "All living creatures in fact mostly want to live in a world, where everyone likes each other therefore everyone is still obliged to cause the least possible death and pain." All the rest consists more in views (speculations). It applies to my entire Philosophy of Balance.) is identical, virtually based on my personal interpretation of the basis of the Catholic faith contained in the New Testament of the Bible.

Matthew 22:36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law? 37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like unto it,  (i.e. the believers and unbelievers in God are similar, who comply with this second commandment) Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Mark 12: 28 And one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, and perceiving that he had answered them well, asked him, Which is the first commandment of all? 29 And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: 30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. 31 And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.     

Luke 10: 25 And, behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted him, saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? 26 He said unto him, What is written in the law? how readest thou? 27 And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself. 28 And he said unto him, Thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt live. 29 But he, willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, And who is my neighbour? 30 And Jesus answering said, A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead. 31 And by chance there came down a certain priest that way: and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. 32 And likewise a Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side. 33 But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him, 34 And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. 35 And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee. 36 Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves? 37 And he said, He that shewed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise.  (i.e., your neighbor may not only be a man but also other living creature, such as a farm animal or a living cell of the human body, our neighbor´s critical feature  shows me the mercy, so that for example they give food or drink to me, etc., which do as farm animals as my body cells)

Matthew 5: Matthew 5: 43 Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. 44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; 45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. 46 For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? 47 And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so? 48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. (if my neighbor need not be only a man but also other living creature, my enemy can be as well other living creature than man, and I shall love all living creatures, and both friendly to me and hostile to me, so I shall love all living creatures such as viruses, bacteria, living cells, fungi, plants, insects, animals, people, living machines, etc.)

Matthew 9: 9 And as Jesus passed forth from thence, he saw a man, named Matthew, sitting at the receipt of custom: and he saith unto him, Follow me. And he arose, and followed him. 10 And it came to pass, as Jesus sat at meat in the house, behold, many publicans and sinners came and sat down with him and his disciples. 11 And when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto his disciples, Why eateth your Master with publicans and sinners? 12 But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick. 13 But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

Matthew 12: 7 But if ye had known what this meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice, ye would not have condemned the guiltless. (i.e. Loving my neighbor means above all not to kill him, her or it needlessly, not to kill-not to sacrifice therefore unnecessary any living creature, the passages relating to Jesus' refusal to wholly burned - i.e. animal sacrifices for Judaism, but instead he calls for mercy)

John 4: 31 In the mean while his disciples prayed him, saying, Master, eat. 32 But he said unto them, I have meat to eat that ye know not of. 33 Therefore said the disciples one to another, Hath any man brought him ought to eat? 34 Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work. (If Jesus of Nazareth maybe the Savior killed any living creature to eat it, for example Passover, it is debatable)

(If Jesus of Nazareth did not kill unnecessary any living creature, it seems to me to be the Savior.)

Matthew 13: 9 Who hath ears to hear, let him hear. 10 And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables? 11 He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given. 12 For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath. 13 Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand. 14 And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive: 15 For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them. (Jesus of Nazareth as the possible savior of us probably gives space to our own understanding of the world)

The above mentioned does not prove that Jesus of Nazareth was the messiah, but because of the identity by me realized base of his teachings and base of my Philosophy of Balance, which does not necessarily assumes the existence of God and Savior, it's slightly more likely than not likely. Everything, that really in the New Testament of the Bible or church tradition contradicts the above basis, I consider false and apocryphal additions of followers of Jesus.

(Quote from the Bible see : Bible of Kralice, Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University, Prague , )

(See ), Philosophy of Balance p. 350-351

(see , , )

 This part of the New Testament should be evidently erroneous, because it contradicts love, i.e. it is not from the God and in accordance with Jesus of Nazareth, possibly Christ who both should be love:

Acts 5 King James Version (KJV) (Ananias and Sapphira , see )

5 But a certain man named Ananias, with Sapphira his wife, sold a possession, 2 And kept back part of the price, his wife also being privy to it, and brought a certain part, and laid it at the apostles' feet. 3 But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep back part of the price of the land? 4 Whiles it remained, was it not thine own? and after it was sold, was it not in thine own power? why hast thou conceived this thing in thine heart? thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God. 5 And Ananias hearing these words fell down, and gave up the ghost: and great fear came on all them that heard these things. 6 And the young men arose, wound him up, and carried him out, and buried him. 7 And it was about the space of three hours after, when his wife, not knowing what was done, came in. 8 And Peter answered unto her, Tell me whether ye sold the land for so much? And she said, Yea, for so much. 9 Then Peter said unto her, How is it that ye have agreed together to tempt the Spirit of the Lord? behold, the feet of them which have buried thy husband are at the door, and shall carry thee out. 10 Then fell she down straightway at his feet, and yielded up the ghost: and the young men came in, and found her dead, and, carrying her forth, buried her by her husband. 11 And great fear came upon all the church, and upon as many as heard these things.

6 Effeminacy of Philosophy of Balance or fear of God : Ráj začíná vědeckým pokusem na mé zahradě

Author: Dalibor Grůza

Time: 31/12/2014 20:18:49



Post of Dalibor Grůza



„All living creatures in fact mostly want to live in a world, where everyone likes each other, therefore everyone is still obliged to cause the least possible death and pain." All the rest consists more in views (speculations).

Causing any death of living creatures (i.e. also the pain, because pain is on principle death of living microorganisms of living creature body) is ugly, i.e. the opposite of beauty and love, and, if God is beauty and love, then it is the opposite of God, which the God necessarily includes at least as a mere, though apparently never done, possibility (God is omnipotent and can therefore be perfectly evil, but God is perfectly good, therefore the God is never evil, living creatures and God want universal love, love necessarily includes also at least the readiness to sacrifice, i.e. the fight against at least the possibility of evil, which implies a need for at least the possibility of evil also for society of universal love, thus maintaining at least a minimum of life and at least the mere, though apparently never done, possibility of action of Devil as death also in heaven), therefore e.g. the most of parents do not allow to watch young children when one kills eg. a pig. I fear to cause the death of living creatures for two reasons, firstly I disgust killing as the above ugliness, secondly I think, that it is impossible to believe, that the killing of living creatures is with impunity, so at the same time I fear this punishment. Fear of ugliness or inclination to beauty or to love and fear of punishment for the killing of living creatures, if God is love, are so my fear of God and not my effeminacy or cowardice, even though I am weak. Because of this dual fear I am very careful and very carefully considering, whether I should kill any living creature in order not to kill unnecessarily, i.e. to kill as few as possible. At the same time I think, that I will avoid the need for much more than the least possible my killing of living creatures, because by causing nearly the least possible death of living creatures I escape nearly from the above mentioned and this punishment.

