1. The award-won most merciful products-a list see:


(list in format in Czech: html and pdf )


1. The award-won most merciful products-a list see:
    1.1 Animal friendly cadavers dying naturally, principally of the old age, from home poultry farms for diet of the dogs or cats, possibly human
    1.2 Animal friendly plant fertilizer made only from meat and bone meal from cadavers of naturally died, i.e. not slaughtered animals
    1.3 Potatoes from symbiotic agriculture
    1.4 Animal friendly cosmetics Oriflame
    1.5 Animal friendly vegetarian drugstore Almawin
    1.6 Animal friendly drugstore Ecover
    1.7 Vegetarian foods ami dog for dogs and ami cat for cats
    1.8 Vegetarian food yarrah bio

1.1 Animal friendly cadavers dying naturally, principally of the old age, from home poultry farms for diet of the dogs or cats, possibly human


This food mercy (i.e. symbiosis) may be based on the breeding of broiler chickens to their natural death of old age, virtually their most common heart attack, which occurs when the outdoor breeding in a chicken coop in their age on average 2-3 years, whereas, broiler chickens are hard race and broilers are originally bred to life with a length of approximately 30 days until their slaughter for meat. We feed broilers grain grown without herbicides and pesticides, as well as dried organic alfalfa, which naturally includes dried insects and fresh grass. After the broiler has died, it is necessary to perform its autopsy by veterinarian, in order to determine whether it did not die of some contagious illness, especially of a bacterial or viral infection. Then it is necessary to freeze a broiler and to calculate the minimum quantity of this carrion of an animal that will be necessary for the healthy nutrition of a particular dog or cat. This is done in such a way that we feed dog or cat with diet free from the corpses of animals i.e. the eggs and milk, both are the best from home breed, and in my experience the best purely vegetarian organic feed is yarrah for dog or purely vegetarian feed ami cat for cats (in my experience a dog or cat will not survive only on a purely vegetarian feed ami cat or yarrah for dogs, although the manufacturer states that it is a complete feed, during the exclusive long-term use of the purely vegetarian feed ami dog my dog vomited permanently the yellow water), that according to my experience animals like to eat and we watch occurrence of the symptoms of allergic reactions of the animals to this feed. Symptoms of an allergic reaction to this feed are vomiting, diarrhea, or scratching of a dog or a cat, after occurrence of allergic reaction of this dog or cat we feed immediately 200 grams of frozen carrion of an animal, which we will cut with a meat cleaver from frozen carrion of the animal. Then again, all of the steps of above diet of a dog or a cat without dead animals only with the aforementioned eggs and milk and the feed yarrah for dog or ami cat for cat and when above mentioned allergic reactions appear we determine the number of days the animal survives with 200 grams of a carrion of an animal, and we calculate by dividing the 200 grams of carrion of animal with this number of days a minimum quantity of a carrion of an animal which we have to give a cat or dog for above mentioned feeding without the dead animals that the cat or dog stays healthy. At the same time, even if we adhere to this minimum amount of carrions of animals, so when the above allergic reactions appear at a dog or a cat we must feed them additional large quantity of this animal carrion not to endanger the dog or cat a life dangerous allergic shock. The most dangerous threat of death of nutritional inadequacy, when the above vegetarian feed of a dog or a cat, basically, if we do not apply correctly the above steps, is physical-motor problems of a dog or a cat, at their occurrence a vet has to always be found immediately, who typically applies to an animal injected vitamins from corpses of animals and the standard diet should be recovered for a period of convalescence of the animal (i.e. meat canned) of a dog or a cat. Perhaps for animals it is unnecessary, but for humans necessary to boil the carrions of animals in several waters. To the human with the allergy with long-term ovo-lacto vegetarian diet for details see .

The above steps of merciful feeding I apply with the success for myself and also already 4 years for my dog (up to 07/2013 purely vegetarian feed ami dog), that in 2013 reaches the age of 7 years, which needs in the aforementioned vegetarian lacto-ovo feeding method according to the above calculation, when its weight approximately 10 kg, at least 10 grams of a carrion of an animal per day (that is, when for example I will give it 120 grams of animal carrion, it lasts for a maximum of 12 days) and which I regularly do a complete blood analysis at the vet also, according to the latest complete blood analysis of my dog at the vet from 20.2.2013 my dog is in this diet completely healthy (that is, it has all the blood values OK).