(see , , )


7 About (enforcing) fruitarianism according to Philosophy of Balance : Ráj začíná vědeckým pokusem na mé zahradě

Author: Dalibor Grůza

Time: 03/02/2015 16:11:29



Post of Dalibor Grůza

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 27/07/2012 17:13:49

So that my body, which according to my Rational Mystique perhaps embodies the entire world, including carnivores, was healthy, today I ate according to the above mentioned rule of the absolute prohibition of killing a human by a human about 25-30 grams of frozen meat from naturally dead chicken-hen, which I have in my freezer, boiled in two waters, even though I have had no health problems from lack of meat diet. Philosophy of Balance p. 400

1) A human must never kill any living creature, especially human (or him- or herself). (i.e. according to me for the probability of 0-5 percents, that a human kills the human, the first human must begin to save this second human, i.e. at worst case only to recede) Philosophy of Balance p. 23


On principle it makes sense not to avoid fights, where I would endanger more seriously (i.e. more seriously than a little) while more probably (i.e. at roughly same or greater extent of probability) save at least the same number of some equally evolutionarily perfect lives, possibly also less probably more lives, possibly more probably save at least one less evolutionarily perfect life, here life means also own life. …


Since also I in fact mostly want to live in a world, where everyone likes each other (whether they are for example Hitler, Anne Frank and Yasser Arafat, Christians or Jews or Muslims or communists or Nazis, wolf or rabbit, cow or grass, spider or a fly), so my Philosophy of Balance is open in its speculation about the unknown (elsewhere in my Philosophy of Balance also as invisibility) to any idea of everyone, which is expressed in exact (i.e. measurable) scientific concepts and is not inconsistent with love, virtually my definition of love, i.e. it does not cause much more than the least possible death and pain. Within it my Philosophy of Balance relies more on ideas that have been repeatedly measured by the exact science. (see above) SOLVED EXAMPLES AND COMMENTARIES BASED ON PHILOSOPHY OF BALANCE

(see , , )

If in accordance with love against the current state of exact sciences I recommend eating animal carrions after autopsy of vet boiled in several waters died of natural causes, principally of the old age to pregnant women and young children, so I am obliged to eat these carrions as safe for the protection of life of carnivores (in particular if it does not help gradually when eating yeast, when eating unfertilized eggs from a home breed, where they do not slaughter or get slaughtered any hens and cocks, and if I do not have a lack of these carrions), if in the long term I do not cause much more than the least possible death and pain and my surroundings is more seriously retreating, for example I see in my neighborhood more seriously emaciated people or my surroundings more seriously attacks me or my body has more serious health problems, so that my body, which according to my Rational Mystique perhaps embodies the entire world, including carnivores, was healthy. Before the death I treated my carrions of adult broilers among other things with meloxicam - a painkiller, which should be according to my vet slightly harmful to humans when human is eating their meat. All always the most mercifully as possible bred and killed, and products purely from them.

What to do according to the Philosophy of Balance, if I am present eating slaughtered meat

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 22/02/2015 20:23:27


Post of Dalibor Grůza

However the fact remains, that the ban on beef consumption has been steadily adopted by Hindus around the year 1000 AD, as well as the fact, that modern Hindus worship the cow as a symbol of motherhood and fertility. The obligation to protect the cow is enshrined even in the Indian Constitution. The scene of a cow that is looking for food in the streets of Indian cities, is fairly typical. The Indian government has even set up special feedlot of stray cows or even homes for the aged and infirm cattle.

Compliance with strict dietary rules is typical for higher caste of Hindus, while for the lower castes the consumption of beef is tolerated. Beef is a prominent source of protein for the hard-working people. Hindu caste system is generally an interesting example of how food and eating affect social status and position in society. If for example the Hindu longs to advance to a higher caste, he or she is expected to stop completely consuming meat. The concept of purity and pollution of higher castes through the lower castes even goes so far, that it determines who can dine with whom, who can take food from whom etc. It is normal, that the adoption of food from members of the lower castes "pollutes" figuratively the spiritual purity of the higher caste representative. From circuit of foods that pollute, is excluded only ghee, pure butter, and milk as products which cannot be contaminated by human contact, as originating from a cow.

Devotees Hindus are vegetarians, so they avoid eating meat, fish and some even eggs. An exception is for
example the caste of warriors katriya, where a lack of proteins could have a negative impact on their combat readiness. So they eat at least fish.

... With the development and expansion of Buddhism over other countries in Asia - China, Tibet, Japan and Korea – vegetarianism has expanded also, which is, as in Hinduism, one of the rules fundamentally affecting eating habits. An essential element of this ancient religion is so called Ahimsa - conception of the first commandment consisting in not killing or not harming living beings (jap. tu - sesšó, sanskrt. ahimsa). In this aspect Buddhism was heavily influenced by Hinduism - Buddha also rejects sacrifices, in which animals are killed. In practice however only monks and Orthodox believers refrain from eating meat altogether. As paradoxical fact it might seem, that the breeding of animals for meat Buddhism does not prohibit even for its most devoted believers. The meat of the animal carrions may be consumed in general, as well as fish, but if not killed (i.e. only fish accidentally beached). It is therefore evident, that the meat may be eaten such, as it has not been obtained for the purpose of food. In contrast to other religions Buddhism does not recognize itself consumption, but above all the very act of killing. The way, how the strongly religious monks gain diet, is also very interesting – through begging. (see : Masarykova univerzita, Lékařská fakulta, BAKALÁŘSKÁ PRÁCE, Adéla Olivíková, Brno 2006, Společensko-kulturní aspekty výživy , : Petr Ginz, 1928 (Praha)-1944 (Auschwitz, Osvětim) – ZÁPISKY O BUDHISMU – TEREZÍN 1944 ("Když umírající vydechne naposled, je oblečen do svých šatů obráceně, předek oděvu je vzadu. Potom je svázán do pozice Budhů. Ve vesnicích je tělo obyčejně kladeno do kotle. Když byla mrtvola vyňata, vymyje se kotel znečistěný hnilobou, upraví se v něm polévka nebo čaj a podává se účastníkům  , : Chránit vše živé - Vegetariánství z hlediska buddhismu, Róši Philip Kapleau, CAD PRESS 1992)

Related living cells (i.e. for example people) are cooperating genetic groups, if according to my hypothesis any living cell recognizes and remembers the enemy in a living cell, which or of which group causes a lot of unnecessary (i.e. much more than the least possible) death and pain (for example a certain person), so the enmity, virtually hatred of injured living cell and its relative living cells extends also to the genetically relative living cells of the damaging living cell with decreasing force by the distance of the relationship (i.e. for example an evil human, his or her family, his or her nation or all people) and they revenge also on those living cells with decreasing force by the distance of their relationship. In my opinion this is the basis of collective responsibility in society, which could be described as a liability (i.e. punishment or reward) of individual for the conduct of its group and group liability for the conduct of its individual, both while requiring according to my Philosophy of Balance to perform steady obligation of everyone to cause the least possible death and pain.

... To reduce the penalty of that our collective responsibility we must fight, inter alia, for the enactment of the by me proposed Act on slaughter tax to pay off to feed and breed also newborn bulls to their natural death without the intentional killing by any human, ... booklet Political Party for the Rights of All Living Creatures, p. 49-50

(see , , )

From the above historical experience of Hinduism and Buddhism follows, that physically hard-working workers and the soldiers need enough meat and its proteins to do their job and to earn for themselves and their families needed sustenance. Therefore in case of eating slaughtered meat we cannot attack these people, if they do not have or cannot eat carrions died of natural causes, mainly of the old age, because otherwise we would have condemned practically to death these people who need meat and cannot currently eat the aforementioned not-slaughtered merciful meat. The only option is to fight for enacting the slaughter tax and to explain repeatedly and patiently to them the benefits of this slaughter tax in order to have enough merciful not-slaughtered meat, or to leave, if it is not possible.

My intake of substances which should be guarded by strict vegetarians

Author: Dalibor Grůza

Time: 01/04/2015 21:45:48


My intake of substances which should be guarded by strict vegetarians: the level of B vitamins, especially B2-eggs, cocoa and B12-vegan vitamin, D-vitamin- brewer's yeast, ergocalciferol injections, iron-pure soya beverage with water, whole wheat flour, mix canned legumes, Calcium- Vincentka mineral water, iodine-iodized salt, Vincentka mineral water, zinc-egg yolks, mix canned legumes and unsaturated fatty acids of omega-3 type-rapeseed oil. Alternatively I eat in a small necessary extent my carrions of broilers died of natural causes, principally of old age, after the autopsy of vet and boiled in several waters. Besides I eat a lot of tomato puree. I eat only eggs from a home breed, where they do not slaughter or get slaughtered any hens and cocks, and goat's milk from breed, where they do not slaughter or get slaughtered any goats or he - goats. On principle I eat only organic foods. Since August 1, 2015 in addition to that in the case of health problems I eat the best purely vegetarian organic food for dogs yarrah, see , which I will provide also as supplemental feed to my hens and cocks and mice.

(see : 2006, Pavel Suchánek, Petr Veselý, Právo )

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 24/06/2015 15:50:12

Naturally died carrion, especially of the old age intended for consumption should be left at least perhaps a day in a cold room, if it will not live, and therefore it is truly dead and that according to my vet parasites like Red Poultry Mite left it.

(viz , , )

Vegetarianism in motherhood and childhood and adolescence

Author: Dalibor Grůza

Time: 06/07/2015 11:46:20




Post of Dalibor Grůza

Lacto-ovo-vegetarian diet with intake of fish or poultry is one of the best diets for healthy adults, the obese, for the obese at risk for diabetes and also for obese diabetics without complications. But certainly this diet is harmful to children, the pregnant and breast-feeding. See,_NT)

Strictest attitude of vegetarianism is veganism. When its compliance it is not an option of consumption of any food of animal origin. Milder attitude is the lacto-ovo-vegetarianism, which permits from the animal kingdom the consumption of milk and eggs. Semi-vegetarianism permits consumption of fish and poultry in addition to milk and eggs. Polo-vegetarianism permits to eat from the animal kingdom only poultry meat, while Pesco-vegetarianism only seafood.

Radical reduction or total exclusion of animal foods from the diet of pregnant women brings with it the risk resulting from inadequate intake especially of proteins, vitamins B2, B6, B12, D, calcium, iron, zinc, iodine and essential fatty acids. Advantage of Semi-vegetarianism, Polo-vegetarianism and Pesco-vegetarianism is at least a partial supply of proteins, vitamins B2, B12, D, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids. Eliminating the consumption of red meat causes however obvious deficiency of iron, of which it is a major source. This also applies to a lacto-ovo-vegetarianism, but mothers recognizing this trend are, unlike other kinds of vegetarianism, at least sufficiently supplied with calcium. Bachelor thesis under the guidance of doc. MUDr. Dana Müller, Ph.D. See t.z.v%20t.a%20p. .pdf?sequence=1. : FAKULTA ZDRAVOTNICKÝCH STUDIÍ, Studijní program Veřejné zdravotnictví B 5347, Studijní obor Ochrana veřejného zdraví 5345R006, VÝŽIVOVÁ DOPORUČENÍ PRO TĚHOTNÉ ŽENY V TEORII A PRAXI, Bakalářská práce, PLZEŇ 2012, Author: Anhelina Synovyd


• Golem

What do you think about veganism, raw food, fruitarianism and nectarianism?

• Chat Guest

They are the nutritional styles that require great knowledge to allow a healthy human without increased nutritional needs to ensure survival. If a patient requires surgery, he or she is in the phase of increased nutrient needs (pregnancy, lactation, growth), this style of food is downright harmful.

• Golem

What about vegetarian women during pregnancy, is it the risk?

• Chat Guest

If they are ovo-lacto-vegetarian women with sufficient supply of high-quality protein in eggs and dairy products, it can be tolerated, otherwise it is a big risk - in vegans or stricter forms of vegetarianism.

… • Dan Kostka

And what about semi-vegetarians, who eat white and do not eat red meat?

• Chat Guest

This nutritional style includes in it no health risks.

... • V. Zibová

Hello, I would like to ask, how do you feel about the opinion of world's experts of nutrition from the American Dietetic Association, the British government agency shielding public health care, Canadian dieticians, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Australian government organization the National Health and Medical Research Council, that appropriately planned vegetarian or vegan diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate and provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of various diseases and suitable for nutrition of children, adults, pregnant and lactating women?

• Chat Guest

Regarding ovo-lacto-vegetarianism I would not have any problem with that. Regarding veganism it is necessary to compose carefully the food, so that it lacks for nothing. Children, pregnant women and breast-feeding mothers have a greater need for proteins and the essential amino acids are limited in different plant foods. One can easily cause some deficiencies. Vitamin B12 is not present in plant foods. In America there is predominant style of eating dietary supplements in tablet form, which I myself do not consider a suitable style. For children, pregnant and lactating women I would not recommend veganism.

Note: The chat guest: MUDr.. Pavel Kohout, Ph.D. since 2002 he is working in the Thomayer University Hospital in Prague and he is a head of the Center of Nutrition in the Thomayer University Hospital.

See : O vegetariánství s lékařem Pavlem Kohoutem, Chat, 2013, Od roku 2002 pracuje v Thomayerově nemocnici v Praze a vede Centrum výživy FTN (Thomayerovy nemocnice, do roku 2012 Fakultní Thomayerovy nemocnice, má poznámka), Thomayerova nemocnice (do roku 2012 Fakultní Thomayerova nemocnice, © 2006 EMPRESA MEDIA, a.s.