Literature: : Ami Pet food, Italy) , , , , : Organic Vega dry dog food, Yarrah Organic Petfood B.V., the Netherlands  

1.2 Animal friendly plant fertilizer made only from meat and bone meal from cadavers of naturally died, i.e. not slaughtered animals

This plant fertilizer is produced from boiled animal by-products of a glue factory so called of 2nd category (basically of naturally died, i.e. not slaughtered animals) - meat and bone meal. In addition it is possible to make additional veterinary test of microbial cultivation of the presence of bacteria in the fertilizer preferably in a private veterinary laboratory. The feeding of fertilizer from carcasses to dogs and cats is prohibited by the law, in particular because of pressure from the European Union, although in 2003 in the Czech Republic this meat and bone meal was fed to livestock. Sales of that fertilizer are strictly regulated by the State and strictly veterinary controlled. In the Czech Republic this fertilizer is sold in the minimum amount of 50 kilograms for example by the company ASAP ltd. (see ), tel. 00420 569 408 111, 582 56 Věž No. 145, Havlíčkův Brod District, Vysočina Region, Czech Republic, but only to registered farmers or entrepreneurs with businesses justifying the sale of fertilizers.
Literature: , : Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republc, POJMY Kadáver , : Helena Adamová, , : ASAP s.r.o., remediation of animal waste and sale of leather

1.3 Potatoes from symbiotic agriculture

Potatoes grown in symbiotic agriculture, which does not intervene against their pests with the exception of their excessive reproduction. See Symbiotic agriculture and experiments of natural science proving Philosophy of Balance on: .

1.4 Animal friendly cosmetics Oriflame

- Social and ethical standards
We are committed to marketing products that meet our own social and ethical standards, and those of our customers.
Oriflame cares about animal welfare and endangered species and we have high standards for all materials we source:
We do not use animal fur and only accept leather from cattle that have been bred for human consumption.
For some products, we use selectively sourced animal by-products – such as beeswax and honey, lanolin derivatives (a secretion from wool-bearing animals) and dairy products.
We do not use plucked animal hair or feathers and only accept animal hair and feathers cut from living, domesticated animals including pony, goat and boar.
We use fish oil from sustainably managed stocks in our Wellness food supplements range. 
We have never tested our products or ingredients on animals at any stage during product development. We have always advocated alternative test methods and use the latest in-vitro (non-animal) methods for any tests that are not appropriate for human volunteers – for example, eye irritancy.
However, in certain countries we have to submit our finished products for additional testing for regulatory reasons. When this is the case, we offer other safety guarantees and try to persuade the relevant authorities to accept this data. We also work with the European Cosmetic Trade Association, Cosmetics Europe, to bring these kinds of local laws into closer alignment with European regulations. When unsuccessful, we must occasionally – and reluctantly – submit finished products for further testing, which may include animal testing. For more details, please see our policy on animal testing.

For more details please see our policy on animal testing, : Oriflame Cosmetics Global SA, Sweden

See : Oriflame Cosmetics Global SA, Sweden<

- Goal 7: Focus on innovation

Commitment: From 2015, launch at least one sustainable Oriflame product innovation annually, for example the innovative Ecobeauty range.
Progress: Completed. In 2015 all of our new scrub products launched with natural origin beads, e.g. poppy seed, almond shell, silica and sugar. In 2016 we will see the re-launch of a more refined, luxurious Ecobeauty range which will include some certified organic skincare products and certified Fairtrade skincare products.
See : Oriflame Cosmetics Global SA, Sweden<