During pregnancy the women often have significantly reduced hemoglobin level. But enough iron is needed for the fetus, placenta creating and pressure control of mother. If iron is missing, it can inhibit the growth of the fetus and increase the risk of miscarriage. German nutritional societies recommend therefore for pregnant women the increased intake of iron from 15 to 30 mg / day; for breastfeeding, as well as non-breastfeeding women after childbirth then intake of 20 mg / day to compensate for the loss during pregnancy and childbirth. See : Český překlad letáku byl vydán s laskavým svolením Veganské společnosti Švýcarsko a Veganské společnosti Rakousko, Překlad Kristýna Pešáková, Sazba Denisa Kuimcidis, Editace Daniela Jungová, Jazyková korektura Lukáš Lyer, Odborná korektura MUDr. Zbyněk Luňáček, Vydalo NESEHNUTÍ v roce 2014, Vytištěno na recyklovaném papíře, NESEHNUTÍ – NEzávislé Sociálně Ekologické HNUTÍ svoboda – zodpovědnost – angažovanost, Brno

Persons with poorer absorption of iron or increased its daily needs should take additional preparations of this mineral. On the market in addition to conventional pharmaceutical products there are also products based on plant extracts. See : Železo


On 18. May 2013, at 6:48 PM, JUDr. Dalibor Grůza Ph.D.-advokát <> wrote:

Dear Hinduist,

... I was doing an experiment (see my book Philosophy of Balance or ) with my longstanding ovo-lacto vegetarian diet (for the uninitiated, I have eaten plant diet, from animal food only milk and eggs), while I was watching the composition of my food, there was no animal ingredient from slaughtered animals, for example food additives, I have not eaten any food supplements or vitamins that could be made from slaughtered animals.

The result of this my long-term ovo-lacto vegetarian diet has been the following health problems: abdominal pain, flatulence, diarrhea, vomiting, sores on the mucous membranes, skin peeling, allergic shock (itching and rash throughout the body), sore on joints and articular cartilage, fatigue or tiredness at any greater effort, these problems will disappear whenever I eat the meat of my carrions (cadavers) of animals. Because of your moral resistance to eat carrions (cadavers) I will not die of nutritional inadequacy, for this reason because of my moral scruples I don't have to kill, or I don't have to get killed intentionally any animal for the purpose of my food and I will continue to eat the minimum required amount of carrions (cadavers) of the animals when my above health symptoms occur.

Answer for SPVŽT:

Author: Dalibor Grůza

Time: 09-12/12/2012


The Party for the Rights of All Living Creatures, wants to unite and fight for the rights of all living creatures, as the living creatures I think both people and animals, including the carnivorous animals, and also plants and other living creatures.

I don't want to split forces, therefore, I want to fight only against our current worst evil in relation to animals, factory slaughter farms. To do this, you need the money for the transformation of our agriculture in a more merciful ways of animal farming, which the slaughter tax should serve. According to me it is the first most important step in a good direction of SPVŽT, according to the society's readiness the next will follow.

I myself don't eat products from slaughtered animals, even not my dog, from animal foods I eat only eggs from a home breed, where they do not slaughter or get slaughtered any hens and cocks, or goat's milk from breed, where they do not slaughter or get slaughtered any goats or he - goats, and broilers from my shelter for chickens, which have not been killed intentionally by any human, deceased of old age. These naturally dead chickens I also feed my dog including eggs and the milk and vegetarian feed ami dog. I myself would probably not survive healthy in my experience only on the ovo-lacto vegetarian diet without meat, and certainly in my experience without this meat my dog, which is a carnivore, wouldn't survive healthy.

My opinion about the medical necessity of eating the meat in my case and in the case of my dog is based on my experience, or fixed by my scientific experiment with my long-term lacto-ovo vegetarian diet in my case and in the case of my dog (see my book Philosophy of Balance available on this site). By the way in India there are kept almost no carnivorous cats and dogs because people do not want to feed them meat. And what concerns the health need to eat meat to humans living long-term in India, whose ancestors were the generation accustomed to eating meat, I present an example of the current Dalai Lama, who, though he wants to be a vegetarian, had serious health problems and he began to eat meat (see : Me, 2010).

Eating naturally dead animals by human is not a new idea, but the idea is thousands of years old and it comes from India. Survived in old Roma (sometimes also Gypsies), who originate and in the middle ages they came to Europe from India. "Under the old Roma are carrions (cadavers) cleaner meat, because the animal didn't die in a violent death", and Roma also invented an ingenious recipe, how to eat the carrions (cadavers), "the carrions are boiled in more waters" (see : Vyšší odborná škola a Střední zdravotnická škola, MILLS, s. r. o., Tereza Rosecká, Vedoucí práce: ThDr. et Mgr. Ladislava Marešová, Čelákovice, 2010, Život romské menšiny), and it was at least thousands of years ago, when they came to Europe, and when no one has ever heard of the sterilization of surgical instruments. See my book Philosophy of Balance on this web site.

After our discussion with Trilokátma dása 11.12.2012 I received by post the current guide named GÓRAKŠJA and vegetarianism, issued or distributed by farm Krishna court of Hare Krishna movement in the Czech Republic, where there is on the page 5 stated:

"If the people who despite all the counterarguments insist on preserving animal food sources, they will eat only animals that die in a natural way, they avoid ingestion of "fear poisons". The animals will produce more offspring and understandable after a transitional period of a lack one get more meat than before. "

According by you cited a Dutch political party translated from English, see – Animal Politics Foundation, Amsterdam, The Netherlands :

Is the Party for the Animals against eating meat or fish?

The most animal-friendly menu is one without any animal produce. A large number of the members of the Party for the Animals are vegetarians or vegans. However, we also have members who eat meat or fish. It is not a choice that we try to force upon others. Nonetheless, we do strongly advocate that consumers (both party members and non - party members) who eat animal products should chose meat, eggs or dairy products, which do not derive from the factory farming industry, and non - endangered fish species.


The opinion of the international society for Krishna Consciousness, the Hare Krishna Movement-an important Hindu organisation:


Author: Antonín Valer Trilokátma, dása, a spokesman for the international society for Krishna Consciousness, the Hare Krishna Movement

Time: 09/12/2012


Hello Mr. Grůzo,


When I started reading your message, I was happy that somebody finally is starting to care about animal suffering caused in the slaughterhouses. Very soon, however, my enthusiasm has passed me when I read that you are not concerned about whether the animals are killed, but rather that they are "killed in the organic way”. Only the expression of organic slaughter breeding is at least for me incredible. On the slaughter of whether any is not merciful, fair, or organic. I understand that in the current agricultural farms are experiencing animals during their short and poor life far more suffering than in some organic farms, but the result is the same, in the end, the animals are cruelly killed.


In the Statute you write that you want to create a humanistic society on the principles of Justice and mercy to all living creatures. I don't understand what you consider as merciful and fair at organic slaughter breeding. In the Statute you write that your intention is the gradual transition to a more merciful way of diet, but at the same time you don't want to force anyone to switch to vegetarianism. There is, according to you a merciful alternative to killing? I think that your idea of factory farming, in which the animals die of old age, and then they will be ingested by carnivores, is as unrealistic as trying to convince dependent gambler that to play chess is better for him or her than to spend the money on the slot machines.


If it is in your interest to really reduce animal suffering, then I suggest inspiration from such a Dutch political party ( : Party for the Animals – Animal Politics Foundation, Amsterdam, The Netherlands), the program is very well expressed in this document: : Film: Global Warming Documentary: MEAT THE TRUTH, GlobeTransformer .


Please do not take my comments too personally, but attempt of your Party is reminiscent to me of the debate about whether the dry side of the turd is better than clammy. The turd will always remain the turd whether it's dry or wet, and the killing remains killing, whether they killed animals from factory farming or organic farms.


One more note to your program. On what basis do you think most carnivores could not survive healthy by transition to a vegetarian diet? I don't think all the carnivores were able to adopt a vegetarian diet. But not for the reason that it would be medically dangerous, but because they simply cannot imagine their life without meat, such as a smoker's life without cigarettes or an alcoholic life without booze. However, there are solutions, without any compromising in the form of killing. You can have a look here: : THE VEGETARIAN BUTCHER, 4824 AV Breda, The Netherlands, : Mark Bittman, : IS THIS THE END OF MEAT?, Kate Burt, 2012.


I hope that you do not find my comments insulting, and I am open to any further discussion.


I wish you good luck


Signed Antonín Valer Trilokátma, dása, a spokesman for the international society for Krishna Consciousness, the Hare Krishna Movement


Author: Antonín Valer Trilokátma, dása, a spokesman for the international society for Krishna Consciousness, the Hare Krishna Movement

Time: 10/12/2012


... I would be quite interested in your long-term scientific experiment with a lacto-vegetarian diet. It's this diet, which threatens your health or even the life? It is interesting that millions of vegetarians around the world are not at risk. Even the doctors today confirmed that a balanced lacto-vegetarian diet supplies the body with all the necessary materials. I personally know hundreds of vegetarians whose ancestors ate meat for generations and they still do not have any health problems.  ...


Signed Antonín Valer Trilokátma, dása, a spokesman for the international society for Krishna Consciousness, the Hare Krishna Movement


Author: Antonín Valer Trilokátma, dása, a spokesman for the international society for Krishna Consciousness, the Hare Krishna Movement

Time: 11/12/2012


... Again, I ask about the texts or the authority of the idea of eating the carrions (cadavers)? Where or whom is your claim substantiated? Vedic culture functioning under the rule of Kings in the territory of India and in other places thousands years ago very strictly limited eating the meat. In addition, the King took care of it, that this limit was respected. However, if someone could not give up meat eating, they could, under certain restrictive conditions, eat meat of goats, poultry and other lower animals. These population groups, however, have never been mainstream and worked more or less on the sidelines, that they do not disrupt the residents happy with a lacto-vegetarian diet. This information is very detailed in the Puranas and in particular in the Bhágavata Purana, also known as Srimad Bhagavatam, but also in many other places of the Vedic literature such as the Manu’s code-Manu samhita. ...


... you will be like the meat eaters banished to the sidelines and at best considered as uncivilized barbarians. ...


Signed Antonín Valer Trilokátma, dása, a spokesman for the international society for Krishna Consciousness, the Hare Krishna Movement


The entire interview with the spokesman of the international society for Krishna Consciousness, the Hare Krishna Movement, in Czech, in pdf format, see: or


booklet Political Party for the Rights of All Living Creatures p. 34 et seq.

From the above it follows, that a pregnant woman and child should eat the meat of animals, both white (poultry or fish) and perhaps also of other animals, i.e. red meat, otherwise probably there is a serious risk of health damage of a child or of miscarriage.

My current girlfriend does not probably love me enough yet and she does not probably believe in the in long term most powerful law of love to all living creatures in the nature yet to risk having a child with me and they would not eat the slaughtered animals, but only animals died of natural causes, principally of old age. In the current situation (in which all pregnant and breastfeeding mothers and all children probably eat slaughtered animals and it is not proven, if it is necessary) I would not want a child. In the future I would want perhaps a child (and I could have a child, if I find a mother and child and they will not eat the slaughtered animals, or I could not have a child, if one proves that it is necessary, that the mother and the child eat slaughtered animals, because I could not stand it mentally).

(see , , )

About hunting and forestry according to Philosophy of Balance

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 23/07/2015 16:02:36


Post of Dalibor Grůza

The solution of the current crisis of democracy is therefore to raise the moral standards of the people of democratic countries, it is possible, in my opinion, through awareness of the rights of all other living creatures, particularly the fundamental right of every living creature for a long, happy and dignified life and death with almost no mental and physical pain ... Philosophy of Balance p. 402

The foregoing implies, that according to the Philosophy of Balance it is necessary to avoid large-scale production in hunting and forestry, i.e. birth of a large number of animals that are soon after their birth killed by hunters, even though these large-scale breeders of game (i.e. hunted) animals argue by means of love for animals, ensuring life of greater number of game animals in nature and taking care of them while these large-scale breeders of game animals are killing in a large stray dogs and cats which harm these factory farming of game animals. Philosophy of Balance is not against hunting, but it approves only to hunt animals excessively reproduced especially when highly probable protection of other living creatures while performing permanent obligation of everyone according to the Philosophy of Balance to cause the least possible death and pain. Therefore preference should be given natural symbiotic breeding of game animals, which would live a long, happy and dignified life and death with almost no mental and physical pain, i.e. numbers of game animals and hunters should not be unduly increased, which inevitably brings the horror of today's industrial agriculture factory farming (i.e. the concentration camps of animals) in forestry and hunting.

(see , , )


About the tap drinking water in restaurants

Author: Dalibor Grůza
Time: 13/09/2015 12:11:54

On principle it is not good to drink in a restaurant mineral water in small bottles, because glue from the slaughtered animals is used to stick labels on bottles. The solution is tap drinking water or cooled tap drinking water such as from the machine POSTMIX, see : Addfood s.r.o., Praha 9 at Rustikal Hotel in Hustopeče near Brno, see for the price one liter for 20,- CZK in a pitcher.

(see , , )

About flies and mosquitoes

Author: Dalibor Grůza

Time: 14/09/2015 18:41:57



Post of Dalibor Grůza

2) A human has a duty to kill as few of living creatures as possible (i.e. for the protection of life) and if so then those naturally feeling the least pain. (i.e. according to me a human can kill any living creature only if the probability of at least 95-100 %, that he or she saves in this way the life of other living creature, so that in this way he or she caused the least possible death and pain). Philosophy of Balance p. 23

My instructions listed above can be now considered as obsolete, because if I want to go even closer to paradise on my garden and at my home I cannot permanently exclude any living creatures from this paradise, nor ticks, fleas, mosquitoes, bedbugs, South American vampire (i.e. vampire bats), because those living creatures can behave responsibly and not suck more blood than necessary. Therefore, these creatures must be repeatedly tested, whether they abuse being let into our homes, where they would reproduce excessively, then it may be necessary to intervene against them in as most humanely way as possible or in extreme emergency to kill some of them in most humanely way as possible or they will behave responsibly in accordance with the most basic axiom (i.e. the probable but unproved finding) of my Philosophy of Balance that all the living creatures, including these blood-eaters in fact mostly want to live in a world, where everyone likes each other. Philosophy of Balance p. 357

Temporary solution is below mentioned until we would succeed in reaching paradise for all living things, where all the insects will be our friends and will not reproduce excessively. Excessive reproduction of insects is probably punishment for our causing more than the least possible death and pain of insects.