1.5 Animal friendly vegetarian drugstore Almawin

- Range of products AlmaWin presents the most ekological composition in relation to outstanding wash and cleaning effects, thus effective means suitable also for sensitive skin.
With products AlmaWin you may be sure of maximal naturality, simplicity and mainly effectiveness.
These three principles are namely for AlmaWin most important. Goal is, that everyone could use natural drugstore and he or she would not have to worry about bad outcome.
Motivation for formation of AlmaWin was growth of hypersensitive illnesses and growing environmental pollution. At the same time AlmaWin was conscious of time utilization of customers and of their need to wash and to clean on the one hand ecologically and on the other hand quickly and without complications. To still fill this vision AlmaWin still watchs development of new ingredients and innovates composition of products for maximal dermatology tolerance, ecological ethics and quick and effective effect.
All used raw materials in products AlmaWin are vegetal ancestry, preferably with BIO certification.
All cleaners AlmaWin are highly concentrated, that is why package expires longer and it is effective.
Most preparations AlmaWin are in effect only after mixing with water!
Assortment includes wide series of cleaners for household, washing powders in powdery and liquid form and preparations into dishwasher. 
AlmaWin quality guarantee
100% without oil raw materials
100% without phosphates
100% without NTA and EDTA 100% biologically resoluble
100% without dyes and optical whiteners
100% without synthetic parfemace
100% without GMO
100% without conserving agents
Suitable for all temperatures (20 - 60°C)
Not-tested on animals.
Certification ECO GARANTIE controls quality and ecological criteria. 

See: : Natures Care CZ s.r.o., 768 04 Střílky

/ Source in Czech original:

- Řada výrobků AlmaWin představuje maximálně ekologické složení ve spojení s vynikajícími pracími a čisticími účinky, tedy efektivní prostředky vhodné i pro citlivou pokožku.
S výrobky AlmaWin si můžete být jisti maximální přírodností, jednoduchostí a hlavně účinností.
Tyto tři zásady jsou totiž pro AlmaWin nejdůležitější. Cílem je, aby přírodní drogerii mohl používat každý a nemusel se trápit nad špatným výsledkem.
Motivací pro vznik AlmaWinu byl růst alergických onemocnění a zvyšující se znečištění životního prostředí. Zároveň si byl AlmaWin vědom časové vytíženosti zákazníků a jejich potřeby prát a uklízet na jedné straně ekologicky a na druhé rychle a bez komplikací. Aby stále naplňoval tuto vizi AlmaWin neustále sleduje vývoj nových ingrediencí a zlepšuje složení výrobků pro maximální dermatologickou snášenlivost, ekologičnost a rychlý a efektivní účinek.
Všechny použité suroviny ve výrobcích AlmaWin jsou rostlinného původu, pokud možno s BIO certifikací.
Všechny čisticí prostředky AlmaWin jsou vysoce koncentrované, a proto balení vydrží déle a je účinnější.
Většina přípravků AlmaWin je účinná až po promíchání s vodou!
Sortiment zahrnuje širokou řadu čisticích prostředků pro domácnost, prací prášky v sypké i tekuté podobě a přípravky do myčky.
AlmaWin záruka kvality
 100% bez ropných surovin
 100% bez fosfátů
 100% bez NTA a EDTA 100% biologicky rozložitelný
 100% bez barviv a optických bělidel
 100% bez syntetické parfemace
 100% bez GMO
 100% bez konzervantů
 Vhodný pro všechny teploty (20-60°C)
 Netestováno na zvířatech.
 Certifikace ECO GARANTIE kontroluje kvalitu a ekologická kritéria.

Viz: : Natures Care CZ s.r.o., 768 04 Střílky

1.6 Animal friendly drugstore Ecover

- “Does Ecover test on animals?”

No. We’re one of over 600 companies worldwide who are proud to be Leaping Bunny certified – which is why we display the Leaping Bunny logo on our products.

The Leaping Bunny certification is the international gold standard and most trusted stamp of approval for non-animal tested consumer products, issued by Cruelty Free International (CFI).

CFI is the leading organisation working globally to consign animal experiments to the history books. Educating, challenging and inspiring others across the globe to respect and protect animals, they work tirelessly to investigate and expose the reality of life for animals in laboratories, challenge decision-makers to make a positive difference for animals, and champion better science and cruelty free living. With a history spanning over 100 years, CFI is a widely respected authority on animal testing issues and frequently called on by governments, the media, corporations and official bodies for advice or expert opinion. They have inspired generations of politicians, decision-makers and compassionate people to make a difference for animals used in experiments.