The flies should be given a chance and adopt them into our homes, if they do not reproduce excessively. If flies sit on the human, so we must determine the limit, for how much flies we can withstand it, for example even with the fact that we cover our body with a clothing, without seriously damaged our psyche (for me it is apparently one very annoying fly in the long term), this number of flies is necessary to let sit on us without threatening them with death. Exceeding this limit of the number of flies, which seriously threatens our psyche, we can use merciful repulsive means, i.e. on principle repellent untested on animals such as eating garlic, see or, if it doesn't work, tested on animals invented a long time ago, ca. decades ago, when the experimental animals almost forgot caused death and pain after so long time. If that doesn't work, we can attack the attacking flies through hand with the fact that, if they are not frightened of it, or we fail to catch them live and to launch them into the nature, we can expose them the danger of death while attacking them through hand only on our body and, if that doesn't work, even outside our body, so if they do not succeed in flying away during our attack through hand, we are aware of that we could kill them crushing them during our attack of hand against them (see the eventual intention of killing them). Exceeding this limit, when even despite the above attack of our hand against the excessively reproduced flies with our eventual intention of killing them our psyche is threatened seriously, we can use flyswatter to kill the flies, while causing an immediate (i.e. human) death of fly, which attacks us. If the additional limit of the number of flies is exceeded, when despite the use of the above flyswatter our psyche is threatened seriously, we can use the merciful killing insecticide, i.e. on principle insecticide invented a long time ago, ca. decades ago, when the experimental animals almost forgot caused death and pain after so long time, and which has a quick lethal effect. The above mentioned shall apply mutatis mutandis for mosquitoes with the fact, that there is less danger of serious threats to our psyche, because mosquitoes are attacking us on principle, when we sleep. We never use flycatchers because of cruelty, if glued insects suffer on principle from hunger and thirst before their death. At the same time for all above it is necessary to fulfill the permanent obligation of everyone according to the Philosophy of Balance to cause the least possible death and pain.

Literature: : Mucholapka - nelidský vynález, 23. března 2013, pavel, Jen tak , : zdeněk © 2009 Všechna práva vyhrazena , : 26.8.2011, copyright (c) 2008-2020 , : Larvy od much ( a mršina a Pes, má poznámka), 24.5.2011, Web provozuje společnost s.r.o., Brno , , , : Jak vyzrát na mouchy, 12.08.2009, Milena Bohatová, Copyright © 1996–2020,, a.s. , : 21. května 2012, author: vet, © 2001 - 2020 Copyright CZECH NEWS CENTER a.s. a dodavatelé obsahu

(see , , )

When to castrate according to Philosophy of Balance, eg. cocks


Author: Dalibor Grůza

Time: 30/10/2015



Post of Dalibor Grůza

1) A human must never kill any living creature, especially human (or him- or herself). (i.e. according to me for the probability of 0-5 percents, that a human kills the human, the first human must begin to save this second human, i.e. at worst case only to recede)

2) A human has a duty to kill as few of living creatures as possible (i.e. for the protection of life) and if so then those naturally feeling the least pain. (i.e. according to me a human can kill any living creature only if the probability of at least 95-100 %, that he or she saves in this way the life of other living creature, so that in this way he or she caused the least possible death and pain). 

3) Regarding for me as a person it  is healthy (i.e. if I am not vomiting and underweight or in allergic shock) to eat from all living creatures only non-sprouting plant seeds (hereafter referred to only as plant seeds, sprouting plant seeds are already young plants) and plant fruits with seeds, of which separation from the plant cannot kill it, while the reproduction of these plants with the maximum health not damaging amount of salt or appropriate quantity of other minerals and water (e.g. for adults and children aged over 11 years the maximum daily dose of six grams of salt, for smaller children five grams, for suckers one gram of salt). It would probably be concerned seeds of plants (soya beans, peas, beans, corn, etc.) and fruits of plants with seeds, especially trees (such as apples, pears, dates). Philosophy of Balance p. 23


… If we (man and nature) must choose for saving a life between killing more living creatures evolutionarily less perfect and killing of less living creatures evolutionarily more advanced (i.e. that feel more pain), there is not precise rule how to behave (it is a dilemma in the above rule No.2), it is necessary to decide by emotion, while in particular the following aspects are to be considered: old age, virtually youth of killed live individuals, the size of positive difference between the number of evolutionarily less and more perfect killed live individuals (e.g., threat of extinction of less perfect species  of living individuals), blame of killed live individuals for the death of other living individuals, such as in the case of carnivores and herbivores, a fatal disease of some killed living individual, etc. That in the case of this dilemma a man decides correctly by emotion between the death of several from people different living individuals evolutionarily less perfect and the death of less living individuals different from people evolutionarily more perfect one him or herself must eat under the above rules, No.1 and 2, ideally under rule No.3, which provides the perfect emotion. Philosophy of Balance p. 24


See also: What is the relationship of Philosophy of Balance to animal experiments in human and veterinary medicine? . Philosophy of Balance p. 369-372, 15. Collective responsibility and vaccination against viruses BOOKLET OF THE PARTY FOR THE RIGHTS OF ALL LIVING CREATURES p. 49-51

(see , , )

According to the Philosophy of Balance it must always be responded to attack by appropriate counter-attack, without us getting seriously hurt by the attacker and we cause the least possible death and pain (see earlier in this topic cited rules of the Philosophy of Balance). Castration causes death of sex cells and great mental, possibly physical pain of castrated living creature. Living creature can be castrated apparently pursuant to the above rules of the Philosophy of Balance in case of extreme emergency (with respect to the principle of subsidiarity, i.e. irreversibility, and proportionality that is less than imminent evil) only at least 95-100% probability, that castration of attacker will save the life of another living creature. According to the rules of the Philosophy of Balance the penalty should not be on principle devastating but above all educational. In the above case according to the above rules of the Philosophy of Balance one should use as a first choice in animals and humans so called chemical castration not produced from slaughtered animals before surgical castration. In the above case according to the above rules of the Philosophy of Balance one should always use as a first choice on principle the surgical castration in animals before chemical castration, if one cannot use chemical castration not produced from slaughtered animals, that because of murderous animal more and more animals had not to die, because chemical castration is usually necessary to apply in the long-term with frequent repetition, in this case it should be possibly frozen sperm of murderous animal not to stop its reproduction, that partly it, virtually its genes we did not kill, especially if it has not had any descendants yet. In severe disease, i.e. with great pain or great suffering which are not life-threatening in humans, I am not so resistant to pain to define according to the above rules of the Philosophy of Balance a general rule because of their cure whether to kill the animal or animals. I.e. in the above case according to the above rules of the Philosophy of Balance one cannot apparently generally say, whether one should prioritize for humans the surgical castration or chemical castration produced from slaughtered animals, if one cannot use chemical castration not produced from slaughtered animals. This needs to be solved on a case by case basis by means of the most possible perfect emotion and in the least possible conflict situation, all arising from the fact, that living creature still causes no much more than the least possible death and pain.