Find out more about an organisation that’s passionate about helping businesses to demonstrate that their products are cruelty free, : Cruelty Free International, London, United Kingdom

See : Ecover company, Malle, Belgium

1.7 Vegetarian foods ami dog for dogs and ami cat for cats

- Products for dogs Amì has always the answer for your dog. Amì Dog guarantees nutrition, but also health, beauty and vitality. Also Bone Care snacks are healthy and natural. Viz : Ami Pet food, Italy

- Products for cats Amì is with your cat in every meal. The nourishment is guaranteed by Amì Cat, the food that assures health, beauty and vitality. Viz : Ami Pet food, Italy

- Amì is the first pet food company in the world 100% vegetable. And always will be.
The 100% vegetable World Pet Market Leader
Amì operates in more than 25 countries all over the world. Amì is the proof that it is possible to create and sustain a society respecting nature, human and animals.
We work constantly not only for the company success, but to promote the spread of a sustainable culture and economy.
Equilibrium is our main inspiration, that helps us to focus on our projects and goals.

- The answer is equilibrium.
Together with "health" and "goodness", why not...
Our products respect environment, they are made with recycled materials and raw materials without preservatives or artificial colors.
Amì products follow nature. They provide all nutritional needs and often solve allergies or alimentary intolerance problems helping our friends to have a healthier, longer and dynamic life.
Amì is not only a quality brand but the sign of a concrete, ecological and ethical culture.

See : Ami Pet food, Italy

My note: vegetarian foods for dogs and cats substitute meat for these carnivorous animals to a great extent, nevertheless apparently only it is concerned with partial replacement of meat in their food, otherwise allergic shock and other serious health problems threaten them, cats in contradistinction to dogs must have in vegetarian food ami cat synthetically produced taurine, otherwise absolute blindness threatens them

/ Source in Czech original:

- Produkty pro psy Ami má vždy odpověď pro vašeho psa. Ami Dog garantuje výživu, ale také zdraví, krásu a vitalitu. Také kosti pečovatelské zákusky jsou zdravě a přírodní. Viz : Ami Pet food, Italy

- Produkty pro kočky Ami je s vaší kočkou v každém jídle. Výživa je zaručená Ami Cat, krmivo, které zajišťuje zdraví, krásu a vitalitu. Viz : Ami Pet food, Italy

- Ami je na světě první krmivo pro domácí zvířátka (obchodní) společnost 100% vegetariánská. A vždy bude.
100% vegetariánský světový domácích mázlíčků trhu vůdce
Ami operuje ve víc než 25 zemích po celém světě. Ami je důkaz že je možné vytvořit a udržet společnost respektující přírodu, člověka a zvířata.
My pracujeme stále nejen pro firemní úspěch, ale prosazujeme šíření udržitelné kultury a ekonomiky.
Rovnováha je naše hlavní inspirace, která pomáhá nám zaměřit se na naše projekty a cíle.
- Odpověď je rovnováha.
Společně se "zdravím" a "dobrotou", proč ne...
Naše produkty respektují (životní) prostředí, oni jsou dělané s recyklovanými materiály a surovinami bez konzervačních látek nebo umělých barev. Ami produkty následují přírodu. Oni poskytují všechny nutriční potřeby a často řeší alergie nebo výživové nesnášenlivostní problémy pomáhání našim přátelům mít zdravější, delší a dynamický život.
Ami není jen kvalitní značka, ale znamení konkrétní, ekologické a etické kultury.
Viz : Ami Pet food, Italy

1.8 Vegetarian food yarrah bio

- Yarrah Bio vegetarian/veganic food for dogs is good digestible, tasty food. It does not contain any meat either meat by - products. Vegetarian/veganic ecological food contains all important components in well - balanced quantity for health and active dog's life.  
Yarrah vegetarian/veganic food we do not recommend for pregnant or nursing female dogs. 
Principles of Yarrah: 
No products Yarrah are tested on animals
food does not contain remnants of antibiotics, herbicides either pesticides 
it does not contain chemical additives or dairy products 
it does not contain additives of chemical dyes, flavors or aroma
it does not contain artificial conserving substances
food does not contain genetically modified organisms
100 % biologic, with mark EKO, production and treatment by standards EU (European Union)

See : Yarrah Bio Vegan krmivo pro psy s baobabem a kokosovým olejem, Zooplus AG, Munich, Germany, Pet Food

My note: vegetarian foods for dogs and cats substitute meat for these carnivorous animals to a great extent, nevertheless apparently only it is concerned with partial replacement of meat in their food, otherwise allergic shock and other serious health problems threaten them