For example according to the rules of the Philosophy of Balance we should breed the hens and cocks in the flock from the youngest possible chicks until their natural death on principle of old age for the consumption of their cadavers thus obtained (that all the cocks get the chance to behave mercifully and that they have before their possible castration mentioned here the chance to experience also sexual intercourse with hens) and to attack of the cock in the flock, where the strongest uncastrated sexually adult cock usually gradually kills all weaker cocks, we should respond on principle in extreme emergency (i.e. we do not have another option, e.g. its separation from the flock, solution might be according to my vet and advice of an experienced breeder beak shortening, but not cauterization with hot iron, beak can be shortened by filing or by scissors at the vet, which is done normally including cauterization according to my vet in pheasantries, where live also several hundred adult pheasant cocks in limited space together, beak of parrots is also shortened, according to my vet the beak should grow in these cases, although it does not prevent sexual aggression of dominant cock against other cocks, because it has also claws, cock with beak cauterization is not probably able to eat in wild nature single grains, perhaps even grass and earthworms, so it is not able to eat, and the beak does not grow possibly in case of cauterization again, see : odborný poradní orgán (of Czech, my note) ministra zemědělství, Č.J.: 51432/2011-MZe, VYŘIZUJE ODDĚLENÍ OCHRANY ZVÍŘAT, Ing. Jiří Novák, Prague 1, DATUM: 2011-02-22) by counterattack consisting in veterinarian castration (i.e. in case of non-chemical castration on principle with anaesthesia) of murderous cock only when at least 95-100% probability, that we will save the life of another cock, murderous cock I should identify by watching a flock of hens. This is an non-standard procedure, according to my vet all cocks are usually castrated except the most aggressive, i.e. the most dominant cock. However my proposed procedure gives a little but still a chance, that we will not have to castrate all the cocks with the exception of a single cock and further, even if we have gradually to castrate in this way all the cocks except the last cock in the flock, so also other cocks gradually get the chance to experience sexual intercourse with hens before possible from the reasons given here necessary castration (because on principle only dominant cock has sexual intercourse with hens). According to my vet one of the other remaining uncastrated cocks in the flock probably seizes dominance and more uncastrated cocks can seldom live together, there is a great risk, that the animals will fight together or drive away from food to death, according to my experience and my vet this is valid even for more cocks which have no hens in the flock. According to my vet previously dominant capon will not most probably attack the other cocks after castration. My proposed non-standard castration of cocks is worth trying, because it may cause less mental and physical suffering accompanying the castration also of cocks than the above standard procedure. Then according to my vet the dominant uncastrated cocks should not kill castrated cocks, i.e. capons. It is not right to buy only the female hens, because cocks and hens are born from the eggs in half and half ratio, in this case it is not possible to distinguish the male from the female in the egg or in the chicken at an early age and in terms of justice according to the Philosophy of Balance with the fact, that I myself get castrated cocks rather expensively at the vet, I prevent the fact, that because of my possible breeding only of female hens nearly all the cocks most probably will be killed, or only in the ideal case castrated by another breeder of this poultry.

On principle so called chemical castration is not irreversible, but it may result while its application in infertility of patient, both nonsteroidal such as e.g. immunological castration of the medicament Improvac for pigs, which does not deteriorate the meat and is tested since 1998, the composition of its active substance is a secret protected by a patent, thus possibly from killed animals, and steroid chemical castration, especially of estrogen medicaments, which deteriorate meat, are excreted from the body mainly in the urine and cause infertility in men while eating bigger quantity of cock castrated by estrogen and the formation of female secondary sex characteristics such as e.g. breast growth, however in a small amount, eg. while eating small quantity of by estrogen castrated cock for a long time or while a longer protection period from the application of estrogen in the cock this danger should not be too great, because estrogens are added, for example in China to livestock feed. Estrogens are obtained by isolation from natural material, e.g. from urine or from ovary of killed animals, but above all by chemical semi-synthesis from cholesterol and by total chemical synthesis, they may or may not therefore be produced from killed animals. First it must be tested apparently medicaments based on phytoestrogens, i.e. plant estrogens.

Literature: : Against hen cannibalism and excessive sexual harassment of hens by cocks. If all the necessary components of the diet are given, then a feed ration lower than the prescribed feed rations should be given to cocks, because the hungry male animals have no desire or strength to fight against each other or sexually harass the females., : Kastrace kohoutu, jak se provádí kastrace kohoutků (kapounů), 2015, při troše štěstí vám většina kastrovaných kohoutů proceduru a hojení přežije, Web provozuje společnost s.r.o., Brno , : jak se kastrují kohouti, 2008 , : Kohouti, aneb trochu o slepičí sociologii, 16. listopadu 2011, Lukáš, O chovu slepic , : Agresivní kohout (běžný teror mezi kohouty, má poznámka), Pokud je teror příliš velký měl by jste je rozdělit, 2014, Neregistrovaní uživatelé, : Chemical caponizing with bovine hormones is prohibited by EU legislation because it was leaving too much hormone in the meat. Chemical caponizing used to be common. Anonymous, Jrsygntbrdr1, Uno, Horse Jody, IPF, 2009, Moderator: Admin @ The Coop, Foehn , , , , , , , : MASARYKOVA UNIVERZITA, FAKULTA SOCIÁLNÍCH STUDIÍ, Katedra politologie, Bezpečnostní opatření proti recidivě sexuálních delikventů v České republice, Bakalářská práce, Iva Flajšmanová, Vedoucí práce PhDr. Josef Smolík, Ph.D., Brno 2010 , : Šestadvacetiletý student zůstal v šoku, když mu z ničeho nic začala růst prsa. Úplně bezradný šel k doktorovi, který mu okamžitě nakázal změnit skladbu jídelníčku, Za vším totiž stálo kuřecí maso! 11.8.2018, author aka, Copyright ©, Extra Online Media s.r.o., Praha 4 , : (veri), Zdroj:, © 2020 MeDitorial+, ISSN 254x52 , , Dr ING. ZDENĚK BUDĚSÍNSKÝ, Dr ING. MIROSLAV PROTIVA, science editor Dr Ing. Oldřich Němecek, "SYNTHETICKÁ LÉČIVA"/SYNTHETIC MEDICAMENTS, PRAGUE 1954, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences Publisher: , : JIHOČESKÁ UNIVERZITA V ČESKÝCH BUDĚJOVICÍCH, ZEMĚDĚLSKÁ FAKULTA, BAKALÁŘSKÁ PRÁCE, Aktuální problematika kastrací v chovech prasat, author Jaroslav Janota, Vedoucí bakalářské práce MVDr. Lucie Hasoňová, Ph.D., ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE 2012, : Improvac, Injekční roztok pro prasata, Léčivá látka: Konjugát analogu GnRF a proteinu (syntetický peptidový analog GnRF spojený s Diphtheria Toxoidem) min. 300 µg, na dočasné imunologické potlačení funkce varlat. Pro použití jako alternativa k fyzické kastraci pro snížení kančího zápachu, DRŽITEL ROZHODNUTÍ O REGISTRACI PFIZER Limited, Sandwich, Kent CT13 9 NJ, Spojené království, - An official website of the European Union

(see , , )

Correct way of cleaning teeth according to Philosophy of Balance


Author: Dalibor Grůza

Time: 14/11/2015




Post of Dalibor Grůza

2) A human has a duty to kill as few of living creatures as possible (i.e. for the protection of life) and if so then those naturally feeling the least pain.1) (i.e. according to me a human can kill any living creature only if the probability of at least 95-100 %, that he or she saves in this way the life of other living creature, so that in this way he or she caused the least possible death and pain). Philosophy of Balance p. 23

(see , , )

According to the above rule of the Philosophy of Balance apparently it is not correct at a permanent merciful diet, if we do not have a lot of tartar, to clean our teeth with a dry brush without toothpaste, as I did up to now, because even so in this way we kill bacteria in the mouth, apparently without being with probability 95-100% necessary to protect the teeth. Apparently it is correct for example to fill our mouth with tepid water and to gargle this water a moment and then to spit this water, thereby moving bacteria out of our mouth without these bacteria killed.

"The Divided Plate Diet" (also sometimes referred to as the Hay Diet) according to Philosophy of Balance

Author: Dalibor Grůza

Time: 06/12/2015, corrected 25/12/2015  



The concept of imbalance of acids and bases as the causes of the disease has been outlined as the first by William Howard Hay (1866-1940) in his book "A New Health Era", which was published in 1933 in New York. According to the hypothesis of the Divided Plate Diet by MD. (i.e. Doctor of Medicine) Haye, who treated himself by this his method and he possibly cured himself of the severe kidney disease untreatable at that time, he fell ill at the age of 41 years and died at age 74, this method is based on the fact that certain foods need for their digestion acidic pH environment, while others need alkaline pH and therefore these foods should not be combined. Typical acidic foods include meat and plant seeds, the typical alkaline-foods include plant fruits. The remaining foods like milk, eggs and vegetables are controversial and classified by species in both groups. According to most sources the optimal ratio of eaten alkaline and acid foods should be 20:80 percent. Proponents of this theory believe that the acidification of the body is currently one of the most dangerous causes of diseases of civilization and they proceed from the theory, that health is directly dependent on the balance between acidity and alkalinity in our body. According to them the modern western diet has the lack of "basic (i.e. alkaline)" foods (fruits and vegetables) and contains excessive amounts of animal products, which generate acid. The risk of acidification of the organism increases with age, probably due to the decrease in kidney function.


The above corresponds to the diet of Adam and Eve in the biblical paradise, where they should eat only plant fruits and plant seeds, thus both above mentioned types of foods. Considering the digestibility and availability of plant seeds and plant fruits the diet of Adam and Eve would probably in fact consisted of predominance of plant fruits and minority of plant seeds. My diet consisted mainly of food from plant seeds and to a lesser extent from plant fruits up to now (from 2008). About a month ago the abdominal pain started to hurt me and flatulence and bloating have added this day. Health problem with the same symptoms I had in the past about 5-7 years ago because of the fruitarian diet with complete elimination of animal fats, especially meat and it is written in the Philosophy of Balance. According to the above hypothesis of the Divided Plate Diet my current health problem should be based on acidity of organism and probably my kidney malfunction because of the predominance of acid plant seeds compared to minority of plant fruits in the long term in my previous diet. According to the hypothesis of the Divided Plate Diet and hypotheses of the Philosophy of Balance about the possibility of future achievement of the biblical paradise on Earth and in the Universe by own forces of living creatures apparently in infinite time at present I have solved these my health problems (at present I do not have the above mentioned health problems) by means of limitation of my eating plant seeds and of drastic increase in my eating plant fruits as in paradise, in the worse case foods made from them.


Literature: : Masarykova univerzita v Brně, Lékařská fakulta, Zásadité versus kyselé - mýty a fakta, Bakalářská práce v oboru Nutriční terapeut, Vedoucí bakalářské práce Mgr. Veronika Březková, author Dagmar Pifková, Brno 2012 , : 2015, Petr Svorník, Právo , : firma Apple, firma NeXT, filmová studia Pixar, : Nároky Jobse byly extrémní. Pondělků jsme se děsili, říká spolupracovník, 2015, author Radek Mikudík, © 1999–2020 MAFRA, a. s., a dodavatelé Profimedia, Reuters, ČTK, AP , : The strange eating habits of Steve Jobs, Melissa Dahl and Melissa Dahl, NBC News, 2011 , : Posted by vdudman at 9:41 pm, 22.4.2014, © 2010-2014 Věra Dudmanová


Note: I thank my stepmother Mary for the first inspiration also for this article.

(see , , )


Eternal life


Author: Dalibor Grůza

Time: 11/12/2015




Post of Dalibor Grůza

… From the foregoing it is necessary not to use on principle any means of medicine, it is necessary on principle to rely on the immunity of own body and so on principle with the exception of examination by a doctor using his or her senses, if it causes on principle no death and pain, or also on principle except in cases of causing the death of any living creature apparently only if the probability of at least 95-100 %, that we save in this way the life of other living creature, so that in this way we caused the least possible death and pain. The most merciful medicaments should always be chosen, i.e. especially not of animal origin from a slaughtered animal, i.e. especially of mineral, plant, fungal or bacterial or yeast origin (see the book Dr ING. ZDENĚK BUDĚSÍNSKÝ, Dr ING. MIROSLAV PROTIVA, science editor Dr Ing. Oldřich Němecek, SYNTHETIC MEDICAMENTS, PRAGUE 1954, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences Publisher, ). The origin of the medicament is not always obvious at first sight, therefore it is necessary beforehand to tell every my doctor that I reject on principle medicaments of animal origin, for medicaments of animal origin I require my prior approval, through which, if I am in fact a vegetarian or scavenger (i.e. I eat only animals died of natural causes, on principle of old age) and I try to cause always the least possible death and pain, and not a hypocrite, so I will transfer my responsibility for my mercifulness in part to the doctor. I should prioritize already discovered earlier, preferably several decades old medicaments, where experimental animals have almost forgotten by the experiments introducing medicament on the market caused death and pain. For medicaments of unknown or animal origin, for which production it was possibly necessary to kill an animal, I should prioritize the West German medicaments of West German pharmaceutical companies (see above) rather than from the German Democratic Republic, because in West Germany until recently there were in force Hitler's strict laws to protect animals, so not to cause them unnecessary death and pain. On principle never Israel medicaments such made by Teva Pharmaceuticals because of the contemporary most unmerciful kosher slaughter of animals. (see : V roce 2006 izraelská společnost Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., dříve pod názvem Salomon, Levin a Elstein Ltd. převzala závod na výrobu rostlinných léčiv, vedle toho i známé české limonády Kofola, v Opavě v České republice, za komunismu jako národní podnik Galena) At the same time for all above it is necessary to fulfill the permanent obligation of everyone according to the Philosophy of Balance to cause the least possible death and pain. SOLVED EXAMPLES AND COMMENTARIES BASED ON PHILOSOPHY OF BALANCE